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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFERRED EXCISE DUTIES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1972

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18.(1) Subject to the provisions of section 20(3) of this Act and to
section 21(4) of the Betting and Lotteries Act, there shall be charged and
paid on all bets made by way of pool betting an excise duty (to be known as
"the pool betting duty") equal to [40 per cent.] of the amount of the
stake money paid.

(2) The amount on which the pool betting duty is to be computed shall, subject
to section 20(2) and to subsection (4) of this section, include, in addition
to the stake money, the expenses and profits of the promoter of the betting or
any other person concerned with or benefiting from the promotion of the
betting, so far as they are not provided for out of the stake money and are
not shown to be referable to matters other than the promotion and management
of the betting and activities ancillary thereto, or connected therewith.

(3) All payments made for or on account of, or in connection with, any bets
made by way of pool betting in addition to the stake money by the persons
making the bets shall be treated as representing amounts on which duty is
chargeable by virtue of subsection (2), except in so far as the promoter of
the betting proves the contrary.

(4) There shall be excepted from any charge to duty by virtue of subsections
(2) and (3) the amount of any benefit accruing from the betting to a society
established and conducted for charitable purposes only, or to a society
established and conducted wholly or mainly for the support of athletic sports
or athletic games and not established or conducted for purposes of private
gain, if the benefit is provided by means of payments which are made for the
purpose by persons making bets and are not payments without which bets cannot
be made.

(5) In subsection (4), "society" includes any club, institution, organisation
or association of persons, by whatever name called.

(6) The pool betting duty shall be paid by the person to whom the person
making the bet looks for the payment of his winnings, if any.

(7) The supplemental provisions set out in Schedule 1 shall have effect with
respect to the pool betting duty.

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