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Northern Irish Legislation

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Caveat against marriages may be lodged with marriage officer.

5.(1) Any person may on payment of the proper fee enter with the marriage
officer a caveat, signed by him or on his behalf, and stating his residence
and the ground of his objection against the solemnisation of the marriage of
any person named therein, and thereupon the marriage of that person shall not
be solemnised until either the marriage officer has examined into the matter
of the caveat and is satisfied that it ought not to obstruct the solemnisation
of the marriage, or the caveat is withdrawn by the person entering it.

(2) In a case of doubt the marriage officer may transmit a copy of the caveat,
with such statement respecting it as he thinks fit, to a Secretary of State,
who shall refer the same to the Registrar-General, and the Registrar-General
shall give his decision thereon in writing to the Secretary of State, who
shall communicate it to the marriage officer.

(3) If the marriage officer refuses to solemnise or to allow to be solemnised
in his presence the marriage of any person requiring it to be solemnised, that
person may appeal to a Secretary of State, who shall give the marriage officer
his decision thereon.

(4) The marriage officer shall forthwith inform the parties of and shall
conform to any decision given by the Registrar-General or Secretary of State.

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