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Current news
REGISTRATION NOW OPEN: Sir Henry Brooke Lecture, Thursday 20 March 2025 at 18:00 (GMT)
The Trustees of BAILII are delighted to announce that
registration is now open for the Sir Henry Brooke Lecture 2025, which will be a hybrid event. This year's lecture is entitled 'Valuing Lawyers', and will be given by The Lady Chief Justice of England and Wales, Baroness Carr of Walton-on-the-Hill. The Trustees are very grateful to Herbert Smith Freehills LLP for hosting in-person attendees at their London offices (Exchange House, Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2EG)."
[NEW] Judgments on Bluesky
Follow on Bluesky to stay up to date with BAILII's [NEW] judgment posts. Hashtags on Bluesky make it easy to quickly see BAILII posts for a particular court/tribunal. BAILII [NEW] judgment feeds are also available on X (@bailii) and Mastodon (
BAILII is committed to providing free access to the law for all. We rely on donations to fund the very modest costs of maintaining and extending our free-to-access databases of legal information. If you value access to justice and/or you use BAILII, please donate today:
Thank you very much for your support!
Sir Henry Brooke Lecture Video
A video of the 2024 Sir Henry Brooke Lecture, 'The State of the World', given by Baroness Kennedy of the Shaws LT KC FRSA FRSE on 21 November 2024 is now available on BAILII.
Quick Guide to BAILII
The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies compiled
a Quick Guide to BAILII.
Most-downloaded judgments
To help users stay up-to-date, BAILII now has a
summary listing of the judgments viewed most often in the last week.
Did you know?
The regular plural and singular form of words in a search are automatically matched. (
more info)
Archived news
In December, BAILII is celebrating 24 years of providing free access to the law for all. We rely on donations to fund the very modest costs of maintaining and extending our free-to-access databases of legal information. If you value access to justice and/or you use BAILII, please donate today:
Thank you very much for your support!
Thank you to everyone who donated to BAILII's June campaign! We are grateful for your support of BAILII's work to provide free access to the law for all. If you were unable to donate at this time, BAILII welcomes contributions at any time of the year: https://www.bai
You may notice that BAILII looks a little different at the moment. Throughout June you will see pop-ups asking users to donate to BAILII. Donations fund the very modest costs of maintaining and extending BAILII's free-to-access databases of legal information. If you value access to justice and/or you use BAILII, please donate today: Thank you very much for your support! | |
BAILII seeks new Trustees
The British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII) is seeking two new Trustees (Click
here for PDF of Announcement). BAILII runs a free online public service that provides access to a vast, constantly updated set of British and Irish legal materials. It is supported by many legal institutions and members of the legal profession, and millions of people use BAILII every year, including legal educators and students, practising lawyers, the advice sector, and members of the public. BAILII trustees are expected to actively support the organisation's activities, have a knowledge of charitable fundraising, attend the Sir Henry Brooke Lecture, and meet as a Board three times per year. BAILII's work supports access to justice, fairness, and inclusion, and it aims for diversity on its Board to contribute to good governance and decision-making. Please send expressions of interest to Ann M. Hale at by midnight (BST) on Wednesday, 1 May 2024.
Singapore International Commercial Court (SICC) Judgments on BAILII
BAILII now includes judgments from the
Singapore International Commercial Court (SICC). The new database enhances BAILII's existing collection of international commercial judgments from Abu Dhabi Global Market Courts, the Cayman Islands, and Qatar.
Sir Henry Brooke Lecture Transcript
The transcript, presentation slides and video of
Access to Justice: Rethinking the Framework, the Sir Henry Brooke Lecture given by Sir Ross Cranston KC on 12 October 2023, is now available on BAILII.
Sir Henry Brooke Lecture, Thursday 12 October 2023 at 18:00 (BST)
The Sir Henry Brooke Lecture 2023 is entitled 'Access to Justice: Rethinking the Framework' and will be given by Sir Ross Cranston KC. Registration for the event is now closed. The Trustees are very grateful to Allen & Overy LLP for hosting this event at their London office. Following the event, a recording of the lecture will be made available on BAILII.
BAILII is now on Mastodon (ActivityPub)
Follow to stay up-to-date on the latest NEW judgments added to BAILII.
BAILII and The National Archives
BAILII continues to assist The National Archives in developing their new service for judgments from England and Wales. Alongside other charitable endeavours, BAILII will continue to provide free access to a wide range of legal materials, including judgments from England and Wales as well as other jurisdictions - Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland and European courts, and the Commonwealth.
BAILII and MoJ working for open justice
Press release
Dubai International Financial Centre judgments on BAILII
BAILII has added the judgments of the
Dubai International Financial Centre courts from 2009 onwards. Judgments from the Qatar International Court and the Abu Dhabi Global Market courts already appear on BAILII.
Data sharing agreement for AI for English Law
BAILII and Oxford University have concluded a groundbreaking
data sharing agreement for the AI for English Law project.
BAILII: The First 20 Years
A timeline of BAILII is
now available.
COVID-19 Pandemic
Usage of BAILII has increased during the pandemic. Donations are BAILII's core funding.
Please consider a donation. The BAILII team are working from their homes and are continuing to upload judgments as they come in; additionally, courts and tribunals are sending some older materials which they have not sent to BAILII before. The Trustees and staff of BAILII wish all users and supporters well during this difficult time.
BAILII Advisory Council
BAILII has convened a group to advise it on strategy and support it in promoting the BAILII service and to contribute to BAILII activities.
Members of the AC are drawn from a range of stakeholders including users, content specialists, supporters, and donors.
New BAILII briefing paper
A briefing paper containing recent information about BAILII is now available
BAILII needs your support
An article by Guy Beringer, a trustee of BAILII.
New BAILII search engine
BAILII has moved to a new search engine. Please see
this page for details of the changes. If you have scripts that access BAILII through the search interface, you will need to update them. If you need assistance, contact
BAILII is the most popular free legal website!
The annual
Society of Legal Scholars and BIALL Survey shows that BAILII, by a large margin, is the most popular free website with legal content which assists teaching staff and students in their law studies and which they access frequently.