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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> BANKERS' COMPOSITION (IRELAND) ACT 1828

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Bankers licensed under this Act to issue all their promissory notes of payment of money to the bearer on demand on unstamped paper.

6. Provided always, that if any banker or bankers who shall take out a licence
under the authority of this Act shall issue, under the authority either of
this or any other Act, any unstamped promissory notes for payment of money to
the bearer on demand, such banker or bankers shall, so long as he or they
shall continue licensed as aforesaid, make and issue on unstamped paper all
his or their promissory notes for payment of money to the bearer on demand, of
whatever amount or value (not exceeding the sum of one hundred pounds) such
notes may be; and it shall not be lawful for such banker or bankers, during
the period aforesaid, to issue for the first time, any such promissory note as
aforesaid on stamped paper.

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