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Recording of consents or orders dispensing therewith.

3.(1) Every consent required by virtue of section one of this Act and every
order made under section two of this Act shall:

(a)in the case of a marriage solemnized by or in the presence of a registrar,
be deposited with the registrar;

(b)in the case of a marriage not solemnized by a registrar, being a marriage
within the provisions of the Marriages (Ireland) Act, 1844, be dealt with in
accordance with the requirements of any regulations made by the Minister under
this Act; and

(c)in the case of a marriage not solemnized by a registrar and not being a
marriage within the provisions of the Marriages (Ireland) Act, 1844, be
annexed to the certificate required by section eleven of the
Registration of Marriages (Ireland) Act, 1863, to be sent to the registrar of

(2) Regulations made by the Minister under this Act may, in the case of any
marriage to which paragraph (b) of sub-section (1) of this section refers,
provide that the consent or order dispensing therewith shall be left with the
person solemnizing the marriage or with the person issuing any licence or
special licence authorizing the solemnization thereof and in either case may
require any such person to send every such consent or order left with him to a
registrar or to the Registrar-General at such times and in such manner as may
be prescribed and may contain such other provisions as may appear to the
Minister to be necessary to secure the availability for inspection at such
fee, if any, as may be prescribed and the due recording and preservation of
all such consents and orders; and it shall be the duty of every person to
comply with the requirements of all such regulations.

(3) The provisions of section eleven of the
Registration of Marriages (Ireland) Act, 1863, shall be deemed not to have
been complied with, in the case of a marriage to which paragraph (c) of
sub-section (1) of this section refers, unless and until the consent or order,
as the case may be, has been annexed and sent as required by that paragraph.

(4) Every consent or order deposited with or sent to a registrar under or by
virtue of this section shall be filed or recorded by such registrar in such
manner as the Minister may direct and shall be open to public inspection at
such times in such manner and upon payment of such fees, if any, as may be

(5) Reference in this section to any order made under section two of this Act
shall include references to a copy of such order duly certified under the hand
of any clerk or other officer of the court which made the order.

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