24 February 2010
Laid before the National Assembly for Wales
1 March 2010
Coming into force in accordance with article 1(2) and (3)
The Welsh Ministers, in exercise of the powers conferred upon them by sections 8(1), 8(2), 50(1), 50(2) and 50(3) of the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009(1), and having consulted those persons which they are required, by section 8(3) of that Measure, to consult, hereby make the following Order.
1.–(1) The title of this Order is the Local Government (Performance Indicators and Standards) (Wales) Order 2010.
(2) This Order applies only to Welsh improvement authorities which are county and county borough council in Wales, and subject to paragraph (3) comes into force on the 1 April 2010.
(3) Schedule 5 comes into force on 1 April 2012 and applies in relation to the financial years beginning 1 April 2012, 1 April 2013 and 1 April 2014.
(4) This Order applies in relation to Wales.
2. The performance indicators and performance standards are specified in relation to the functions identified in the table below.
Welsh Improvement Authority Functions and Performance Indicators and Performance Standards by which performance of those functions will be measured |
Social Services |
All indicators in Schedule 1 |
Housing |
All indicators in Schedule 2 |
Education |
All indicators in Schedule 3 |
Waste Management |
All indicators in Schedule 4 |
All standards in Schedule 5 |
Transport/Highways |
All indicators in Schedule 6 |
Culture and Sport |
All indicators in Schedule 7 |
Energy Efficiency |
All indicators in Schedule 8 |
Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit |
All indicators in Schedule 9 |
3. The Local Government (Best Value Performance Indicators) (Wales) Order 2008 is revoked(2).
Carl Sargeant
Minister for Social Justice and Local Government, one of the Welsh Ministers
24 February 2010
Article 2
Rhif y Dangosydd/ Indicator Number | Prif ddangosydd | Headline indicator |
DP 1/ PI 1 | Cyfradd yr oedi wrth drosglwyddo gofal am resymau gofal cymdeithasol fesul 1,000 o'r boblogaeth sy'n 75 oed neu drosodd. | The rate of delayed transfers of care for social care reasons per 1,000 population aged 75 or over. |
DP 2/ PI 2 | Cyfradd; (a)
pobl hŷn (sy'n 65 oed neu drosodd) y rhoddir cymorth iddynt yn y gymuned fesul 1,000 o'r boblogaeth sy'n 65 oed neu drosodd ar 31 Mawrth; (b)
pobl hŷn (sy'n 65 oed neu drosodd) y mae'r awdurdod yn rhoi cymorth iddynt mewn cartrefi gofal fesul 1,000 o'r boblogaeth sy'n 65 oed neu drosodd ar 31 Mawrth. |
The rate of; (a)
older people (aged 65 or over) supported in the community per 1,000 population aged 65 or over at 31 March; (b)
older people (aged 65 or over) whom the authority supports in care homes per 1,000 population aged 65 or over at 31 March. |
DP 3/ PI 3 | Canran y plant sy'n derbyn gofal ar 31 Mawrth a chanddynt brofiad o symud ysgol unwaith neu ragor, yn ystod cyfnod neu gyfnodau o dderbyn gofal, ac nad oedd y symud hwnnw oherwydd trefniadau trosiannol, yn y 12 mis hyd at 31 Mawrth. | The percentage of children looked after at 31 March who have experienced one or more changes of school, during a period or periods of being looked after, which were not due to transitional arrangements, in the 12 months to 31 March. |
DP 4/ PI 4 | Cyfartaledd y sgôr pwyntiau mewn cysylltiad â chymwysterau allanol plant 16 oed sy'n derbyn gofal mewn unrhyw sefyllfa ddysgu a gynhelir gan awdurdod lleol. | The average external qualifications point score for 16 year old looked after children in any local authority maintained learning setting. |
DP 5/ PI 5 | Canran; (a)
y bobl ifanc a oedd yn derbyn gofal yn flaenorol ac y mae'r awdurdod mewn cysylltiad â hwy a hwythau'n 19 oed; (b)
y bobl ifanc a oedd yn derbyn gofal yn flaenorol ac y mae'r awdurdod mewn cysylltiad â hwy, ac y gwyddys eu bod mewn llety addas, nad yw'n llety argyfwng a hwythau'n 19 oed; (c)
y bobl ifanc a oedd yn derbyn gofal yn flaenorol ac y mae'r awdurdod mewn cysylltiad â hwy, ac y gwyddys eu bod yn ymgymryd ag addysg, hyfforddiant neu gyflogaeth a hwythau'n 19 oed. |
The percentage of; (a)
young people formerly looked after with whom the authority is in contact at the age of 19; (b)
young people formerly looked after with whom the authority is in contact, who are known to be in suitable, non-emergency accommodation at the age of 19; (c)
young people formerly looked after with whom the authority is in contact, who are known to be engaged in education, training or employment at the age of 19. |
Article 2
Rhif y Dangosydd/ Indicator Number | Prif ddangosydd | Headline indicator |
DP 6/ PI 6 | Canran yr holl aelwydydd a allai fod yn ddigartref ac yr ataliwyd iddynt fod yn ddigartref am 6 mis o leiaf. | The percentage of all potentially homeless households for whom homelessness was prevented for at least 6 months. |
DP 7/ PI 7 | Y nifer o ddiwrnodau calendr ar gyfartaledd a gymerwyd i roi Grant Cyfleusterau i'r Anabl. | The average number of calendar days taken to deliver a Disabled Facilities Grant. |
DP 8/ PI 8 | Nifer yr unedau tai fforddiadwy ychwanegol a ddarparwyd yn ystod y flwyddyn fel canran yr holl unedau tai ychwanegol a ddarparwyd yn ystod y flwyddyn. | The number of additional affordable housing units provided during the year as a percentage of all additional housing units provided during the year. |
DP 9/ PI 9 | Canran yr anheddau sector preifat a oedd wedi bod yn wag am fwy na 6 mis ar 1 Ebrill ac a feddiannwyd eto yn ystod y flwyddyn o ganlyniad i weithredu uniongyrchol gan yr awdurdod lleol. | The percentage of private sector dwellings that had been vacant for more than 6 months at 1 April that were returned to occupation during the year through direct action by the local authority. |
Article 2
Rhif y Dangosydd/ Indicator Number | Prif ddangosydd | Headline indicator |
DP 10/ PI 10 | Canran; (a)
yr holl ddisgyblion (gan gynnwys y rhai sydd yng ngofal awdurdod lleol); a (b)
y disgyblion sydd yng ngofal awdurdodau lleol, sydd mewn unrhyw ysgol a gynhelir gan awdurdod lleol, a hwythau'n 15 oed ar y 31 Awst blaenorol ac sy'n gadael addysg orfodol, hyfforddiant neu ddysgu seiliedig ar waith heb fod ganddynt gymhwyster allanol a gymeradwywyd. |
The percentage of; (a)
all pupils (including those in local authority care); and (b)
pupils in local authority care, in any local authority maintained school, aged 15 as at the preceding 31 August that leave compulsory education, training or work based learning without an approved external qualification. |
DP 11/ PI 11 | Cyfartaledd y sgôr pwyntiau ar gyfer disgyblion sy'n 15 oed ar y 31 Awst blaenorol mewn ysgolion a gynhelir gan yr awdurdod lleol. | The average point score for pupils aged 15 at the preceding 31 August in schools maintained by the local authority. |
DP 12/ PI 12 | Canran y datganiadau terfynol o anghenion addysgol arbennig a ddyroddir o fewn 26 o wythnosau; (a)
gan gynnwys eithriadau; a (b)
heb gynnwys eithriadau. |
The percentage of final statements of special education needs issued within 26 weeks; (a)
including exceptions; and (b)
excluding exceptions. |
Article 2
Rhif y Dangosydd/ Indicator Number | Prif ddangosydd | Headline indicator |
DP 13/ PI 13 | Canran y gwastraff trefol a gesglir gan awdurdodau lleol ac a gaiff ei baratoi ar gyfer ei ailddefnyddio a'i ailgylchu/neu ei ailgylchu, gan gynnwys deunyddiau biowastraff wedi eu gwahanu yn eu tarddle ac a gompostir neu a drinnir yn fiolegol mewn ffordd arall. | The percentage of municipal waste collected by local authorities and prepared for reuse and/or recycled, including source segregated biowastes that are composted or treated biologically in another way. |
DP 14/ PI 14 | Canran y gwastraff trefol a gesglir gan awdurdodau lleol ac a anfonir i safle tirlenwi. | The percentage of municipal waste collected by local authorities sent to landfill. |
DP 15/ PI 15 | Canran yr achosion o dipio gwastraff yn anghyfreithlon y rhoddwyd gwybod amdanynt ac y cliriwyd y gwastraff o fewn 5 niwrnod gwaith. | The percentage of reported fly tipping incidents cleared within 5 working days. |
Article 2
Rhif y Dangosydd/ Indicator Number | Prif ddangosydd | Headline indicator |
SP 1/ PS 1 | Isafswm o 52% o'r holl wastraff trefol wedi ei gasglu gan awdurdodau lleol i'w baratoi ar gyfer ei ailddefnyddio, neu ei ailgylchu, neu (o ran deunyddiau biowastraff a wahenir yn eu tarddle) ei gompostio (gan gynnwys unrhyw drawsffurfio arall drwy gyfrwng prosesau biolegol). | A minimum of 52% of all local authority collected municipal waste is to be prepared for re-use, or recycled, or (for source segregated biowastes) composted (including any other transformation by biological processes). |
Article 2
Rhif y Dangosydd/ Indicator Number | Prif ddangosydd | Headline indicator |
DP 16/ PI 16 | Canran yr oedolion sy'n 60 oed neu drosodd sy'n ddeiliaid tocynnau teithio rhatach ar y bws. | The percentage of adults aged 60 or over who hold a concessionary bus pass. |
Article 2
Rhif y Dangosydd/ Indicator Number | Prif ddangosydd | Headline indicator |
DP 17/ PI 17 | Nifer yr ymweliadau â chanolfannau chwaraeon a hamdden awdurdodau lleol yn ystod y flwyddyn fesul 1,000 o'r boblogaeth, pan fydd yr ymwelydd yn cymryd rhan mewn gweithgarwch corfforol. | The number of visits to local authority sport and leisure centres during the year per 1,000 population, where the visitor will be participating in physical activity. |
DP 18/ PI 18 | Nifer yr ymweliadau â llyfrgelloedd cyhoeddus yn ystod y flwyddyn fesul 1,000 o'r boblogaeth. | The number of visits to public libraries during the year per 1,000 population. |
Article 2
Rhif y Dangosydd/ Indicator Number | Prif ddangosydd | Headline indicator |
DP 19/ PI 19 | Canran y newid mewn allyriadau carbon deuocsid yn y stoc adeiladau cyhoeddus annomestig. | The percentage change in carbon dioxide emissions in the non domestic public building stock. |
Article 2
Rhif y Dangosydd/ Indicator Number | Prif ddangosydd | Headline indicator |
DP 20/ PI 20 | Yr amser a gymerir i brosesu ceisiadau newydd a rhai'n gysylltiedig ag amgylchiadau wedi newid o ran Budd-daliadau Tai a Budd-daliadau'r Dreth Gyngor. | The time taken to process Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit new claims and change events . |
DP 21/ PI 21 | Y nifer o weithiau y mae amgylchiadau'n newid sy'n effeithio ar hawl cwsmeriaid i gael Budd-daliadau Tai neu Fudd-daliadau'r Dreth Gyngor o fewn y flwyddyn. | The number of changes of circumstances which affect customers' entitlement to Housing Benefit or Council Tax Benefit within the year. |
(This note is not part of the Order)
This Order specifies, for Wales, performance indicators by reference to which the performance of county councils and county borough councils, in exercising their functions, will be measured from 1 April 2010. The Order revokes the Local Government (Best Value Performance Indicators) (Wales) Order 2008.
Article 2 identifies, by reference to the Schedules, which performance indicators and performance standards will be used to measure the performance of which functions.
Schedules 1 to 4 and 6 to 9 detail the prescribed performance indicators for the different functions as follows:
Schedule 1 – Social Services
Schedule 2 – Housing
Schedule 3 – Education
Schedule 4 – Waste Management
Schedule 6 – Transport/Highways
Schedule 7 – Culture and Sport
Schedule 8 – Energy Efficiency
Schedule 9 – Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit.
Schedule 5 details the prescribed performance standards for the waste management function.