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Admissibility of evidence as to credibility of person supplying information from which statement admitted under s.1 is compiled

4.(1) Subject to subsection (2) and to rules of court, where in any
civil proceedings a statement contained in a document is given in evidence by
virtue of section 1

(a)any evidence which, if the person who originally supplied the information
from which the record containing the statement was compiled had been called as
a witness in those proceedings, would be admissible for the purpose of
destroying or supporting his credibility as a witness shall be admissible for
that purpose in those proceedings; and

(b)evidence tending to prove that, whether before or after he supplied that
information, that person made (whether orally or in a document or otherwise) a
statement inconsistent with that information shall be admissible for the
purpose of showing that that person has contradicted himself.

(2) Nothing in subsection (1) shall enable evidence to be given of any matter
of which, if the person in question had been called as a witness and had
denied that matter in cross-examination, evidence could not have been adduced
by the cross-examining party.

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