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Northern Irish Legislation

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34. If in any case where any matter is herein-before authorized or directed to
be determined by the Board of Trade it appears to the Board of Trade to be
expedient, for convenience of local investigation or for any other reason,
that the matter should be determined by an arbitrator, the Board of Trade may,
notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained, and whether the Board of
Trade has entered on the investigation or not, refer the matter to some
competent and impartial person as arbitrator; and with respect to the matter
so referred any such arbitrator shall have the like authority and jurisdiction
as the Board of Trade has under this Act, and his determination shall have the
same effect as a determination of the Board of Trade under this Act. The
reasonable expenses and remuneration of the arbitrator (to be settled in case
of difference by the Board of Trade) shall be paid by the [Post Office].

For works on seashore, consent of proprietors, &c. requisite.

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