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Northern Irish Legislation

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Order dispensing with consent.

2.(1) A county court acting for the civil bill division in which any minor has
last resided for a period exceeding three months may, on application made to
it, on notice to such persons and in accordance with such procedure as may be
specified by county court rules, by or on behalf of the minor or by or on
behalf of any person (including another minor) intending to marry a minor,
make an order dispensing with any consent required by virtue of the foregoing
section, if the court is satisfied that the proposed marriage is in the best
interests of the minor, and either:

(a)both parents are dead and no guardian has been duly appointed and the
custody of the minor has not been committed to any person by the order of any
court; or

(b)the consent of more than one person is required under this Act and, at
least one of the persons whose consent is so required having consented to the
marriage, the other or any one of the others unreasonably or arbitrarily
withholds consent or is not interested in the maintenance or well-being of the
minor or cannot be found; or

(c)the consent of one person only is required under this Act and that person
is mentally ill or [is a person requiring special care within the meaning of
the Mental Health Act (Northern Ireland), 1961] or cannot be found; or

(d)there is uncertainty as to whose consent is required.

(2) An application may be made under this section by or on behalf of a minor
without the intervention of a next friend.

(3) The decision of the county court on any application made to it under this
section shall be final and conclusive.

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