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Orders in Council.

13.(1) The Governor may by Order in Council

(a)make provision for the payment to any person who has held the office of
Commissioner or in respect of the service of a person as Commissioner, of such
pension and other benefits as may be specified in the Order;

(b)amend Schedule 1 by the alteration of any entry, or the removal or
qualification of any entry, or the insertion of any additional entry;

(c)prescribe the fee, if any, to be paid under section 5(1)(b) in respect of
any complaint;

(d)amend Schedule 2 so as to exclude from the provisions of that Schedule any
such action or matter as is described in the Order;

(e)prescribe the form in which complaints are required to be made under
this Act and the particulars to be furnished in connection therewith; or

(f)make provision for any matter appearing to him to be necessary or advisable
for carrying out effectively the intent or purpose of this Act or of any
provision of this Act.

(2) Nothing in paragraph (b) of subsection (1) authorises the inclusion in
Schedule 1 of any government department or of any authority or body other than
an authority or body exercising functions entrusted to it by a
transferred provision or having its expenses substantially defrayed out of
moneys provided by Parliament.

(3) The Governor shall not be recommended to make any Order in Council under
this section until a draft thereof has been laid before Parliament and
approved by a resolution of each House of Parliament.

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