Strand, London, WC2A 2LL |
B e f o r e :
The King (on the application of Carly Jayne Willott) |
Claimant |
- and - |
Eastbourne Borough Council |
Defendant |
Clare Cullen (instructed by Knights PLC) for the Defendant
Hearing dates: 21 and 24 February 2023
Crown Copyright ©
Mrs Justice Ellenbogen DBE :
4.1 [The Claimant] is a 29 year old lady who is subject to a housing possession order and also in July 2019 her children were taken into care. Allegations have been made about her behaviour with neighbours and other antisocial behaviours. She has a history of disruptive behaviour going back to her childhood.
4.2 She has been diagnosed as having Adult ADHD and an autistic spectrum condition with which I concur.
4.3 Other diagnoses include Mixed Anxiety and Depressive Disorder (ICD-10 Code F41.2) and also Mild Alcohol Dependence (ICD-10 F10.2).
4.4 Her prognosis is somewhat guarded as Adult ADHD is a chronic condition. From the SWIFT reports and parallel case of child and family proceedings it has been assessed as severe, chronic and enduring.
4.5 With regard to alcohol, she has engaged with STAR in the last month and she does need to minimise her alcohol intake and also not use alcohol to cope with anxiety and some symptoms of autism. She needs to learn this. She has been offered rehabilitation but is yet to take this up. Until this is the case her prognosis will remain guarded.
4.6 With regard to mixed anxiety and depression, I believe that once she has managed to get on top of her alcohol difficulties and get through the childcare proceedings and her housing issues sorted out then it is likely her mood will improve.
4.7 She appears to have had difficulties with autism and ADHD for most of her life. Anxiety and depressive symptoms have occurred more recently with the difficulties she has been having and alcohol again is relatively recent in the last few years.
4.8 I believe she is disabled within the meaning of the Equality Act 2010. This relates to her ADHD and autistic spectrum condition because her difficulties have been present for more than a year and they are of a severe nature. They are also enduring.
4.9 There is treatment that could be suggested from a psychological perspective to assist her once she has managed to minimise her alcohol intake and she could benefit from a course of CBT looking at self-esteem and some of her emotional control issues; perhaps 6 to 12 sessions of treatment would be my initial recommendation and then further sessions as required.
Professor Fox did not (and had not been asked to) address whether the conduct of which complaint had been made, and which had led to the possession proceedings, had arisen in consequence of the disabilities which he had identified.
The decision under challenge
a. (at pages 8 to 9):
'Other applicants, who do not qualify to join the register
d) Applicants whose anti-social behaviour (ASB) is serious enough to make them unsuitable to be a tenant ("the ASB policy")'
b. (at page 10):
'Who is not eligible to join the housing register? Applicants whose antisocial behaviour is serious enough to make them unsuitable to be a tenant do not qualify
Where the Council is satisfied that the Applicant (or a member of their household) is guilty of unacceptable behaviour serious enough to make them unsuitable to be a tenant of the Council, the Applicant does not qualify.
Behaviour which can be regarded as unacceptable for these purposes includes behaviour by the Applicant or by a member of their household that would – if the Applicant had been a Council tenant at the time – have entitled the Council to a possession order under certain grounds contained in the Housing Act 1985.
It also includes behaviour which has led to a closure order or a civil injunction against the Applicant or a member of their household under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.
There is no need for the Applicant to have actually been a Council tenant when the acceptable behaviour occurred. The test is whether the behaviour would have entitled the Council to a possession order if, whether actually or notionally, the Applicant had been a secure tenant.
If an Applicant considers their unacceptable behaviour should no longer be held against them as a result of changed circumstances, they can make a fresh application. Unless there has been a considerable lapse of time it will be for the Applicant to show that their circumstances or behaviour have changed. Each case will be considered on its own merits.'
c. (at pages 29 to 30):
Some applicants are excluded from joining the register because they do not qualify as a result of unacceptable behaviour.
However, even where it is decided that an Applicant does qualify, any history of anti-social behaviour of the Applicant (or member of their household), which affects their suitability to be a tenant, may still be taken into account when allocating a home that is "subject to a sensitive letting" under a Local Lettings Scheme as described below.
Any Applicant affected by the decision that their history of antisocial behaviour may be taken into account when allocating a home that is "subject to a sensitive letting" will be notified in writing, with reasons, by the Homes First Team.
Any home that is "subject to a sensitive letting" will be identified as such when it is advertised.
Whilst any Applicant may bid for homes that are "subject to a sensitive letting", the Homes First Team will consider bids from those with a history of anti-social behaviour on a case-by-case basis as to whether the Applicant is suitable to be allocated the home they have bid for.
The Council reserves the right to take full account of the needs of the local community, as well as the Applicant's when deciding to make an allocation of accommodation to the Applicant. In very exceptional cases, this right may extend to not allocating a particular home to an applicant, even where the home has not been advertised as being "subject to a sensitive letting". In such cases, the Homes First Team will seek the authority of a Head of Homes First.'
a. He was satisfied, on balance, and for the reasons given, that the policy was lawful on public law grounds. Page 10 stated that each case would be considered on its own merits, and the policy also allowed an applicant to make a fresh application if s/he considered that the unacceptable behaviour should no longer be held against him or her as a result of changed circumstances. Pages 29 to 30 made clear that not all applicants who displayed unacceptable behaviour would be excluded from the housing register. In cases in which an applicant who had a history of antisocial behaviour had been allowed to join the register, this might be taken into account in allocating a home which was "subject to a sensitive letting". That demonstrated that the policy was not a blanket or inflexible one, but designed flexibly to meet the needs of a range of people, including those having protected characteristics under the EqA. In practice, it was said, the policy was operated flexibly, and, in the past year, only one other applicant had been disqualified. There had been numerous applicants, including those having protected characteristics, who had had a history of antisocial behaviour and who had been allowed to qualify for the housing register. Disqualification on this ground was only used in extremis. The Defendant had a duty to protect existing tenants and other residents from the impact of serious antisocial behaviour and the provision invoked allowed it to do so. Accommodating a person having a history of serious antisocial behaviour near other tenants would mean that the Defendant would not adequately be protecting its existing tenants and other residents. The guidance for local authorities on the allocation of accommodation provided, at paragraph 3.27:
'Housing authorities should avoid setting criteria which disqualify groups of people whose members are likely to be accorded reasonable preference for social housing, for example on medical or welfare grounds. However, authorities may wish to adopt criteria which would disqualify individuals who satisfy the reasonable preference requirements. This could be the case, for example, if applicants are disqualified on a ground of anti-social behaviour.'
It followed that the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities had concluded that such a policy was, in general terms, lawful. The anti-social behaviour disqualification provision in the allocation policy was discretionary, and allowed the Defendant to consider each case on its merits, including by reference to an applicant's disabilities, or other protected characteristics. It enabled the Defendant to disqualify, in extremis, those applicants whose behaviour made them unsuitable to be council tenants. In the past year, only the Claimant and one other applicant had been disqualified from joining the register under the ASB policy.
b. The policy was not indirectly discriminatory, contrary to section 19 of the EqA. The discretion within the policy meant that it was not necessarily applied to all applicants with a history of serious antisocial behaviour, and each case was considered on its merits, allowing the Defendant to take into account any protected characteristic when deciding whether to disqualify. An equality and fairness analysis of the policy had been carried out in August 2017, which had not specifically considered the disabilities which affected the Claimant. Accordingly, he had given consideration to those. It was not accepted that it was "reasonably obvious" that people whose disabilities caused them to behave in an anti-social or difficult manner rendered them more likely to commit unacceptable behaviour serious enough to make them unsuitable to be tenants.
c. In considering whether the PCP placed people with a disability similar to the Claimant's at a particular disadvantage, he had considered the empirical evidence. Professor Fox had considered the Claimant to be disabled within the meaning of the EqA by reference to her ADHD and autistic spectrum condition. He had also noted the Claimant to be on the cusp of alcohol dependency, which was an excluded impairment under Regulation 3 of The Equality Act 2010 (Disability) Regulations 2010. Accepting that there were some studies which suggested that people who had ADHD might be more likely to engage in anti-social behaviour, and might therefore be disadvantaged by the ASB disqualification provision, the question was whether that provision was a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim. The aim of the policy was to ensure that the Defendant and other social housing occupants could live free from the harassment, alarm or distress which result from anti-social behaviour. Dealing with such behaviour was also time-consuming for housing officers, and had an opportunity cost, diverting time and resources from the other activities of managing a housing stock, to the detriment of the majority of tenants. The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities' guidance, 'Help With Anti-social Behaviour For Social Housing Tenants' stated, 'Anti-social behaviour (ASB) in your neighbourhood can make life miserable. It is unacceptable behaviour that comes in many forms – such as noise, abusive behaviour, littering, or illegal drug taking. Registered social housing providers … have a responsibility to prevent antisocial behaviour'. He was satisfied that the policy had a legitimate aim.
d. The policy was rationally connected to the objective, and was no more than necessary to accomplish it. Lesser measures, such as not applying it to persons having a protected characteristic, such as the Claimant, would not meet the legitimate aim, and would mean that other tenants and residents would be subject to anti-social behaviour. The fact that the policy was discretionary was another reason why it was considered to be proportionate.
e. Whilst outside the remit of the review, in the few cases in which applicants were disqualified from the housing register, the more appropriate form of housing was usually supported housing, to which the Claimant had been offered a referral, which she had rejected.
f. The Claimant's solicitors had suggested that a reasonable adjustment would be for the Defendant to allow her to join the allocation scheme on a discretionary basis. To do so would undermine the legitimate aim of the policy, which allowed for the exercise of discretion in appropriate cases, which discretion he had decided not to exercise in the way suggested, because it would not be reasonable to do so in the circumstances. He had taken account of the facts as they stood at the time of the review, including that the Claimant was now homeless within the meaning of Part 7 of the HA 1996, and came within a reasonable preference category in section 166A(3)(a) of that Act. In consequence of numerous acts of anti-social behaviour, the Defendant had been granted an outright possession order. The court had held that, for the purposes of section 15 of the EqA, it was proportionate for such an order to be granted, and, on appeal, it had been held that the Defendant had complied with the public sector equality duty. At the time of the possession proceedings, consideration had been given to moving the Claimant to alternative accommodation, however that had not been considered appropriate as she had engaged in anti-social behaviour when moved to temporary accommodation, and at her sister's address. The issue to which he needed to give serious consideration was whether the Defendant should, particularly having regard to the public sector equality duty, disqualify her from the housing register. Some of the anti-social acts had been committed by her children, dogs, and Mr Walters. Since about June 2020, her children no longer resided with her, and were now with their father. He understood that her dogs were at her parents' accommodation, and that she was temporarily separated from them as she was in the Defendant's interim accommodation, in which dogs were not allowed. She had previously said that she would not part with her dogs, and put them and alcohol ahead of other issues, such as her housing. He was aware that the Claimant was still in contact, and in an off/on relationship, with Mr Walters. It was not in issue that she had the protected characteristic of 'disability', as defined in the EqA. Since the original decision, made in February 2020, there had been no evidence to suggest that the Claimant was now less likely to engage in anti-social behaviour. On or about 15 December 2021, she had been in an altercation with her father, which had led to the Police being called and her being granted bail, with a condition not to return to her parents' address. Recently, there had been another instance involving Mr Walters, which had resulted in injury to both parties. Professor Fox's report had pointed out the guarded prognosis. Other material had assessed the Claimant's adult ADHD as being severe, chronic and enduring. Mr Hall noted the prospect of an improved prognosis were the Claimant to embark upon a detox program and Professor Fox's opinion that there was treatment which could be suggested from a psychological perspective, once the Claimant had managed to minimise her alcohol intake. At present, there was no indication that her behaviour had changed to reduce the likelihood of her engaging in anti-social behaviour. In light of the above, Mr Hall stated that he was upholding the decision to disqualify the Claimant from the housing register on ground (d). Should there be a change in the future, she could make a fresh application in accordance with the policy. The Defendant, and other agencies working with her, could refer her to a detox program, or to supported housing, were she to be willing to engage with a programme.
g. In reaching his conclusions, he had had regard to the public sector equality duty, for which section 149 of the EqA provided. In carrying out the review, he had borne in mind throughout that the Claimant had the protected characteristic of disability; the extent of her disability; and how it affected her behaviour; and how the anti-social behaviour policy affected her as an applicant having a protected characteristic.
h. Were the Claimant to be allowed to join the housing register, the average waiting time for her to be re-housed would be in the region of five years. She would be likely to be affected by the policy relating to allocation of accommodation 'subject to a sensitive letting'. Placing her on the register would not alleviate her current housing situation as a homeless person. In practice, the disadvantage was slight.
i. Having weighed up all the relevant factors, he had decided that the Claimant was not a qualifying person for the housing register, in accordance with rule (d). He was satisfied that it was appropriate for the Defendant to use its discretion in her case, given the extent and duration of her anti-social behaviour; the lack of evidence of a change in her behaviour; and the need to balance that against the need to safeguard other tenants.
a. Her scores indicated that she had possible traits of autistic spectrum condition and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Her accounts of her childhood and, in particular, educational experiences, behaviours, interests and relationships might also be consistent with someone who had traits of both conditions. Her current presentation would further support that, in that she displayed low frustration tolerance; fast, and at times somewhat disjointed, speech; difficulty maintaining concentration; and a tendency to be impulsive. She also presented with high levels of anxiety, expressed as worrying and becoming fixated on things which were said to her, and difficulties meeting new people and accessing amenities, if this involved speaking to people whom she did not know.
b. The assessor would hypothesise that the Claimant struggled on a basic level with social interactions in terms of relationship-building, frustration tolerance, and emotion regulation, which had an impact on her ability to communicate reciprocally with others. Some of that was likely to be due to underlying traits of autism spectrum condition and ADHD, and some of it might be due to coping strategies which she had developed throughout her life in order to cope with her negative experiences within education, relationships, etc.
c. The Claimant had experienced a great deal of negative feedback about her behaviours (even her attempts to be close to her mother were interpreted as her being needy), and was likely to expect negativity from others. She appeared to deal with that by externalising (that is concentrating on the perceived mistakes or inadequacies of others), and by presenting as aggressive, rude or conflictual in order to push others away. (Again, some of that might also be due to her autistic spectrum condition traits, whereby she could be very blunt and lack an ability to take into account the feelings of the other person). It might also be a learned way of relating to others, in which she did not understand how others might perceive that.
d. In summary, the Claimant demonstrated some traits consistent with both autistic spectrum condition, and ADHD, which would be likely to have an impact upon her ability to concentrate, focus, regulate her own emotions, empathise, and communicate reciprocally with those around her. She had also reported negative educational and relational experiences which had decreased her exposure to warm, positive interactions with others, which would have been exacerbated by the traits identified above, but would also have an impact on how those traits might manifest within future relationships and interactions.
e. The assessment had involved a basic screening of autistic spectrum condition and ADHD, which did not constitute a diagnosis, but rather an indication. It did not enable the assessor to comment upon the level and severity of any traits. If the Claimant wished to gain a more in-depth understanding, she could be referred for full diagnostic assessment. Even if she chose not to pursue that, or if a full diagnosis were not given, she did have traits indicative of autistic spectrum condition and ADHD, which were likely to have had an impact, and to continue to have an impact, on her social communication. There followed recommendations as to how professionals interacting with the Claimant might communicate and interact with her to best effect.
f. In summarising the account given by the Claimant, the report stated, '[The Claimant] identified that there had been some issues within her current relationship… but that this was "only when we were drunk". She felt that the majority of concerns had come from the schools… [The Claimant] identified that alcohol had previously been an issue, agreeing that she had a tendency to "do stupid things when I'm pissed". She felt that this was less of an issue now, and also stated that she was rarely under the influence of alcohol when in charge of the children. Between the second and third appointments, there was an incident in which [she] had been arrested by the police due to an altercation with her sister, whilst under the influence of alcohol. She explained to the assessor that this had occurred as Mr Waters had picked the children up as he was supposed to be looking after them, and she had started drinking as she would not be having the children in her care. Mr Waters had then unexpectedly dropped the children at her mother's, where she had gone to collect them and had got into an altercation with her sister over her current partner's infidelity.' That matter was revisited later in the report, in which it was recorded that, 'Regarding her drinking, [the Claimant] reported that she did not feel that she "needed" alcohol, and often went 4 days without it. However, she did report that she likes to go out, when she does not have care of the children, and may drink a lot of alcohol. Between the second and third meetings, [the Claimant] was arrested after an altercation with her sister regarding her current partner, George. [The Claimant] reported that she had been under the influence of alcohol at the time, and due to Mr Waters not having the children as had been expected, the children had been at the house at the time. However, [the Claimant] felt that the circumstances were highly unusual and unexpected, and reiterated that this was not usual. [The Claimant] is currently waiting for a Drug and Alcohol Triage from SWIFT, and so no further information regarding this was asked.'
g. During assessment, the Claimant had self-reported difficulties with concentration, impulsivity, and inattention. In addition, she was observed to be susceptible to some emotional liability, low frustration tolerance and difficulties with concentration. In summary, her results indicated that, compared with other age-matched female peers, she experienced herself as having significant problems in some areas, consistent with ADHD. Those difficulties included inattention/memory problems, with her score in this area very high (... 99th percentile) and impulsivity/emotional lability, again scoring very high (( 99th percentile). Her overall scores for ADHD symptoms suggested that she could meet the threshold for a possible ADHD diagnosis. ADHD was a neuropsychiatric condition which tended to run in families. It comprised difficulties within three core areas: hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention, some combination of which must be considered problematic before the age of 12. Associated features included low frustration tolerance, irritability, poor planning abilities, sensation-seeking/recklessness and mood swings. Whilst symptoms usually improved into adulthood, some difficulties could persist and the presentation might be more subtle as the individual had learned to mask or control difficulties more successfully. By the age of 25, an estimated 15% of people diagnosed with childhood ADHD still had a full range of symptoms, with 65%, still having some symptoms which affected their daily lives.
h. The Claimant's overall score, on an 80-question, self-report scale used to screen (not to diagnose) autistic traits in adults, was 153, significantly above the score of 65 which would give rise to a recommendation for specialist autistic spectrum condition assessment. She had shown higher than expected scores in all categories, with particularly high scores within the domains of language and social relatedness. It was highlighted that the fact that the scale had been completed by a respondent meant that the scores reflected that which the respondent was willing and/or able to identify and disclose.
The Grounds of Review
Ground One
a. The category (d) rule is unlawful as being a blanket policy which is over-rigid and/or a fetter on the local authority's discretion. Further or in the alternative, the rule and the allocations scheme are framed so as to breach the requirement that there be a residual discretion;
Ground Two
b. The category (d) rule is unlawful because it indirectly discriminates against disabled people, contrary to section 19 of the EqA; people with disabilities are disproportionately likely to be excluded from accessing the Defendant's social housing allocations scheme and the Defendant cannot establish that it is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim;
Ground Three
c. In any event, in deciding that the Claimant did not constitute a 'qualifying person' under the allocations scheme, the Defendant had unlawfully failed to adhere to the latter. The decision-maker's conclusion that the category (d) rule was only used 'in extremis' had read words into the policy which did not exist. He had invented a discretion for which the scheme did not itself provide and then determined whether or not to exercise it by reference to arbitrary criteria of his own selection;
Ground Four
d. In deciding that the Claimant did not constitute a 'qualifying person' under the allocations scheme, the Defendant had acted unlawfully, contrary to section 15 of the EqA. The decision amounted to unfavourable treatment, the reason for which had been the Claimant's conduct as a tenant, which a court of competent jurisdiction had already determined to have had sufficient causal connection with her disability (of which the Defendant had been aware), for the purposes of section 15. The Defendant could not show that lesser measures, such as its acceptance of the Claimant onto the scheme; the grant of an introductory tenancy; and/or the taking of appropriate steps to manage any anti-social behaviour would not have sufficed to achieve its aim;
Ground Five
e. In deciding that the Claimant did not constitute a 'qualifying person' under the allocations scheme, the Defendant had acted unlawfully, contrary to sections 20 and 21 of the EqA, because the application of the category (d) rule had constituted a PCP which had put her at a substantial disadvantage when compared with a person who was not disabled; the Defendant had been under a duty to take reasonable steps to avoid that disadvantage; the waiver or disapplication of the rule would have constituted such a step; and the Defendant had failed to take it.
It is said that an alternative way of putting Grounds Four and Five is that, if the Defendant is right to contend that the category (d) rule is discretionary, sections 15, 20 and 21 of the EqA had obliged it to treat the Claimant more favourably and the breach of those sections also constituted a breach of section 149 (and, in particular 149(6)) of the EqA. Instead, the Defendant had applied a rule which it adopted only in extremis and thereby reached a decision which had a particularly harsh effect on the Claimant.
Ground Six
f. The Defendant had acted in breach of section 166A(9) of the HA 1996 and of public law duties in accordance with Lumba (WL) v SSHD [2011] UKSC 12 etc to frame the allocations scheme in such a way as to enable applicants to understand how their applications would be treated. Neither the purported discretion as to whether to apply rule (d), nor the criteria to be applied appeared on the face of the scheme. If it were right that, in practice, the rule was applied only selectively and 'in extremis', it was unlawful for the scheme itself to give the contrary impression, that it would be applied whenever the test was met.
The Grounds of Resistance
Ground One
a. In considering the meaning of an allocation scheme, the courts will adopt an approach permissive of a sensible degree of flexibility when it comes to dealing with individual applications: R (Ariemuguvbe) v Islington BC [2009] EWCA Civ 1308. The application of a blanket or rigid policy is one which prevents an applicant's personal circumstances from being taken into consideration. Rule (d) was not such a policy; the criteria would not be met unless the applicant was unsuitable to be a tenant, itself requiring consideration of his or her personal circumstances, and the rule expressly provided for each case to be considered on its own merits, permitting a fresh application in the event of a change in circumstances. In any event, it was not accepted that, as a matter of law, an allocations scheme was required to contain a residual discretion, notwithstanding which the Defendant's scheme allowed for direct allocation in 'exceptional circumstances'.
Ground Two
b. It was accepted that rule (d) constituted a PCP for the purposes of section 19 of the EqA, and that it applied, or would apply, to applicants who did not have the protected characteristic of disability. The Defendant had consistently raised the need for the Claimant to evidence the fact that subsections 19(2)(a) to (c) (and, in particular, (b)) were met, which she had failed to do. Even if those requirements were considered to be met, it was clear that the category (d) rule was a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim, which included managing the Defendant's housing stock and preventing anti-social behaviour. If a person were to be permitted to join the allocation scheme, and were then to be allocated a property in circumstances in which he or she was unsuitable to be a tenant, the Defendant's legitimate aims would not be met. It would put other residents at a high risk of being subjected to anti-social behaviour and the lesser measures suggested by the Claimant were directed at a particular case, rather than at the PCP itself. In any event, those measures could be taken only after others had been subjected to further anti-social behaviour and could not achieve the legitimate aim of its prevention. They would involve the Defendant's expenditure of its limited resources on addressing the further anti-social behaviour. The proportionality of the PCP was demonstrated by an applicant's ability to reapply in the event of a change of circumstances, and by the Defendant's residual discretion to make a direct allocation in exceptional circumstances.
Ground Three
c. This ground is said to be misconceived and to rely upon an unfair reading of the original decision letter, dated 4 January 2020. Rule (d) could be classified as discretionary, and the decision-maker's use of the term 'in extremis' had referred to the fact that the rule applied only where an applicant was deemed 'unsuitable to be a tenant'.
Ground Four
d. The court was not bound by the findings made in the possession claim. In any event, the judge who had determined that claim had considered some of the Claimant's conduct to have been caused by her use of alcohol. Further, disqualifying the Claimant from joining the allocation scheme was a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim (see above) which could not be met by lesser measures, including those identified by the Claimant.
Ground Five
e. Section 29 of, and Schedule 2 to, the EqA set out the way in which the duty to make reasonable adjustments applied to service providers and (per paragraph 2(2) of Schedule 2) related to disabled persons in general. Acknowledging that the category (d) rule constituted a PCP, it was for the Claimant to provide evidence that the conditions for which section 20 of the EqA provided had been met. She had failed to identify the reasonable adjustments which she contended ought to be made in respect of the relevant group of disabled persons, contending, simply, that the Defendant ought to have waived or disapplied the rule in her case. Even that would not have constituted a reasonable adjustment, given that she had continued to engage in anti-social behaviour at other properties up to the date of the review decision.
Ground Six
f. The Defendant had not acted in breach of section 166A(9) of the HA 1996. The scheme had been framed in a way which enabled applicants to understand how an application would be treated.
The evidence
20. The Claimant further relied upon part of a report of the Disability Rights Commission ('the DRC Report'), entitled 'Disabled people's experiences of anti-social behaviour and harassment in social housing: a critical review', dated August 2007. At that time, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 was in force. Within that report, the authors stated their view that, 'Whilst our findings are not conclusive, they do point to evidence that the subjects of antisocial behaviour interventions often have mental health problems, learning difficulties, and neurological disorders.' In chapter 5 of their report, the authors noted the lack of data available at national level, with the consequence that it was impossible to estimate the percentage of anti-social behaviour interventions issued to disabled people and to assess evidence of disproportionality. 'anecdotal evidence, particularly in relation to ASBOs suggests, however, that people with particular impairments are disproportionately more likely to be recipients of measures designed to tackle anti-social behaviour. ASBOwatch, ASBO concern, BIBIC and NAPO have monitored the use of ASBOs, and have documented instances in which the granting of an ASBO appears to be a disproportionate and inappropriate response to problem behaviour. NP (2005) has collected a number of cases studies which point to a potential misuse of ASBOs, 13 of which related to cases involving children and young people with neurological disorders, including ADHD, Asperger syndrome (AS) and autism…. As the figures above indicate, ADHD appears to be particularly prevalent among the young people issued with ASBOs with 58 out of the 137 (42%), as cases reportedly involving a child with the condition.' Later in the report, under the heading 'Disabled people's experiences of being subject to anti-social behaviour interventions', an account was given of certain work undertaken in 2003 and 2005, which had sought to elicit families' feelings regarding their experience of the acceptable behaviour contract ('ABC') process. The research had involved 13 young people from 10 families, nine of which lived in social rented housing. The young people in question had been placed on a contract for a range of anti-social behaviour. During interviews, research participants had been given the opportunity to raise issues which had most concerned them regarding their experiences and feelings. Mental health problems were said to have dominated their accounts and the authors professed to having been 'continually disturbed' by the number of young people who had been subject to ABCs and had mental health problems and learning difficulties. Over half of those who were subject to contracts had had relatively serious mental health, or personality disorder, problems and related learning difficulties, for which some had received psychological/psychiatric support. Officially diagnosed ADHD for which children were receiving psychological and medical support had emerged as a central health issue. The report also referred to research reviewed over a period spanning 1997 to 2005, which had pointed to a strong and robust link between ADHD, associated personality factors, such as restlessness, impulsive behaviour, and difficulty maintaining concentration, daring, clumsiness and anti-social behaviour in childhood and adolescence, which tended to persist into adulthood. That said, it was said to be not yet clear whether anti-social behaviour was a true risk effect of ADHD, or whether the association of ADHD with later anti-social behaviour arose because of some other associated factor. Certain authors had noted that anti-social behaviour in children having ADHD was linked with genetic factors, family adversity, and peer rejection, suggesting that, despite the increased risk of anti-social outcomes in those having ADHD, relatively little was known about the factors which contributed to, mediated, and moderated the link between the two.
The parties' submissions
For the Claimant
The point of construction
Ground One
Ground Two
Ground Three
Ground Four
Ground Five
Ground Six
For the Defendant
The point of construction
Ground One
a. In Holley, the Court of Appeal had considered that it did not need to decide the issue [27];
b. In Ahmad and in R (YA), the need for an allocation scheme to contain some form of residual discretion, were it not to be unlawful, had not been in issue;
c. In R (Yazar), the local authority had made a concession regarding a letter which had purported to set out another policy (not an allocations policy), rather than the policy itself.
None of those cases was binding, or directly on point, she submitted. They provided limited support for the Claimant's position, but did not address directly whether an allocations policy under Part 6 of the 1996 Act would be unlawful in the absence of a residual discretion.
d. R (Conway) had concerned an applicant who had sought a transfer outside Part VI allocation, although the same policy had been adopted, and the distinction had been drawn between cases falling within Part VI and those in which there was a discretion to transfer out, which were subject to standard public law principles.
e. Hussein had concerned a provision no longer to be found in the statute which had conferred a discretion to remove people from the housing register, rather than the allocations policy itself. At that time, the two had been separate. The applicable principles did not carry across, because Part VI mandated the need for a policy; its required content; and the obligation to allocate in accordance with its terms.
f. Gillespie had predated the 1996 Act. Under the Housing Act 1957, there had been no requirement for an allocations policy, but it had been necessary to give reasonable preference to particular groups. That Act had not been structured in the same way as Part VI of the 1996 Act.
Ground Two
Ground Three
Ground Four
Ground Five
Ground Six
For the Claimant in reply
Discussion and conclusions
The HA 1996
160ZA Allocation only to eligible and qualifying persons in England
(1) A local housing authority in England shall not allocate housing accommodation—
(a) to a person from abroad who is ineligible for an allocation of housing accommodation by virtue of subsection (2) or (4), or
(b) to two or more persons jointly if any of them is a person mentioned in paragraph (a).
(2) …
(3) …
(4) …
(5) …
(6) Except as provided by subsection (1), a person may be allocated housing accommodation by a local housing authority in England (whether on his application or otherwise) if that person—
(a) is a qualifying person within the meaning of subsection (7), or
(b) is one of two or more persons who apply for accommodation jointly, and one or more of the other persons is a qualifying person within the meaning of subsection (7).
(7) Subject to subsections (2) and (4) and any regulations under subsection (8), a local housing authority may decide what classes of persons are, or are not, qualifying persons.
(8) The Secretary of State may by regulations—
(a) prescribe classes of persons who are, or are not, to be treated as qualifying persons by local housing authorities in England, and
(b) prescribe criteria that may not be used by local housing authorities in England in deciding what classes of persons are not qualifying persons.
(9) If a local housing authority in England decide that an applicant for housing accommodation—
(a) is ineligible for an allocation by them by virtue of subsection (2) or (4), or
(b) is not a qualifying person,
they shall notify the applicant of their decision and the grounds for it.
(10) …
(11) A person who is not being treated as a qualifying person may (if he considers that he should be treated as a qualifying person) make a fresh application to the authority for an allocation of housing accommodation by them.
160A Allocation only to eligible persons: Wales
(1) A local housing authority in Wales shall not allocate housing accommodation—
(a) …;
(b) to a person who the authority have decided is to be treated as ineligible for such an allocation by virtue of subsection (7); or
(c) to two or more persons jointly if any of them is a person mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b).
(2) Except as provided by subsection (1), any person may be allocated housing accommodation by a local housing authority in Wales (whether on his application or otherwise).
(3) …
(4) …
(5) …
(6) …
(7) A local housing authority in Wales may decide that an applicant is to be treated as ineligible for an allocation of housing accommodation by them if they are satisfied that—
(a) he, or a member of his household, has been guilty of unacceptable behaviour serious enough to make him unsuitable to be a tenant of the authority; and
(b) in the circumstances at the time his application is considered, he is unsuitable to be a tenant of the authority by reason of that behaviour.
(8) The only behaviour which may be regarded by the authority as unacceptable for the purposes of subsection (7)(a) is behaviour of the person concerned which would (if that person were a contract-holder of the authority) breach section 55 of the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 (anti-social behaviour and other prohibited conduct).
(9) If a local housing authority in Wales decide that an applicant for housing accommodation—
(a) is ineligible for an allocation by them by virtue of subsection (3) or (5); or
(b) is to be treated as ineligible for such an allocation by virtue of subsection (7),
they shall notify the applicant of their decision and the grounds for it.
(11) A person who is being treated by a local housing authority in Wales as ineligible by virtue of subsection (7) may (if he considers that he should no longer be treated as ineligible by the authority in Wales) make a fresh application to the authority in Wales for an allocation of housing accommodation by them.
(7) A local housing authority may decide that an applicant is to be treated as ineligible for an allocation of housing accommodation by them, if they are satisfied that –
(a) he, or a member of his household, has been guilty of unacceptable behaviour, serious enough to make him unsuitable to be a tenant of the authority; and
(b) in the circumstances at the time his application is considered, he is unsuitable to be a tenant of authority by reason of that behaviour.
(8) The only behaviour which may be regarded by the authority as unacceptable for the purposes of subsection (7)(a) is –
(a) behaviour of the person concerned which would (if he were a secure tenant of the authority) entitle the authority to a possession order under section 84 of the Housing Act 1985 (c. 68) on any ground mentioned in Part 1 of Schedule 2 to that Act (other than ground 8); or
(b) behaviour of a member of his household which would (if he were a person residing with a secure tenant of the authority) entitle the authority to such a possession order.
84 Grounds and orders for possession.
(1) The court shall not make an order for the possession of a dwelling-house let under a secure tenancy except on one or more of the grounds set out in Schedule 2 or in accordance with section 84A (absolute ground for possession for anti-social behaviour) or section 107D (recovery of possession on expiry of flexible tenancy).
(2) The court shall not make an order for possession—
(a) on the grounds set out in Part I of Schedule 2 (grounds 1 to 8), unless it considers it reasonable to make the order,
(b) …,
(c) ….
(3) ….
(4) …
84A Absolute ground for possession for anti-social behaviour
(1) If the court is satisfied that any of the following conditions is met, it must make an order for the possession of a dwelling-house let under a secure tenancy.
This is subject to subsection (2) (and to any available defence based on the tenant's Convention rights, within the meaning of the Human Rights Act 1998).
(2) Subsection (1) applies only where the landlord has complied with any obligations it has under section 85ZA (review of decision to seek possession).
(3) Condition 1 is that—
(a) the tenant, or a person residing in or visiting the dwelling-house, has been convicted of a serious offence, and
(b) the serious offence—
(i) was committed (wholly or partly) in, or in the locality of, the dwelling-house,
(ii) was committed elsewhere against a person with a right (of whatever description) to reside in, or occupy housing accommodation in the locality of, the dwelling-house, or
(iii) was committed elsewhere against the landlord of the dwelling-house, or a person employed (whether or not by the landlord) in connection with the exercise of the landlord's housing management functions, and directly or indirectly related to or affected those functions.
(4) Condition 2 is that a court has found in relevant proceedings that the tenant, or a person residing in or visiting the dwelling-house, has breached a provision of an injunction under section 1 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, other than a provision requiring a person to participate in a particular activity, and—
(a) the breach occurred in, or in the locality of, the dwelling-house, or
(b) the breach occurred elsewhere and the provision breached was a provision intended to prevent—
(i) conduct that is capable of causing nuisance or annoyance to a person with a right (of whatever description) to reside in, or occupy housing accommodation in the locality of, the dwelling-house, or
(ii) conduct that is capable of causing nuisance or annoyance to the landlord of the dwelling-house, or a person employed (whether or not by the landlord) in connection with the exercise of the landlord's housing management functions, and that is directly or indirectly related to or affects those functions.
(5) Condition 3 is that the tenant, or a person residing in or visiting the dwelling-house, has been convicted of an offence under section 30 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 or section 339 of the Sentencing Code consisting of a breach of a provision of a criminal behaviour order prohibiting a person from doing anything described in the order, and the offence involved—
(a) a breach that occurred in, or in the locality of, the dwelling-house, or
(b) a breach that occurred elsewhere of a provision intended to prevent—
(i) behaviour that causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to a person with a right (of whatever description) to reside in, or occupy housing accommodation in the locality of, the dwelling-house, or
(ii) behaviour that causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to the landlord of the dwelling-house, or a person employed (whether or not by the landlord) in connection with the exercise of the landlord's housing management functions, and that is directly or indirectly related to or affects those functions.
(6) Condition 4 is that—
(a) the dwelling-house is or has been subject to a closure order under section 80 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, and
(b) access to the dwelling-house has been prohibited (under the closure order or under a closure notice issued under section 76 of that Act) for a continuous period of more than 48 hours.
(7) Condition 5 is that—
(a) the tenant, or a person residing in or visiting the dwelling-house, has been convicted of an offence under—
(i) section 80(4) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (breach of abatement notice in relation to statutory nuisance), or
(ii) section 82(8) of that Act (breach of court order to abate statutory nuisance etc.), and
(b) the nuisance concerned was noise emitted from the dwelling-house which was a statutory nuisance for the purposes of Part 3 of that Act by virtue of section 79(1)(g) of that Act (noise emitted from premises so as to be prejudicial to health or a nuisance).
(8) Condition 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 is not met if—
(a) there is an appeal against the conviction, finding or order concerned which has not been finally determined, abandoned or withdrawn, or
(b) the final determination of the appeal results in the conviction, finding or order being overturned.
(9) In this section—
- " relevant proceedings" means proceedings for contempt of court or proceedings under Schedule 2 to the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014;
- " serious offence " means an offence which—
- was committed on or after the day on which subsection (3) comes into force,
- is specified, or falls within a description specified, in Schedule 2A at the time the offence was committed and at the time the court is considering the matter, and
- is not an offence that is triable only summarily by virtue of section 22 of the Magistrates' Courts Act 1980 (either-way offences where value involved is small).
(10) The Secretary of State may by order amend Schedule 2A as it applies in relation to dwelling-houses in England by—
(a) adding an indictable offence;
(b) removing an offence.
(11) . . . . . . . . . . .
(12) An order under subsection (10) ...—
(a) is to be made by statutory instrument;
(b) may make different provision for different purposes;
(c) may include incidental, supplementary, consequential, transitional or saving provision.
(13) A statutory instrument containing an order under subsection (10) ... may not be made unless a draft of the instrument has been laid before and approved by a resolution of—
(a) each House of Parliament (in the case of an order of the Secretary of State)...
(b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Schedule 2
Part I Grounds on which Court may Order Possession if it Considers it Reasonable
Ground 1
Rent lawfully due from the tenant has not been paid or an obligation of the tenancy has been broken or not performed.
Ground 2
The tenant or a person residing in or visiting the dwelling-house—
(a) has been guilty of conduct causing or likely to cause a nuisance or annoyance to a person residing, visiting or otherwise engaging in a lawful activity in the locality,
(aa) has been guilty of conduct causing or likely to cause a nuisance or annoyance to the landlord of the dwelling-house, or a person employed (whether or not by the landlord) in connection with the exercise of the landlord's housing management functions, and that is directly or indirectly related to or affects those functions, or
(b) has been convicted of—
(i) using the dwelling-house or allowing it to be used for immoral or illegal purposes, or
(ii) an indictable offence committed in, or in the locality of, the dwelling-house.
Ground 2ZA
The tenant or an adult residing in the dwelling-house has been convicted of an indictable offence which took place during, and at the scene of, a riot in the United Kingdom.
- " adult " means a person aged 18 or over;
- " indictable offence " does not include an offence that is triable only summarily by virtue of section 22 of the Magistrates' Courts Act 1980 (either way offences where value involved is small);
- " riot " is to be construed in accordance with section 1 of the Public Order Act 1986.
This Ground applies only in relation to dwelling-houses in England.
The Defendant's allocation policy and the point of construction
a. The reference in rule (d) to the HA 1985 and to the entitlement to a possession order thereunder is suggestive of the need for the reasonableness of such an order to be considered, in accordance with sections 84(1) and (2) of that Act. That is underlined by the wording of the fourth paragraph of rule (d), whereby the focus is, once again, on whether the relevant unacceptable behaviour would have entitled the council to an order for possession. Under section 84(2)(a), there can be no entitlement to an order on the grounds set out in Part 1 of Schedule 2, unless the court considers it reasonable to make one. As Ms Cullen submitted, and Mr Bano did not demur, depending on the facts an applicant's mental health and any disability would be factors, amongst others, of potential relevance to that issue.
b. Mr Bano's objection that a judge determining whether to make a possession order would be addressing a question fundamentally different from whether an applicant should be rehoused lacks force; the test for which rule (d) provides is framed by reference to the Defendant's entitlement to an order for possession and there is no irrationality challenge to that test.
c. Nor do I accept that, even on the Claimant's construction of rule (d), the question for the Defendant under the scheme is one of simple fact. As the heading and first paragraph of rule (d) make clear, an applicant will not qualify if s/he, or a member of his or her household, is 'guilty of unacceptable behaviour serious enough to make them unsuitable to be a tenant of the Council'. Whether framed in that way, or as set out in the fourth paragraph of the rule, the rule requires evaluation of, at least, (1) the nature of the relevant behaviour; and (2) whether it is sufficiently serious to render the applicant unsuitable to be a tenant of the Defendant council. That is very different from the assessment of eligibility required by, for example, rule (a) in the same section of the policy: 'Applicants without a local connection to the Eastbourne borough' (the definition of 'local connection' being set out later in the policy). I do not accept that the fact that a possession order has already been made on the basis of anti-social behaviour at the time at which an application is being considered would inevitably mean that the rule (d) test was satisfied. Whilst, in such cases, the evaluative exercise is unlikely to prove taxing, I note that paragraph 2.33 of the Welsh code of guidance provides (with emphasis added), 'Authorities will need to satisfy themselves that there has been unacceptable behaviour which falls within the definition of s160A(8) of the 1996 Act. If a court has already made a possession order on one of the discretionary grounds, or on the absolute ground, then an authority may accept that as evidence of unacceptable behaviour, and proceed to paragraphs (ii) and (iii) below', indicating that the fact of a possession order made on one of the specified grounds does not oblige the council to conclude that there has been the requisite unacceptable behaviour, though would permit it to do so. The wording of the second paragraph of rule (d), on its face, admits of the same approach. There is nothing inherently illogical about that position, which recognises that the evaluation both of the character of the behaviour in question, and of whether it renders the applicant unsuitable to be a tenant of the Defendant, is a matter for the Defendant, rather than for the court. It is itself indicative of the entitlement conferred by rule (d) to take account of the Applicant's personal circumstances, including as they exist at the time at which the application is being considered, which, inevitably on this hypothesis, would post-date the order for possession.
d. The construction which I have found to be correct is also that which best accords with the fifth paragraph of the policy rule. Although, as the Defendant acknowledged, that paragraph is forward-looking, in relating to a fresh application, it states (with emphasis now added) that, 'Unless there has been a considerable lapse of time it will be for the Applicant to show that their circumstances or behaviour have changed…' As any fresh application would itself be considered having regard to the test in rule (d), it would follow that account may be taken of an applicant's personal circumstances when determining whether that test is met, yet, on the Claimant's construction of the rule, the sole focus would be on the character of the behaviour itself.
e. Thus, inherent in rule (d) is the decision-maker's need to have regard to all factors to which a court would have regard when determining whether it would be reasonable to grant a possession order under the HA 1985. Once the 'test' is found to have been met, there is no residual discretion as to its consequence, but all of the factors to which the Claimant submits that a residual discretion should enable the Defendant to have regard will have been considered in order to determine that the relevant behaviour would have entitled the Defendant to a possession order. In short, a discretion as to an applicant's eligibility to join the housing register is built into the framework of the test.
f. Such a construction is also more favourable to an applicant than is that for which the Claimant contends, and allows for 'a sensible degree of flexibility when it comes to dealing with individual cases' (R (Flores) [40], citing R (Ariemuguvbe) [31]). In such circumstances, unless the language of the policy compelled me to do so, it would not be appropriate to adopt the narrower construction.
Ground One
a. There is limited material to be mined from Holley, in relation to the first issue raised by ground one. At [27], Briggs LJ (as he then was) disagreed with the respondent's primary submission that the effect of R (Ahmad) had been to do away with any requirement for the inclusion of a residual discretion within a housing allocation scheme. He observed that the allocation scheme under review in Ahmad plainly had contained provision for the exercise of a residual discretion, but that the challenge had been based on irrationality, rather than on the unlawful fettering of discretion, and that, as such, the case did not provide a short answer to the latter question, albeit requiring the court to think long and hard before finding that an allocations policy was unlawful. In the event, it was held that whether the allocation policy in Holley conferred a sufficiently general residual discretion depended upon a deeper analysis of the relevant authorities than had been undertaken during the hearing of that appeal, but that the question did not need to be decided in that case.
b. As characterised in Holley, the challenge in Ahmad was advanced on the ground of irrationality, not in issue here. Nevertheless, at [62], Lord Neuberger held:
'This point also highlights how inapt it is for the courts to interfere with housing allocation schemes, save in clear and exceptional circumstances. This follows from the striking imbalance between supply and demand for housing, the very large number of families with an urgent need to be housed under Part VI of the 1996 Act, and the almost infinite number of different permutations of circumstances giving rise to the urgency. Knowledge of the circumstances of applicants generally, long-term strategy considerations, expertise, political and social awareness, and local knowledge all have a part to play when it comes to formulating and implementing a housing allocation scheme. With information essentially consisting of the scheme itself, the circumstances of the particular applicant and a few statistics (of questionable mutual consistency), the court should be very slow indeed to second-guess [the local authority].'
c. In R (YA) [89] Peter Marquand, sitting as a Deputy Judge of the High Court, observed, as a fact, that the existence of a discretion in that case allowed consideration of special circumstances and avoided a blanket application of the relevant section of the allocations policy. He did so in the course of considering whether the discrimination which he had found had been justified and did not address whether such a requirement was imposed, as a matter of law.
d. In R (Yazar), Simon J characterised the root of the challenge to the defendant's housing allocation scheme as being that it was obliged to have a fair, transparent and rational policy for assessing housing need and allocations and that it did not have such a scheme [5]. At [47], he held that, 'It is rightly conceded that the [decision letter] disclosed the application of a policy which was plainly flawed, since it implied a fetter on discretion and the application of uncertain criteria', but, no doubt in light of that concession, undertook no analysis of the legal basis for it.
e. In R (Conway), the challenge was to a housing allocations policy which declared ineligible for entry on the housing register, 'Any person under sixty years of age or their partner who is a tenant of a Local Authority or Registered Social Landlord.' The policy did not concern an allocation within Part VI of the HA 1996. Wilson J held:
20. In R v Canterbury City Council ex p. Gillespie (1986) 19 HLR 7 the claimant, who was the joint tenant with her ex-cohabitant of accommodation owned by Thanet District Council which she had vacated but in which he and a child remained living, applied to the defendants for entry on their housing register. They told her that their policy was not to accept an application from an existing tenant of another local authority. Thereupon she tried to relinquish her tenancy but Thanet District Council refused to allow her to do so because of arrears of rent. In due course the defendants allowed her to be entered on the register but recast their policy so as, subject to two immaterial exceptions, to preclude the allocation of accommodation to anyone on the register who was a tenant of another local authority. The defendants' resolution, in accordance with that policy, not to give further consideration to the claimant's application was quashed. At 15 Simon Brown J, as he then was, said:
"In my judgment, this challenge succeeds not essentially because the policy is intrinsically irrational, but rather because it constitutes a rule which requires to be followed slavishly rather than merely a stated general approach which is always subject to an exceptional case and which permits each application to be individually considered.
Counsel for the applicant recognises that a public authority such as this respondent council is well entitled to adopt a general policy as to how it will exercise its statutory powers and discharge its statutory duties ...
[He] recognises that the council could have worded the policy here in language which would have been proof against successful legal challenge provided only and always that it admitted of the possibility of there being exceptional cases and provided that it was not applied in such a way as to preclude the authority from the need to examine each individual application.
As I have indicated, however, those provisos were not here satisfied."
21. …
22. I am clear that it would be unlawful for the defendants to apply their new policy in such a way as to preclude their acceptance of an application which fell foul of it but of which the circumstances were exceptional. But does that mean that I should declare the policy itself to be unlawful? It seems to me that there are two possibilities. Either I could say that the absence from the terminology of the new policy of any proviso for exceptional circumstances makes the policy unlawful. Or I could say that the policy is lawful, provided that the defendants never forget that indeed it is but policy which, of its nature, must never be so applied as to preclude acceptance in exceptional circumstances of an application which falls foul of it. I prefer to say the latter.'
f. The circumstances giving rise to Gillespie appear from the passage cited immediately above. The relevant powers and duties in that case derived from the Housing Act 1957. Simon Brown J characterised the challenged raised thus:
'The essential basis upon which the applicant challenges the respondent's continuous stance, as manifested in their various decision letters to which I have referred, throughout the long period of this dispute, is that the respondents have fettered their discretion by adopting and implementing a fixed policy which precludes their giving proper individual consideration to such cases as fall within that policy. Putting it slightly differently, the complaint is that the adoption of the policy operates as a rule and precludes the authority taking into consideration all the relevant matters upon any individual application.'
g. In Hussain, Turner J held that the absence of a discretion to disapply a particular rule in a housing allocations policy devised in connection with Part VI of the 1996 Act, which had related to removal of the applicant from the housing register (by way of two-year suspension), constituted an unreasonable fetter on the discretion of the local authority, though he did not identify or address the legal basis upon which he had concluded that a discretion was required.
h. In addition to the cases arising in the housing allocations context, summarised above, the Claimant relies upon the dicta of Singh LJ in R (Adath Yisroel Burial Society) [77] to [78] (emphasis added):
'Issue 1: Fettering of discretion
77. It is a well-established principle of public law that a policy should not be so rigid as to amount to a fetter on the discretion of decision-makers.
78. The principle was stated in the following way by Lord Browne-Wilkinson in R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, Ex p Venables [1998] AC 407, 496–497:
"When Parliament confers a discretionary power exercisable from time to time over a period, such power must be exercised on each occasion in the light of the circumstances at that time. In consequence, the person on whom the power is conferred cannot fetter the future exercise of his discretion by committing himself now as to the way in which he will exercise his power in the future. He cannot exercise the power nunc pro tunc. By the same token, the person on whom the power has been conferred cannot fetter the way he will use that power by ruling out of consideration on the future exercise of that power factors which may then be relevant to such exercise.
"These considerations do not preclude the person on whom the power is conferred from developing and applying a policy as to the approach which he will adopt in the generality of cases: see R v Port of London Authority, Ex p Kynoch Ltd [1919] 1 KB 176; British Oxygen Co Ltd v Board of Trade [1971] AC 610 . But the position is different if the policy adopted is such as to preclude the person on whom the power is conferred from departing from the policy or from taking into account circumstances which are relevant to the particular case in relation to which the discretion is being exercised. If such an inflexible and invariable policy is adopted, both the policy and the decisions taken pursuant to it will be unlawful …'
It is convenient to observe here that the construction of rule (d) which I have found to be correct would not rule out of consideration factors which may be relevant to its exercise. I shall return to consider R (Adath Yisroel Burial Society) having considered Hillsden, below.
i. Acknowledging the principles set out in Gillespie and Conway in particular, Ms Cullen relied upon an obiter dictum of Lewison LJ in R(Z) [84]:
'The last argument asserted that [the] policy was a blanket policy, and that the Divisional Court were wrong to hold otherwise. It was not clear to me where acceptance of this argument would lead. In answer to a question from Sir Stephen Richards, Mr Wise accepted that, even if the policy were a blanket one, that would not necessarily invalidate it…'
R(Z) concerned the practice of a housing association, which had been invested with the final decision as to whether a property would be allocated to a particular applicant, of allocating social housing only to members of the Orthodox Jewish community. Absent identification of the question posed by the court in the passage cited above, it is difficult to draw any meaningful conclusion from the above comment, made in the course of the court's consideration of the relevant policy's aim and its legitimacy, but Ms Cullen further relied upon the judgment of Lord Sales JSC, in the Supreme Court [2020] UKSC 40 [77] (emphasis my own):
'…Lewison LJ rightly rejected (at paras 84-85) a further criticism made by Mr Wise, that the Divisional Court was wrong to dismiss his argument that AIHA's allocation policy was an illegitimate "blanket policy". There is some flexibility in the policy as it is formulated, in that it allows for AIHA to allocate properties to non-members of the Orthodox Jewish community if AIHA has properties surplus to the demand from that community. However, in circumstances in which demand from that community far exceeds supply, allocation to non-members is not a realistic prospect in the foreseeable future. As Lewison LJ pointed out, the market circumstances are such that AIHA's allocation policy (in combination with the limited number of properties AIHA owns) does not achieve the aim of meeting the needs of the Orthodox Jewish community in Hackney, but only goes some way towards achieving that aim. There are still many Orthodox Jews in Hackney whom AIHA cannot accommodate and who still suffer the disadvantages associated with the relevant protected characteristic. Unless and until the aim of elimination of such disadvantages is achieved, it would be proportionate for AIHA to operate a simple "blanket policy" to allocate its properties to members of the Orthodox Jewish community as a means of promoting that legitimate aim. So even though market circumstances give AIHA's policy, in practice, a "blanket" effect, that does not show that it is a measure which is disproportionate to that aim.'
As the emphasised text makes clear, the Supreme Court was not there opining that there could be no objection in law to the adoption of a blanket allocations policy per se, but that the application of a policy in such a way, on the right facts, could be capable of justification as a measure proportionate to the policy's aim. That is a separate question which is not engaged by ground one in this case.
j. In Hillsden, McCloskey J observed [4] that Epping Forest Council had 'consistently maintained the stance that the Claimant, by virtue of the terms of the impugned Scheme, does not qualify for admission to its Housing Register and, therefore, cannot be considered for allocation of any Council or registered social landlord (per s 159 of the Housing Act, 1996).' Amongst the challenges raised to the scheme in that case were that: (1) it was unlawful because it unlawfully fettered the council's statutory powers under the HA 1996 and/or absent a residual discretion to disapply the qualifying criteria in exceptional circumstances. McCloskey J's findings at [24] to [39] bear reciting in full:
24. The second issue … is whether the impugned Scheme had to compulsorily include provision for a residual discretion to admit to the Housing Register applicants who do not satisfy the "Local Eligibility Criteria" viz the qualifying criteria. This issue focuses attention closely on the relevant provisions of the 1996 Act. It is agreed by both parties that the question which this aspect of the Claimant's challenge poses has not been considered in any decided case.
25. Approaching this question from, firstly, the perspective of statutory construction, I consider that the housing accommodation allocation regime established by Part 6 of the 1996 Act has the following main components:
a) In allocating housing accommodation, every local housing authority ("LHA") must comply with the provisions of Part 6: per section 159(1).
b) Every LHA is empowered to allocate housing accommodation in such a manner as it considers appropriate – however, this is "subject to" the provisions of Part 6: per section 159(7).
c) A LHA shall not allocate housing accommodation to certain classes of persons, who are decreed ineligible: per section 160ZA(1).
d) While the determination of what classes of persons constitute "qualifying persons" is a matter for each LHA, this is subject to four limitations – the last mentioned exception viz section 160ZA(1), section 160ZA(2), section 160ZA(4) and, finally, any regulations made by the Secretary of State under section 160ZA(8): all of these restrictions are enshrined in section 160ZA.
e) It is obligatory for every LHA to have a HAS. Fundamentally, every such scheme is designed to determine priorities in the allocation of accommodation and the procedure to be followed in accommodation allocation decisions: per section 166A(1).
f) It is obligatory for every such scheme to contain certain provisions: per section 166A(2), (3), (9) and (10).
g) Certain other types of provision within the schemes are optional, to be included or, as the case may be, excluded in the LHA's discretion: see section 166A(3)(i) – (iv), section 166A(5) and section 166A(6).
h) Where the Secretary of State has, by regulations, prescribed the principles to be observed in the procedure to be followed, every LHA's scheme must be framed in terms compatible therewith: per section 166A(10).
i) The formulation of the principles on which the scheme is to be framed is a matter for the LHA, subject to the foregoing provisions of section 166A and any regulations made thereunder: per section 166A(11).
j) It is obligatory for every LHA, in devising or modifying a housing allocation scheme, to have regard to the matters specified in section 166A(12).
k) Procedurally, it is obligatory for every LHA to consult in accordance with section 166A(13) before adopting or significantly changing its housing allocation scheme.
l) A LHA shall not allocate housing accommodation except in accordance with its HAS: per section 166A(14).
m) In devising its HAS, every LHA must have regard to the Ministerial Guidance: per section 169(1).
26. The analysis above demonstrates the extent to which a LHA has freedom to choose the contents of its housing allocation scheme and to make housing allocation decisions. Some measure of liberty and choice is indeed conferred by the legislature. However, this is explicitly constrained in the respects specified in the legislation and, further, by regulations to be made by the Secretary of State. Part 6 of the 1996 Act, as amended, regulates these matters in clear and comprehensive terms. There is nothing in the governing legislation which requires a LHA to include within its housing allocation scheme provision for the discretionary admission to the Housing Register of applicants who do not satisfy the qualifying criteria. No such duty is imposed by the 1996 Act. This is the first obstacle confronting this aspect of the Claimant's challenge, signalling an unpromising start for the quest.
27. As the submissions of Mr Luba unfolded, it appeared to me that their central thrust was that the duty for which the Claimant contends, namely a requirement to make provision in the LHA to accommodate applicants who do not satisfy the eligibility criteria, is to be found in principles of public law. While I have considered the arguments of Mr Luba in full, I shall endeavour to identify their main ingredients. One of the main contentions advanced is that the impugned Scheme, in the respects under scrutiny, is incompatible with the "British Oxygen" principle. While this is frequently one of those taken as read principles in the world of judicial review, it is instructive to reflect a little more closely on its genesis and scope. In British Oxygen Co Limited – v- Minister of Technology [1971] AC 610, the relevant Minister was empowered by statute to make discretionary grant payments to business persons whose industrial processes fell within the terms of a statutory scheme. The case is less memorable for one less glamorous aspect of what it decided, namely that the Appellant's tankers and hydrogen trailer assembly did not rank as "machinery or plant" within the relevant statutory provision and, thus, were not eligible for grant payments. This was the primary ground on which their application for grant had been refused by the public authority.
28. More pertinently, the authority further decided that no grant would be payable in respect of the Appellant's single gas cylinders having regard to the Minister's general policy to withhold grant aid for items or articles costing less than £25.00. However, the single gas cylinders were indeed plant within the embrace of section 1(1) of the statute. They cost some £20.00 per unit and the Appellant had expended over £4 million in their acquisition during a three year period. The complaint was that the Respondent's refusal to pay any subsidy in respect of these items was unlawful, as it reflected an inflexible policy to subsidise anything costing less than £25.00. The starting point in Lord Reid's analysis was the statute. This conferred on the Respondent a discretion to make payments in respect of qualifying items: see page 623H. A key consideration was the absence of any indication in the statute of the circumstances in which a grant should be paid: this, I consider, requires some emphasis. Thus, in the absence of statutory constraint, it was permissible to devise a related Ministerial policy. Lord Reid, having noted that the statutory discretion must not be exercised either in bad faith or unreasonably, at page 625C, continued:
"But the circumstances in which discretions are exercised vary enormously .....
The general rule is that anyone who has to exercise a statutory discretion must not 'shut his ears to an application' .....
I do not think there is any great difference between a policy and a rule. There may be cases where an officer or authority ought to listen to a substantial argument reasonably presented urging a change of policy. What the authority must not do is to refuse to listen at all."
Within this passage are the fons et origo of the celebrated "British Oxygen" principle.
29. Ascertainment of the true character and contours of this principle requires careful analysis. In my view, the essence of the principle is as follows. A decision which is the product of an inflexible rule or policy adopted by a public authority governing, or informing, the exercise of its statutory discretion, in circumstances where the statute allows its adoption, is liable to be held unlawful, since the discretion must not be fettered in this way. The main reason for this, in my estimation, is that decisions of this kind defeat the intention of the statute and do not represent a true and proper exercise of the discretion conferred by Parliament. In De Smith's Judicial Review (7th Edition) a somewhat different rationale is offered, at paragraph 9-005:
"The underlying rationale of the principle against fettering discretion is to ensure that two perfectly legitimate values of public law, those of legal certainty and consistency (qualities at the heart of the principle of the rule of law), may be balanced by another equally legitimate public law value, namely that of responsiveness."
While this analysis does not mirror precisely that which I have formulated above, it nonetheless illustrates the elasticity of general principles of public law.
30. Thus, at heart, the "British Oxygen" principle applies to contexts where a statutory discretion is to be exercised. The Claimant is unable to point to a discretion of this kind in the relevant statute. As the analysis of the governing statutory regime in [25] above demonstrates, the absence of a residual, or overarching, discretionary provision in the impugned Scheme is not attributable to the erection by the Council of some inflexible rule or policy relating to how it will exercise a statutory discretion. I consider that the legislation did not give the Council a choice in this respect. Thus it cannot be said that the absence of such a provision from the impugned Scheme is incompatible with the terms of the legislation. I consider that the fundamental duty imposed on the Council was to devise a HAS which accords with the multiple requirements of the statutory regime. The Claimant's challenge fails to identify any disharmony or incompatibility in this respect. The essence of the Claimant's case is that the Council has acted unlawfully by failing to confer on itself an overarching, or residual, discretion to be exercised when making decisions on who is a qualifying person. The requirement to include a provision of this nature cannot be linked to any statutory obligation or discretion to do so. Thus there is a fundamental flaw in the Claimant's challenge. As this analysis demonstrates, the "British Oxygen" principle is not engaged. As Mr Knafler put it, this is not "British Oxygen" territory. I consider this submission well made.
31. Another of the central planks of the Claimant's case is the decision of the House of Lords in R (Ahmad) -v- Newham LBC [2009] UKHL 14. This concerned the previous version of section 166A (then section 167) of the 1996 Act. Common to both versions are the threefold requirements that a LHA must have a scheme for determining priorities and procedures in the allocation of its housing, it must not allocate housing except in accordance with such a scheme and its power to devise its own scheme and to decide the applicable principles is subject to the provisions of the statute and any regulations made by the Secretary of State. Each scheme was also required to give reasonable preference to certain categories of persons, by section 167(2), now section 166A(3). A challenge was made to this aspect of the Respondent Council's Scheme.
32. Notably, both parties sought to rely on this decision. It undoubtedly confirms that a HAS is, in principle, vulnerable to challenge on the well-established public law ground of irrationality. However, it is clear from the decision that a challenge of this species will have difficulty in succeeding. It is equally clear from the decision that an ultra vires challenge is also, in principle, available. One of the themes of the decision is the degree of latitude available to every LHA in framing its scheme. The conceptual explanation for this is neatly expressed in the opinion of Lord Scott, at [7]:
"The unfortunate fact of the matter is that where a council is faced, as this appellant council is faced, with a demand for council housing that greatly exceeds the available housing stock, there is no allocation system that can be devised to avoid hard cases ....."
Two basic touchstones for measuring the legality of such a scheme are also encapsulated in the same passage:
"The section 167(1) scheme devised by the Appellant council complies with the statutory requirements of the 1996 Act, as amended, and, insofar as its provisions for the allocation of housing to those in the section 167(2) priority band are concerned, cannot .......... be described as irrational or unlawful."
The degree of latitude available to housing authorities in devising their allocation schemes also features in the other opinions of the House: see, for example, per Baroness Hale at [16] and, in trenchant language, Lord Neuberger at [25]:
"The allocation of social housing is a difficult and potentially controversial matter, which gives rise to very hard choices, at all levels of decision making, whether strategic, policy or specific. Social housing is an increasingly scarce (and correspondingly valuable) resource, for which demand considerably outstrips supply, in some areas (such as Newham) by an enormous margin, even if one restricts one's assessment of demand to those whose claims would be characterised by most people as very pressing."
In the next passage, Lord Neuberger speaks of the "considerable discretion" accorded to LHAs in the formulation of their allocation policies, subject of course to the statutory constraints which have been devised from time to time.
33. The steep hurdle confronting an irrationality challenge to a scheme of this kind emerges with particular clarity in the opinion of Lord Neuberger, at [49] – [55]. This further supports the proposition that the twin touchstones for measuring the legality of such schemes include those of ultra vires and irrationality. While, during the course of the hearing, I suggested to Counsel that other public law grounds of challenge such as bad faith or improper motive or, indeed, a breach of section 6 of the Human Rights Act 1998 might also, in principle, be sustainable, it is unnecessary to decide this issue in the present case. I also derive from Ahmad support for Mr Knafler's submission that the rules contained in housing allocation schemes may lawfully be of the hard edged variety: see [15] – [16] and [51] especially. My review of the decision in Ahmad impels to the conclusion that it contains nothing which supports the Claimant's challenge.
34. Mr Luba's arguments also prayed in aid the decision in R (Conway) – v – Charnwood BC [2002] EWHC 43 (Admin). In that case, the Council refused to admit the Applicant to its housing register because she did not comply with an age eligibility criterion enshrined in its revised policy. Significantly, the allocation policy under scrutiny was not governed by what the Judge describes as "the mandatory provisions for a local authority's allocation of accommodation, by reference to a housing register and a scheme for determining priority, under Part VI of the Housing Act 1996". As a result, the challenge proceeded within a public law framework, shaped particularly by the principle that the Council did not have an unfettered discretion: see particularly [16] – [17]. The rule, or criterion, which operated to exclude the Applicant from admission to the Council's housing register was framed in inflexible terms. Wilson J, finding in favour of the Applicant and quashing the impugned decision, stated at [22]:
"I am clear that it would be unlawful for the Defendants to apply their new policy in such a way as to preclude their acceptance of an application which fell foul of it but of which the circumstances were exceptional."
This statement is to be understood within the context which I have sketched above. I am satisfied that it does not provide authority for the proposition that a HAS made under the current incarnation of Part 6 of the 1996 Act must, in its provisions for qualification for admission to the housing register, contain an overriding, or residual, discretionary dispensation. Its ratio decidendi cannot be applied to the matrix of the present challenge. Stated succinctly, this decision is not an authoritative guide to the correct construction of the current legislation.
35. Given my analysis of the decision in Conway, I consider that Mr Luba's further, related argument based on the Barras principle (see [1933] AC 402) is of no avail to the Claimant. The thrust of this principle is that where a statute employs language with a previous legal history, this may be relevant to its interpretation. In Bennion, Statutory Interpretation ( 6th edition), page 550, it is stated:
"Under the Barras principle, where an Act uses a form of words with a previous legal history, this may be relevant in interpretation. The question is always whether or not Parliament intended to use the term in the sense given by this earlier history."
Mr Luba's submission was that in enacting the amended version of Part 6 of the 1996 Act in June 2012, Parliament must be presumed to have been aware of the decision in Conway and, armed with such knowledge, has essentially repeated the former statutory wording. The essence of Mr Knafler's argument, which I prefer, was that this principle has no application since the decision in Conway does not provide a clear and authoritative interpretation of the earlier corresponding statutory provisions. He referred the Court to the decision of the House of Lords in Galloway – v – Galloway [1956] AC 299, in particular the speeches of Lord Oaksey and Lord Radcliffe, at pages 317 and 320 respectively. I consider that this submission prevails.
36. Mr Luba's related argument focuses on section 167ZA(7) of the 1996 Act which, for convenience, I reproduce:
"Subject to subsections (2) and (4) and any regulations made under subsection (8), a local housing authority may decide what classes of persons are, or are not, qualifying persons."
It was submitted that the earlier corresponding statutory provisions relating to qualifying persons had been interpreted in the previous version of the statutory code of guidance. If one pauses at this juncture, the immensity of the obstacles confronting this argument quickly becomes apparent. The version provided to the Court is in a loose-leaf format with the earliest pages stamped "Revised 20 December 1996" and with replacement pages stamped with later dates. This, it was submitted, formed part of the pre-enacting history of which Parliament must presumptively have been cognisant. It is important to identify clearly the origins, nature, purpose and limitations of this code. First, it was made under sections 169 and 182 of the 1996 Act. Second, its author is a Government Minister. Third, it is an instrument of guidance. Fourth, it does not bind local housing authorities: rather, their obligation is to have regard to it. The legal character of the instrument emerges emphatically in the opening paragraph:
"The Code is not, however, a substitute for the legislation: it gives guidance on how local authorities should discharge their functions and apply the various statutory criteria in practice."
In this passage the Code has, commendably, avoided the temptations of self-aggrandisement. I consider this succinct statement to be an accurate exposition of the Code's legal status.
37. I consider it an elementary proposition that an instrument of this kind, created pursuant to an enabling power contained in a statute, cannot operate as a guide to the meaning of the parent statute. There can be no presumption, or principle, that in enacting the current Part 6 of the 1996 Act Parliament must have supposed that this instrument was otherwise. Given the factors which I have highlighted, I accept Mr Knafler's submission that this instrument does not engage the Barras principle, particularly since it cannot and does not rank as an authoritative judicial interpretation of the same or similar words or expressions used in the corresponding provisions of the earlier statute. Finally, and in any event, this earlier code went no further than, per paragraph 4.29, merely encouraging LHAs to make provision for exceptional cases in devising their rules for admission to the housing register. In this respect, the earlier code does not differ in substance from the corresponding provision in its June 2012 successor (cf paragraph 3.25).
38. The submissions of both Counsel touched on certain other reported cases. I derive no assistance from the inconclusive and obiter statement contained in R (Giles) -v- Fareham BC [2003] HLR 36, at [9]. Similarly, I find nothing in R (Elias) -v- Secretary of State for Defence [2005] IRLR 788[2], a race relations case, illuminating the correct approach to this aspect of the Claimant's challenge. Another first instance decision, Kabashi -v- London Borough of Redbridge [2009] EWHC 2984 (Admin) is also of limited assistance, being a mere illustration of the Ahmad principles in a particular context and a rejection of an irrationality challenge. The decision in R (Nichols) -v- Security Industry Authority [2007] 1 WLR 2067 is more in point. This was an unsuccessful challenge to a policy made pursuant to primary legislation based on the no fettering of discretion principle. The challenge foundered on the rock that the operation of this principle was defeated by the statutory framework, as the following passages show:
"[60] However, in this instance Parliament has deliberately, by section 7, conferred a rule making power on the authority. It is for the authority to draw up what it believes are the appropriate criteria for the grant of licences .............
[62] .... The statutory context must be examined with great care. In this case .... the statutory context empowers the authority to make the commission of certain serious criminal offences an absolute bar to obtaining a licence to work as a door supervisor. The rule is intra vires and rational. Not to have such a rule in respect of offences of such great gravity would tend to undermine a fundamental aim of the 2001 Act and such a failure would be truly vulnerable to challenge on grounds both of ultra vires and Wednesbury irrationality."
I concur with the learned deputy Judge's formulation of principle and, in particular, the pre-eminence given to the governing statutory regime.
39. I would summarise my determination of this (the second) aspect of the Claimant's challenge in this way. First, there is no provision in the relevant primary legislation which, expressly or impliedly, obliges a LHA to include within its HAS a provision whereby it reserves to itself an overarching, or residual, power (or discretion) to admit to its housing register applicants who do not satisfy the specified qualifying criteria. Second, while the statute may empower a LHA, at its discretion, to include a provision of this kind in its scheme, this fails to make good the Claimant's challenge, as this rests on duty rather than discretion. Third, neither a duty nor a discretion to devise a provision of this kind can be derived from the operation of any principle of public law. Finally, the Claimant's challenge finds no support in any principle of statutory interpretation. Accordingly, the Claimant's contention that the Council's HAS is unlawful must fail.'
'[85] … the present context is one where at most, there is only a residual common law power. Most of the functions which are exercised by a coroner in the present context derive from legislation, which we have summarised earlier…
[86] In those circumstances, we conclude that the power being exercised by the coroner in this case was akin to a power derived from statute. The principle against fettering a discretion applies in the present context.
In my judgement, those dicta do not bear the weight which Mr Bano seeks to place upon them. First, I do not read Singh LJ's use of the word 'derived' as intended to communicate a concept different from the alternative wording which he used at [79]: 'As will be apparent from [R v SSHD e.p. Venables [1998] AC 407, 496-497] the principle usually applies where the source of a discretionary power is legislation.' In short, the two words used were synonymous. Whether the relevant power derives or originates from statute, a requirement to include a provision of the nature for which Mr Bano contends in this case cannot be linked to any statutory obligation or discretion to do so.
26. 'Viewed as a whole, the 2011 allocation scheme did arguably contain a form of residual discretion to address exceptional cases, in section 8.4.3, which provided, so far as is relevant:
"Direct allocations (lettings outside of the choice based lettings scheme) can only be authorised by the designated senior officer. Direct allocations may be made in the following circumstances:
1. If a nomination is required to enable best use of housing stock.
4. A direct allocation in exceptional or emergency circumstances for effective management of social housing stock as determined by the designated senior officer in conjunction with Hillingdon Housing services or a Registered Provider."
On one view, the effective management of social housing stock is no more nor less than a summary of the whole purpose of the local authority's social housing function, so that sub-paragraph 4 contained a sufficient general discretion. Alternatively it might be said that this provision falls short of a full residual discretion because of its emphasis on effective management.'
The Council reserves the right to directly allocate housing to
— Applicants in circumstances where remaining in their current accommodation may cause risk of death or serious injury.
— Applicants with multiple needs that fall within Band A
— Applicants who have been accepted as homeless where the Council has a duty to house
— Applicants who are currently living in approved supported housing within Eastbourne and are ready to move on
— Tenants requiring a Temporary or Permanent Decant
— Applicants oppose a potential risk to the public as assessed by the Multi-Agency Public Protection Assessment Panel (MAPPA)
— Non-statutory successors
— Existing tenants of the Council requiring an urgent move
— Under-occupiers, who have succeeded to a tenancy and have refused an offer
— Other Applicants in exceptional circumstances, including Applicants from Eastbourne Borough Council, and at the discretion of the Head of Homes First'
Viewed as a whole, and independent of the Defendant's ability to take account of personal circumstances which I have found to be inherent in the framework of rule (d), the Defendant's scheme did contain a form of residual discretion to address exceptional cases, in the form of the last such category. Unlike the provision in Holley, that afforded a full residual discretion which did not limit the circumstances in which it might be invoked. It allowed departure from rule (d), inasmuch as it permitted an applicant to qualify to join the register, notwithstanding the provisions of that rule, by reference to the exceptional circumstances relevant to the particular case. The fact that direct allocation is not choice-based letting is immaterial, and I note that the distinction did not cause Briggs LJ to sound any note of caution on that basis.
Ground Two
19 Indirect discrimination
(1) A person (A) discriminates against another (B) if A applies to B a provision, criterion or practice which is discriminatory in relation to a relevant protected characteristic of B's.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a provision, criterion or practice is discriminatory in relation to a relevant protected characteristic of B's if—
(a) A applies, or would apply, it to persons with whom B does not share the characteristic,
(b) it puts, or would put, persons with whom B shares the characteristic at a particular disadvantage when compared with persons with whom B does not share it,
(c) it puts, or would put, B at that disadvantage, and
(d) A cannot show it to be a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.
(3) The relevant protected characteristics are—
- …;
- disability;
- …
Section 6(3)(b) of the EqA provides:
'In relation to the protected characteristic of disability—
(a) a reference to a person who has a particular protected characteristic is a reference to a person who has a particular disability;
(b) a reference to persons who share a protected characteristic is a reference to persons who have the same disability.'
Section 23(1) of the EqA provides:
'On a comparison of cases for the purpose of section 13, 14 or 19, there must be no material difference between the circumstances relating to each case.'
Section 29(1) of the EqA provides:
'A person (a "service provider ") concerned with the provision of a service to the public or section of the public (for payment or not) must not discriminate against a person requiring the service by not providing the person with the service.'
Section 136 of the EqA provides (materially):
'(1) This section applies to any proceedings relating to a contravention of this Act.
(2) If there are facts from which the court could decide, in the absence of any other explanation, that a person (A) contravened the provision concerned, the court must hold that the contravention occurred.
(3) But subsection (2) does not apply if A shows that A did not contravene the provision.
Group and personal disadvantage
a. Rule (d) bites on those who have been responsible for (in shorthand) unacceptable anti-social behaviour of the requisite gravity;
b. There is evidence to show that ADHD and ASD are significantly associated with anti-social behaviour and that a large percentage of those subject to anti-social behaviour measures appear likely to have, or be given, a diagnosis of (at least) ADHD; from which it is to be inferred that
c. A greater proportion of those excluded from the housing register under rule (d) have ADHD and/or ASD.
So put, the difficulty with the Claimant's approach becomes apparent. Albeit that it is not incumbent upon a Claimant to establish the reason for any disadvantage, there is nothing to preclude reliance upon evidence relating to that reason, if known, as a means of establishing the requisite causal link between the PCP and the relevant disadvantage. As Lady Hale observed in Essop [33], the causal connection between the PCP and the disadvantage suffered, by the group and by the individual, may be easier to prove, as a matter of fact, if the reason for the group disadvantage is known. But the evidence must be capable of establishing the relevant link. In this case, taking the evidence at its highest, there is neither statistical evidence of the proportion of people having the relevant disabilities who are excluded from the housing register under rule (d), or, indeed, subjected to any other anti-social behaviour measure, nor other evidence to the effect that a greater proportion of those having one or both disabilities engage in the anti-social behaviour on which rule (d) bites (or in any anti-social behaviour).
a. The express purpose of the Fox report was to provide details of the Claimant's mental health diagnosis — to include details of her symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis; and to confirm whether she was disabled within the meaning of the EqA. Thus, Mr Bano's approach requires me to extrapolate from the opinion provided in relation to the Claimant herself that others having those same disabilities are similarly affected. The report recounted that which the Claimant had self-reported and the results of certain psychometric testing, before concluding that the Claimant had adult ADHD and an autistic spectrum condition. Her difficulties were said to be severe in nature and enduring. She was also said to have Mixed Anxiety and Depressive Disorder and mild alcohol dependence. Nothing in the Fox report addresses the connection, if any, between either of the Claimant's disabilities and the behaviour which engaged rule (d), whether in relation to the Claimant herself or to others having either condition, nor does the report establish a disparate adverse impact of rule (d) on the protected group of persons.
b. The SWIFT report referred to the Claimant's then current presentation as being consistent with possible traits of ADHD and ASC. That presentation was described to display 'low frustration tolerance, fast and at times somewhat disjointed speech, difficulty maintaining concentration, and a tendency to be impulsive. She also presents with high levels of anxiety, expressed as worrying, and becoming fixated on things which are said to her, and difficulties meeting new people and accessing amenities if this involves speaking to people she does not know.' Later in the report, it was said that 'the assessor would hypothesise that [the Claimant] struggles on a basic level with social interactions in terms of relationship building, frustration tolerance, and emotional regulation, which impact on her ability to communicate reciprocally with others. Some of this is likely to be due to underlying traits of ASC and ADHD, and some of this may be due to coping strategies which she has developed throughout her life in order to cope with her negative experiences with education, relationships, etc… In summary, [the Claimant] demonstrates some traits consistent with both ASC and ADHD, which are likely to impact her ability to concentrate, focus, regulate her own emotions, empathise, and communicate reciprocally with those around her. She also reports negative educational and relational experiences which have decreased her exposure to warm, positive interactions with others, which will have been exacerbated by the traits identified above, but will also impact on how those traits may manifest within future relationships and interactions.' Here again, in my judgement, the report does not establish the requisite connection between ADHD/ASD and the anti-social behaviour which engages rule (d), whether for the Claimant herself, or for the protected group. It includes a statement that ADHD is a neuropsychiatric condition which tends to run in families, comprising difficulties within three core areas: hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention, some combination of which must be considered problematic before the age of 12. Associated features are said to include low frustration tolerance, irritability, poor planning abilities, sensation-seeking/recklessness and mood swings. Whilst, it is said, symptoms usually improve into adulthood, some difficulties could persist and the presentation might be more subtle as the individual has learned to mask or control difficulties more successfully. By the age of 25, the report states, an estimated 15% of people diagnosed with childhood ADHD still have a full range of symptoms, with 65% still having some symptoms which affect their daily lives. No part of that material is expressly related, or, in my judgement, self-evidently relates, to anti-social behaviour of the nature which engages rule (d), or establishes the disparate adverse impact on the protected group for which the Claimant contends.
c. The BIJ article is inadequate to its purpose. It is (as Mr Bano acknowledged) anecdotal; states its conclusions by reference to a limited sample; and is unrelated to the specific disabilities which the Claimant has. The fact that it is, in Mr Bano's words, 'the best material which the Claimant can produce' does not render its conclusions satisfactory or compelling for current purposes.
d. The DRC Report is of a different character from the above material. It is of some age. Amongst its findings is that there is reliable evidence to suggest that disabled people living in social housing, particularly those with learning difficulties or mental health problems, comprise a significant proportion of those individuals who are subject to interventions designed to tackle anti-social behaviour. The report states (with emphasis added) that, 'On the basis of our review, we can say, with some degree of certainty that a large percentage of those subject to anti-social behaviour measures appear likely to have or be given a diagnosis of ADHD…. there is a lack of robust evidence as to whether disabled people are disproportionately and inappropriately subject to antisocial behaviour control mechanisms and what the implications of this are. In part, this is a result of the lack of monitoring at a national and local level which means that there is currently no way to investigate whether disabled people are over-represented in the numbers subject to an antisocial behaviour measure…..Whilst our findings are not conclusive, they do point to evidence that the subject of antisocial behaviour interventions often have mental health problems, learning difficulties, and neurological disorders.' The report refers to the conclusions of Tharpar et al (2006), to the effect that there is 'evidence from clinical and population-based research that ADHD is associated with later, antisocial behaviour…' Whilst the DRC Report marks the high watermark of the evidence relating to group disadvantage, its findings are said not to be conclusive. It does indicate a link between ADHD and antisocial behaviour giving rise to intervention or other measures, but the DRC is at pains to point out the absence of robust evidence as to whether disabled people are disproportionately and inappropriately subject to anti-social behaviour control mechanisms and that there is currently no way to investigate whether 'disabled people' are over-represented in the numbers subject to an antisocial behaviour measure. 'Disabled people' is itself a term used to encompass those who have 'mental health problems, learning difficulties and neurological disorders' a category far broader than those having ADHD and/or ASD.
Ground Three
Ground Four
15 Discrimination arising from disability
(1) A person (A) discriminates against a disabled person (B) if—
(a) A treats B unfavourably because of something arising in consequence of B's disability, and
(b) A cannot show that the treatment is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if A shows that A did not know, and could not reasonably have been expected to know, that B had the disability.
For the purposes of section 15(1)(a), the unfavourable treatment asserted in this case is the Claimant's exclusion from the housing register and the 'something' which is said to arise in consequence of one or both of the Claimant's disabilities ('the Something') is the Claimant's anti-social behaviour, as defined in rule (d). It is not suggested by the Defendant that section 15(2) applies in this case.
Ground Five
20 Duty to make adjustments
(1) Where this Act imposes a duty to make reasonable adjustments on a person, this section, sections 21 and 22 and the applicable Schedule apply; and for those purposes, a person on whom the duty is imposed is referred to as A.
(2) The duty comprises the following three requirements.
(3) The first requirement is a requirement, where a provision, criterion or practice of A's puts a disabled person at a substantial disadvantage in relation to a relevant matter in comparison with persons who are not disabled, to take such steps as it is reasonable to have to take to avoid the disadvantage.
(4) …
(5) …
(6) …
(7) …
(8) A reference in section 21 or 22 or an applicable Schedule to the first, second or third requirement is to be construed in accordance with this section.
(9) …
(10) …
(11) …
(12) ….
(13) The applicable Schedule is, in relation to the Part of this Act specified in the first column of the Table, the Schedule specified in the second column.
Part of this Act | Applicable Schedule |
Part 3 (services and public functions) | Schedule 2 |
… |
SCHEDULE 2 Services and public functions: reasonable adjustments
1 This Schedule applies where a duty to make reasonable adjustments is imposed on A by this Part.
The duty
2(1) A must comply with the first, … requirements.
(2) For the purposes of this paragraph, the reference in section 20(3)…to a disabled person is to disabled persons generally.
(3) …
(4) In relation to each requirement, the relevant matter is the provision of the service, or the exercise of the function, by A.
(5) Being placed at a substantial disadvantage in relation to the exercise of a function means—
(a) if a benefit is or may be conferred in the exercise of the function, being placed at a substantial disadvantage in relation to the conferment of the benefit, or
(b) if a person is or may be subjected to a detriment in the exercise of the function, suffering an unreasonably adverse experience when being subjected to the detriment.
(6) …
(7) If A is a service-provider, nothing in this paragraph requires A to take a step which would fundamentally alter—
(a) the nature of the service, or
(b) …
(8) If A exercises a public function, nothing in this paragraph requires A to take a step which A has no power to take.
21 Failure to comply with duty
(1) A failure to comply with the first, … requirement is a failure to comply with a duty to make reasonable adjustments.
(2) A discriminates against a disabled person if A fails to comply with that duty in relation to that person.
(3) A provision of an applicable Schedule which imposes a duty to comply with the first, … requirement applies only for the purpose of establishing whether A has contravened this Act by virtue of subsection (2); a failure to comply is, accordingly, not actionable by virtue of another provision of this Act or otherwise.
29 Provision of services, etc.
(1) A person (a "service-provider") concerned with the provision of a service to the public or a section of the public (for payment or not) must not discriminate against a person requiring the service by not providing the person with the service.
(7) A duty to make reasonable adjustments applies to—
(a) a service-provider (…);
(b) …'
By section 212(1) of the EqA 'substantial' is defined to mean 'more than minor or trivial'.
Ground Six
126. I have given this ground anxious consideration, in particular having noted the poor drafting of rule (d). Per Lumba [34], 'the rule of law calls for a transparent statement… of the circumstances in which the broad, statutory criteria will be exercised' and 'there [is] a general rule of law that policies must be published': see R (Roman) [121]. Further, an allocation scheme which does not explain the criteria applied for awarding reasonable preference, or indicating what circumstances it will be applied, will fail to comply with the HA 1996: Cali v Waltham Forest LBC [2007] HLR 1 [46].
Note 1 Vento v The Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police [2002] EWCA Civ 1871 [Back] Note 2 I interpose, a decision affirmed on appeal: [2006] EWCA Civ 1293. [Back] Note 3 ‘The disadvantage created by the lack of a reasonable adjustment is measured by comparison with what the position would be if the disabled person in question did not have a disability.’ (emphasis added) [Back]