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Northern Irish Legislation

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Powers of Lands Tribunal to grant a new tenancy on application.

12.(1) Where the tenant applies under section 8 to the Lands Tribunal for the
grant of a new tenancy and

(a)the landlord fails to establish to the satisfaction of the Lands Tribunal
any of the grounds of opposition to the grant of a new tenancy under
section 10; or

(b)the Lands Tribunal does not make a declaration under section 11(2);

(2) Where a tenancy is continued or a new tenancy is granted under this Part
in any premises, such continued or new tenancy shall for all purposes be
deemed to be a graft upon the tenancy previously subsisting in those premises,
and the interest of the tenant thereunder shall be subject to any rights or
equities arising from its being such graft.

(3) Subsection (2) shall not operate so as to extend any liability under any
guarantee or other security for the payment of rent.

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