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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> PLANNING AND LAND COMPENSATION ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1971

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Notice requiring purchase of claimant's interest.

3.(1) Where the whole or part of a hereditament [or agricultural unit] is
comprised in land of any of the specified descriptions and a person claims

(a)he is entitled to an interest in that hereditament [or agricultural unit]
which qualifies for protection under this Part, and

(b)he has made reasonable endeavours to sell that interest, and

(c)[in consequence of the fact that the hereditament or unit or a part of it
was, or was likely to be, comprised in land of any of the
specified descriptions, he has been unable to sell that interest except at a
price substantially lower than that for which it might reasonably have been
expected to sell if no part of the hereditament or unit were, or were likely
to be, comprised in such land],

(2) Subsection (1) applies to an interest in part of a hereditament [or
agricultural unit]; but this subsection does not enable any person

(a)if he is entitled to an interest in the entirety of a hereditament [or
agricultural unit], to make any claim or serve a blight notice in respect of
his interest in part of the hereditament [or agricultural unit]; or

(b)if he is entitled to an interest only in part of a hereditament [or
agricultural unit], to make any claim or serve a blight notice in respect of
his interest in less than the entirety of that part.

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