3 December 2009
Coming into force
11 December 2009
1. The new highway, which the Welsh Ministers propose to construct along the route described in the Schedule to this Order, shall become a trunk road as from the date when this Order comes into force.
2. The centre line of the new trunk road is indicated by a heavy black line on the deposited map.
3. In this Order:-"
All measurements of distance are measured along the route of the relevant highway;
i. -�the deposited map-� (-�y map a adneuwyd-�)
means the map numbered HA 10/2 WAG 3 and marked -�The London to Fishguard Trunk Road (A40) (Improvement at The Kell, Treffgarne) Order 2009-�, signed on behalf of the Welsh Ministers and deposited at the Welsh Assembly Government, Record Storage and Retrieval Unit (RSRU), Neptune Point, Ocean Way, Cardiff.
ii. -�the new trunk road-� (-�y gefnffordd newydd-�)
means the highway mentioned in article 1 of this Order;
iii. -�the trunk road-� (-�y gefnffordd-�)
means the London to Fishguard Trunk Road (A40).
4. This Order comes into force on 11 December 2009 and its title is The London to Fishguard Trunk Road (A40) (Improvement at The Kell, Treffgarne) Order 2009.
Signed on behalf of the Welsh Ministers
J Collins
Deputy Director of Transport Planning and Governance Welsh Assembly Government
3 December 2009
The route of the new trunk road is a route of about 0.48 kilometres in length, commencing at a point on the trunk road approximately 622 metres south of the centreline of the junction of the A40 trunk road with the C3059 road to Spittal and extending in a generally northerly direction to a point approximately 112 metres south of the junction of the trunk road with the C3059 road to Spittal.