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Rules for carrying Act into effect.

50.(1) The land commission shall from time to time circulate forms of
application and directions as to the mode in which applications are to be made
under this Act, and may from time to time make, and when made may rescind,
amend, or add to, rules with respect to the following matters, or any of them:

(a)The proceedings on the occasion of sales under this Act:

Para.(b) rep. by SLR (NI) 1954

(c)The proceedings in the civil bill court under this Act:

(d)The consolidation of cases and the joinder of parties:

(e)The security (if any) to be given by applicants to, or persons dealing with
the commission:

(f) The proceedings in appeals under this Act:

(g)The proceedings in respect of cases stated for the decision of [Her
Majesty's Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland] under this Act:

(h)The proceedings on the occasion of applications for transfer of cases from
the civil bill court to the land commission under this Act:

(i)The qualifications and tenure of office of assistant commissioners:

(j)The forms to be used for the purposes of this Act:

(k)The scale of costs and fees to be charged in carrying this Act into
execution, and the taxation of such costs and fees, and the persons by or from
whom and the manner in which such costs and charges are to be paid or
deducted, subject nevertheless to the sanction of the Treasury as to the
amount of fees to be charged:

(l)The attendance and discharge of duties by the officers of the civil bill
courts before the land commission and sub-commissions when holding sittings
under this Act:

<(m)The mode in which consents on the part of the land commission or of any landlord, tenant, or other person may be signified under this Act:

(n)the service of notices on mortgagees and persons interested, and any other
matter by this Act, or any part of any Act incorporated herewith, directed to
be prescribed:

(o)As to any other matter or thing, whether similar or not to those above
mentioned, in respect of which it may seem to the land commission expedient to
make rules for the purpose of carrying this Act or any part of any Act
incorporated herewith into effect.

(2) Any rules made in pursuance of this section shall be judicially noticed in
all courts of Her Majesty's dominions.

(3) Any rules made in pursuance of this section shall be laid before
Parliament within three weeks after they are made if Parliament be then
sitting, and if Parliament be not then sitting, within three weeks after the
beginning of the then next session of Parliament; and if an Address is
presented to Her Majesty by either House of Parliament within the next
subsequent [forty days] on which the said House shall have sat praying that
any such rule may be annulled, Her Majesty may thereupon by Order in Council
annul the same, and the rule so annulled shall thenceforth become void and of
no effect, but without prejudice to the validity of any proceedings which may
in the meantime have been taken under the same.

(4) The Public Offices Fees Act, 1879, shall apply to fees payable under
this Act.

S.51 rep. by 1959 c.25 (NI) s.154(3) sch.5

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