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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> PLANNING AND LAND COMPENSATION ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1971

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4.(1) Subject to subsections (2) to (5), a person may serve a blight notice on
the appropriate authority under and in accordance with this Part where he
claims that

(a)he is entitled as mortgagee, by virtue of a power which has become
exercisable, to sell an interest in a hereditament [or agricultural unit]
comprised in land of any of the specified descriptions, giving immediate
vacant possession of the land;

(b)he has complied with the requirements specified in section 3(1)(b) and (c)
in relation to that interest.

(2) Section 3(2) applies to the interest of a mortgagee as it applies to an
interest which qualifies for protection under section 2.

(3) A mortgagee shall not serve a blight notice unless one or other of the
following conditions is satisfied with regard to the interest which the
mortgagee claims he has the power to sell, namely:

(a)the interest could be the subject of a blight notice under section 3 served
by the person entitled thereto on the date of service of a notice under this
section; or

(b)the interest could have been the subject of such a notice by that person on
a date not more than six months before the date of service of a notice under
this section.

(4) No blight notice under this section shall be served in respect of a
hereditament [or agricultural unit, or any part of a hereditament or
agricultural unit,] at a time when a notice already served under section 3 is
outstanding in respect of that hereditament [, unit or part]; and no notice
shall be so served under section 3 when a notice under this section is so

(5) For the purposes of subsection (4), a blight notice shall be treated as
outstanding until

(a)it is withdrawn; or

(b)an objection to the notice having been made by a counter-notice under
section 5 either

(i)the period of two months specified in section 6 elapses without
the claimant having required the objection to be referred to
the Lands Tribunal; or

(ii)the objection, having been referred to the Lands Tribunal, is upheld by
the Tribunal.

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