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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> MENTAL HEALTH ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1961

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Protection for acts done in pursuance of this Act.

111.(1) A person shall not be liable, whether on the ground of want of
jurisdiction or on any other ground, to any civil or criminal proceedings to
which he would have been liable apart from this section in respect of any act
purporting to be done in pursuance of this Act or any regulations or rules
thereunder, unless the act was done in bad faith or without reasonable care.

(2) Civil or criminal proceedings shall not be brought against any person in
any court in respect of any such act without the leave of [a judge of the High
Court, who] shall not give leave under this section unless satisfied that
there is a prima facie case for the contention that the person to be proceeded
against has acted in bad faith or without reasonable care.

(3) This section does not apply to proceedings for an offence under this Act,
being proceedings which are instituted by, or by the direction of, the
Attorney General or proceedings under section ninety-nine, one hundred or one
hundred and one.

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