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Right of justice of the peace to visit prisons.

19.(1) A justice of the peace may at any time visit any prison and may examine
the condition of the prison and of the prisoners and enter in a visitors'
book, to be kept by the governor of the prison, any observations on the
condition of the prison or on any other matter connected with the prison.

(2) Nothing in the foregoing sub-section shall authorise a justice of the
peace to communicate with any prisoner except on the subject of his treatment
in the prison, or to visit any prisoner under sentence of death.

(3) The governor of every prison shall bring any entry in the visitors' book
to the attention of the board of visitors at their next visit.

S.20 rep. by 1968 c.29(NI) s.35(3) sch.5 Pt.I. S.21 rep. by 1980 NI10 art.4(3)
sch.3. S.22 rep. by 1968 c.29 (NI) s.35(3) sch.5 Pt.I

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