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14.(1) In this Act

"action" includes failure to act and other expressions connoting action shall
be construed accordingly;

"the Commissioner" means the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Complaints;

"harbour authority" means a person or body of persons empowered under or by
virtue of a transferred provision to make charges in respect of vessels
entering a harbour in Northern Ireland or using facilities therein;

["local body" means ... a district council, or a joint committee appointed by
two or more such councils for a purpose in which they are jointly interested,
or any committee or sub-committee of such a council or joint committee;

"officer" includes servant;]

"Minister" means a Minister of Northern Ireland;

"person aggrieved" means the person who claims to have sustained such
injustice as is mentioned in section 5(1);

"prescribed" means prescribed by Order in Council made under section 13;

"professions supplementary to medicine" has the same meaning as in the
Professions Supplementary to Medicine Act 1960;

"statutory provision" and "transferred provision" have the same meanings as in
section 1 of the Interpretation Act (Northern Ireland) 1954;

"tribunal" includes any authority, body or person having power to determine
any matter.

(2) It is hereby declared that nothing in this Act authorises or requires
the Commissioner to question the merits of a decision taken without
maladministration by a local or public body in the exercise of a discretion
vested in that body.

(3) Any reference in this Act to a local or public body includes a reference
to the members or officers of that body.

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