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Licensing of hackney carriages.

80. In every such licence shall be specified the name and place of abode of
every person who is a proprietor or part proprietor of the hackney carriage in
respect of which such licence is granted, and also the number of such licence,
which shall correspond with the number to be painted or marked on the plates
or marks to be fixed on such carriage, together with such other particulars as
the [district council] think fit; and every licence so to be granted shall be
signed [on behalf of the council], and shall not include more than one
carriage so licensed, and shall be in force from one year only from the day
and the date of such licence, or until the next general licensing meeting, in
case any general licensing day be appointed by the [district council]; and
every such licence shall be made out by ... the [district council] and duly
entered in a book to be provided... for that purpose, and in such book shall
be contained columns or places for entries to be made of every offence
committed by any proprietor or driver or person attending such carriage; and
any person may at any reasonable time inspect such book, without fee or
reward; and if the proprietor or part proprietor of any carriage permits the
same to be used as a hackney carriage plying for hire within such prescribed
distance without having obtained a licence for such carriage, or during the
time that such licence is suspended as herein-after provided, or if any person
be found driving, standing, or plying for hire with any carriage within such
prescribed distance for which such licence ought to be, but has not been,
previously obtained, or without having the number of such carriage openly
displayed on such carriage, every person so offending shall for every such
offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding [#2].

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