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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> BANKERS' COMPOSITION (IRELAND) ACT 1828

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Commissioners of stamps may cancel certificates taken out for issuing promissory notes payable to bearer on demand, and grant licences under this Act in lieu thereof.

5. Provided always, that where any banker or bankers shall have taken out the
certificate required by law for issuing promissory notes payable to bearer on
demand at any town or place in Ireland, and during the period for which such
certificate shall have been granted, shall be desirous of taking out a licence
to issue at the same town or place unstamped promissory notes under the
provisions of this Act, it shall be lawful for the commissioners of stamps, or
their officers, to cancel and allow as spoiled the stamp for such certificate,
and in lieu thereof to grant to such banker or bankers a licence under the
authority of this Act; and every such licence shall, during its continuance in
force, also authorize the re-issuing of all promissory notes payable to the
bearer on demand which such banker or bankers may have previously issued on
paper duly stamped, until the twenty-fourth day of March inclusive then next
following, provided such notes may so long be lawfully re-issued.

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