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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FORGERY ACT 1861

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Forging copies or certificates of records, process of courts not of record, and using forged process.

28. Whosoever, being the clerk of any court, or other officer having the
custody of the records of any court, or being the deputy of any such clerk or
officer, shall utter any false copy or certificate of any record, knowing the
same to be false; and whosoever ... shall deliver or cause to be delivered to
any person any paper falsely purporting to be any such process, or a copy
thereof, or to be any judgment, decree, or order of any court of law or
equity, or a copy thereof, knowing the same to be false, or shall act or
profess to act under any such false process, knowing the same to be false,
shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable ... to
be kept in penal servitude for any term not exceeding seven years ....

Ss.2933 rep. by 1913 c.27 (3 & 4 Geo.5) s.20 sch. Pt.I

As to falsely acknowledging recognizances, &c.:

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