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Northern Irish Legislation

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Clerk of the Bank of England or Bank of Ireland making out false dividend warrants.

6. Whosoever, being a clerk, officer, or servant of or other person employed
or intrusted by the Bank of England or the Bank of Ireland, shall knowingly
make out or deliver any dividend warrant, or warrant for payment of any
annuity, interest, or money payable at the Bank of England or Ireland, for a
greater or less amount than the person on whose behalf such warrant shall be
made out is entitled to, with intent to defraud, shall be guilty of felony,
and being convicted thereof shall be liable ... to be kept in penal servitude
for any term not exceeding seven years ....

Ss.726 rep. by 1913 c.27 (3 & 4 Geo.5) s.20 sch. Pt.I

As to forging records, process, instruments of evidence, &c.:

S.27 rep. by 1913 c.27 (3 & 4 Geo.5) s.20 sch. Pt.I

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