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Northern Irish Legislation

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Regulations respecting licences.

4. Every licence granted under the authority of this Act shall specify all the
particulars required by law to be specified in the certificates to be taken
out by persons in Ireland issuing promissory notes payable to bearer on
demand, and allowed to be re-issued; and every such licence which shall be
granted between the twenty-fourth day of March and the twenty-fifth day of
April in any year shall be dated on the twenty-fifth day of March; and every
such licence which shall be granted at any other time, shall be dated on the
day on which the same shall be granted; and every such licence shall
(notwithstanding any alteration which may take place in any copartnership of
persons to whom the same shall be granted) have effect and continue in force
from the day of the date thereof until the twenty-fourth day of March then
next following, both inclusive, and no longer.

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