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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FOREIGN MARRIAGE ACT 1892

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Requirement of like consent to marriage as in England, and power to forbid marriage.

4.(1) The like consent shall be required to a marriage under this Act as is
required by law to marriages solemnised in England.

[Provided that, if a Secretary of State or, in such cases as may be
prescribed, the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England,
Scotland or Northern Ireland, is satisfied that the consent of any person
whose consent is so required cannot be obtained by reason of absence or
inaccessibility or by reason of his being under any disability, the Secretary
of State or, as the case may be, the said Registrar-General may dispense with
the necessity of obtaining his consent.]

(2) Every person whose consent to a marriage is so required may, at any time
before the solemnisation thereof under this Act, forbid it by writing the word
"forbidden" opposite to the entry of the intended marriage in the book of
notices, and by subscribing thereto his name and residence, and the character
by reason of which he is authorised to forbid the marriage; and if a marriage
is so forbidden the notice shall be void, and the intended marriage shall not
be solemnised under that notice.

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