9 July 2008
Coming into force in accordance with regulation 1
3.The statement and the question to be asked in a referendum
4.Publicity and other information in connection with referendums
13.Determination of referendum petitions and subsequent procedures
16.Non-domestic rating: premises used for referendum purposes
Application, with Modifications, of Acts and Subordinate Legislation
The Welsh Ministers make the following Regulations in exercise of the powers conferred upon the National Assembly for Wales by section 26 of the Welsh Language Act 1993(1) and by sections 45, 105 and 106(1) of the Local Government Act 2000(2) and now vested in them(3):
The Welsh Ministers have consulted the Electoral Commission about these Regulations in accordance with section 45(8A) of the Local Government Act 2000.
In accordance with section 45(8B) and (8C) of that Act, the Welsh Ministers have consulted the Electoral Commission on the intelligibility of the questions which may be asked at a referendum together with the statements which precede these questions as specified in these Regulations. They have laid before the National Assembly for Wales a report stating the views expressed by the Commission in response.
In accordance with section 45(8D) of that Act, the Welsh Ministers have sought and had regard to the views of the Electoral Commission on the matter of the limitation of referendums expenses. They have laid no statement before the National Assembly for Wales in pursuance of that subsection because these Regulations accord with those views.
In accordance with section 105(6) of that Act (as applied by paragraph 34(2) of Schedule 11 to the Government of Wales Act 2006), a draft of this instrument has been laid before and approved by a resolution of the National Assembly for Wales.
1.–(1) The title of these Regulations is the Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Wales) Regulations 2008.
(2) These Regulations come into force 14 days after the day on which they are made.
(3) These Regulations apply to the holding of referendums by local authorities in Wales.
(4) The Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Wales) Regulations 2004 are revoked(4).
2.–(1) In these Regulations–
"the 1983 Act" ("Deddf 1983") means the Representation of the People Act 1983(5);
"the 1985 Act" ("Deddf 1985") means the Representation of the People Act 1985(6);
"the 2000 Act" ("Deddf 2000") means the Local Government Act 2000(7);
"counting observer" ("arsylwr cyfrif") means a person appointed by a counting officer under rule 18(2) of the Local Government Act Referendums Rules;
"counting officer" ("swyddog cyfrif") means a person referred to in regulation 9;
"elected mayor" ("maer etholedig"), in relation to a local authority, means an individual elected as mayor of the local authority by the local government electors for the local authority´s area in accordance with provisions made by or under Part II of the 2000 Act;
"the Elections Act" ("Deddf yr Etholiadau") means the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000(8);
"European Parliamentary election" ("etholiad Senedd Ewrop") and "European Parliamentary general election" ("etholiad cyffredinol Senedd Ewrop") must be construed in accordance with section 27(1) of the 1985 Act(9);
"further referendum" ("refferendwm pellach") means a referendum held in pursuance of an order under regulation 13(3);
"the Local Government Act Referendums Rules" ("Rheolau Refferenda'r Ddeddf Llywodraeth Leol") means the rules set out in Schedule 3 to these Regulations;
"local government election" ("etholiad llywodraeth leol") must be construed in accordance with section 203(1) of the 1983 Act;
"mayoral election" ("etholiad maerol") must be construed in accordance with the Local Authorities (Mayoral Elections) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007(10);
"outline fall-back proposals" ("cynigion wrth gefn amlinellol")–
in relation to proposals under section 25 (proposals) of the 2000 Act, means an outline of the proposals that a local authority intend to implement if their proposals under section 25 are rejected in a referendum;
in relation to proposals under regulation 17 (action before referendum) or regulation 19 (action following direction) of the Petitions and Directions Regulations, means an outline of the proposals that a local authority intend to implement if proposals that are to be the subject of a referendum under Part II or Part III of those Regulations are rejected in that referendum;
in relation to proposals under an order under section 36 (referendum following order) of the 2000 Act, means–
if the local authority are then operating executive or alternative arrangements, a summary of those arrangements;
in any other case, an outline of the proposals specified in the order that the local authority intend to implement if proposals that are to be the subject of a referendum are rejected in that referendum;
in relation to proposals under regulations under section 30 (operation of different executive arrangements) or section 33 (operation of alternative arrangements) of the 2000 Act, means a summary of the local authority´s existing executive arrangements or existing alternative arrangements (as the case may be);
"the Petitions and Directions Regulations" ("Rheoliadau Deisebau a Chyfarwyddiadau") means the Local Authorities (Referendums) (Petitions and Directions) (Wales) Regulations 2001(11);
"petition organiser" ("trefnydd deiseb"), in relation to a referendum, means a person who is treated for the purposes of regulation 10(4) or (5) (formalities of petition) (as the case may be) of the Petitions and Directions Regulations, as the petition organiser of any valid petition (whether an amalgamated petition, a constituent petition or a post-announcement petition) received by the local authority by or in respect of which the referendum is held(12);
"polling observer" ("arsylwr pleidleisio") means a person appointed by a counting officer under rule 18(1) of the Local Government Act Referendums Rules;
"proper officer" ("swyddog priodol") must be construed in accordance with section 270(3) of the Local Government Act 1972(13);
"proposals date" ("dyddiad y cynigion")–
in relation to a referendum, other than a further referendum, means the date on which proposals–
under section 25 of the 2000 Act which involve a form of executive for which a referendum is required,
under regulation 17 or 19 of the Petitions and Directions Regulations,
under an order under section 36 of the 2000 Act, or
under regulations under section 30 or 33 of the 2000 Act(14),
are sent to the Welsh Ministers; and
in relation to a further referendum, means the day which falls two months before the day on which the poll at the further referendum is held;
"referendum" ("refferendwm") means a referendum held under section 27 (referendum in case of proposals involving elected mayor) of the 2000 Act, or by virtue of regulations or an order made under any provision of Part II (arrangements with respect to executives etc.) of the 2000 Act;
"referendum period" ("cyfnod y refferendwm"), in relation to a referendum (including a further referendum), means the period beginning with–
where the proposals date precedes the coming into force of these Regulations, the date on which these Regulations come into force;
in any other case, the proposals date,
and ending on the date of the referendum;
"the Representation of the People Regulations" ("Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl") means the Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001(15);
"the RP Act 2000" ("Deddf CB 2000") means the Representation of the People Act 2000(16); and
"voting area" ("ardal y bleidlais") means the area in which a referendum is held.
(2) Any reference in the following provisions of these Regulations to a section followed by a number is, unless the context otherwise requires, a reference to the section of the 2000 Act that bears that number.
3. Where the proposals in relation to which a referendum is to be held involve–
(a) a mayor and cabinet executive, the statement to precede the question ("the statement") and the question to be asked in that referendum are to be in the form set out in paragraph 1 of Schedule 1 to these Regulations;
(b) a mayor and council manager executive, the statement and the question to be asked in that referendum are to be in the form set out in paragraph 2 of that Schedule;
(c) a leader and cabinet executive, the statement and the question to be asked in that referendum are to be in the form set out in paragraph 3 of that Schedule.
4.–(1) The proper officer must, as soon as practicable after the proposals date, publish in at least one newspaper circulating in the local authority´s area a notice which contains–
(a) a statement that, as the case may be–
(i) proposals under section 25 involving a form of executive for which a referendum is required,
(ii) proposals under regulation 17(3) or 19(1) of the Petitions and Directions Regulations,
(iii) proposals under an order under section 36, or
(iv) proposals under regulations under section 30 or 33,
have been sent to the Welsh Ministers;
(b) a description of the main features of the proposals and of the outline fall-back proposals;
(c) a statement–
(i) that a referendum will be held,
(ii) of the date on which the referendum will be held,
(iii) of the question to be asked in the referendum,
(iv) that the referendum will be conducted in accordance with procedures similar to those used at local government elections,
(v) of the referendum expenses limit (as defined in regulation 6(1)) that will apply in relation to the referendum and the number of local government electors by reference to which that limit has been calculated,
(vi) of the address and times at which a copy of the proposals, and of the local authority´s outline fall-back proposals, may be inspected, and
(vii) of the procedures for obtaining a copy of the proposals and outline fall-back proposals.
(2) Unless the notice required to be published by paragraph (1) ("the first notice") is published fewer than 56 days before the date of the referendum, the proper officer must publish a second notice containing the particulars specified in paragraph (1)(c)(i) to (vii).
(3) The second notice is to be published–
(a) in the same newspaper or newspapers as were used for the publication of the first notice, and
(b) no more than 55 days and no less than 28 days before the date of the referendum.
(4) The local authority must make available for inspection throughout the referendum period, at the address and times stated in the notice, and free of charge, a copy of their proposals and outline fall-back proposals, and must secure that sufficient copies are available for persons who wish to obtain copies.
(5) The local authority may provide (whether or not in pursuance of any duty to do so) any other factual information relating to the proposals, the outline fall-back proposals or the referendum so far as it is presented fairly.
(6) In determining for the purposes of paragraph (5) whether any information is presented fairly, regard is, in accordance with section 38, to be had to any guidance for the time being issued by the Welsh Ministers under section 38.
5.–(1) This regulation applies to any material which–
(a) provides general information about the referendum,
(b) deals with any of the issues raised by the question to be asked in the referendum, or
(c) puts any arguments for or against a particular answer to that question.
(2) No material to which this regulation applies is to be published by or on behalf of a local authority during the period of 28 days ending with the date of the poll at the referendum.
(3) Paragraph (2) does not apply to–
(a) material made available to persons in response to specific requests for information or to persons specifically seeking access to it,
(b) the publication of information relating to the holding of the poll at the referendum, or
(c) the publication of press notices containing factual information where the sole purpose of the publication is to refute or correct any inaccuracy in material published by a person other than the local authority.
(4) In this regulation "publish" ("cyhoeddi") means make available to the public at large, or to any section of the public, in whatever form and by whatever means (including, in particular, by inclusion in any programme included in a programme service within the meaning of the Broadcasting Act 1990(17)); and "publication" ("cyhoeddiad") is to be construed accordingly.
6.–(1) In this regulation and regulation 7–
"campaign organiser" ("trefnydd ymgyrch") means the individual or body by whom, or on whose behalf, referendum expenses are incurred (including expenses treated as incurred) in connection with a referendum campaign;
"referendum campaign" ("ymgyrch refferendwm") means a campaign conducted with a view to promoting or procuring a particular outcome in relation to the question to be asked in a referendum;
"referendum expenses" ("treuliau refferendwm") means the expenses incurred by or on behalf of any individual or body during the referendum period for referendum purposes in respect of any of the matters set out in paragraphs 1 to 7 of Schedule 2 to these Regulations, as read in accordance with paragraph 8 of that Schedule;
"referendum expenses limit" ("cyfyngiad treuliau refferendwm") means the aggregate of £2,362 and the amount found by multiplying by 5.9 pence the number of entries in the relevant register;
"for referendum purposes" ("at ddibenion refferendwm") means–
in connection with the conduct or management of any campaign conducted with a view to promoting or procuring a particular outcome in relation to the question asked in the referendum, or
otherwise in connection with promoting or procuring any such outcome;
"the relevant register" ("y gofrestr berthnasol") means the register (or registers) of local government electors published under section 13 (publication of registers) of the 1983 Act(18) after the conclusion of the canvass conducted under section 10 of that Act(19) in the year immediately preceding that in which the referendum is held, which has (or have) effect in the area of the local authority by which or as regards which the referendum is held (whether or not the persons to whom those entries relate are entitled to vote in the referendum).
(2) The total referendum expenses incurred, or, in accordance with regulation 7, treated as incurred, by or on behalf of any individual or body must not exceed the referendum expenses limit.
(3) Where any referendum expenses are incurred in excess of the referendum expenses limit, a person who knew or ought reasonably to have known that that limit would be exceeded, or who, without reasonable excuse, authorises another person to exceed that limit, is guilty of an offence.
(4) Where information is given to the Director of Public Prosecutions that an offence under paragraph (3) has been committed, it is the duty of the Director of Public Prosecutions to make such inquiries and institute such prosecutions as the circumstances of the case appear to the Director of Public Prosecutions to require.
(5) Where an offence under paragraph (3) which has been committed by a body corporate is proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance of, or to have been attributable to any neglect on the part of, a director, manager, secretary or other similar officer of the body corporate, or any other person purporting to act in any such capacity, that person, as well as the body corporate, is guilty of that offence and is liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.
(6) A person who commits an offence under paragraph (3) is liable–
(a) on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or both, or
(b) on conviction on indictment, to a fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or both.
(7) In relation to an offence committed before the commencement of section 154(1) of the Criminal Justice Act 2003(20), the reference in paragraph (6)(a) to 12 months is to be read as a reference to 6 months.
(8) Nothing in paragraph (2) affects the right of any creditor who, when the expense was incurred, was ignorant of that expense being in contravention of that paragraph.
7.–(1) This regulation applies where–
(a) property, services or facilities is or are provided for the use or benefit of any person either–
(i) free of charge, or
(ii) at a discount of more than 10 per cent of the commercial rate for the use of the property or for the provision of the services or facilities; and
(b) the property, services or facilities is or are made use of by or on behalf of that person in circumstances such that, if any expenses were to be (or are) actually incurred by that person or on behalf of that person in respect of that use, they would be (or are) referendum expenses incurred by that person or on that person´s behalf.
(2) Subject to paragraph (5), where this regulation applies, an amount of referendum expenses determined in accordance with paragraph (3) is, unless it is not more that £200, to be treated for the purposes of regulation 6 as incurred by that person during the period for which the property, services or facilities is or are made use of as mentioned in paragraph (1)(b).
(3) The amount mentioned in paragraph (2) is such proportion of either–
(a) the commercial rate for the use of the property or the provision of the services or facilities (where the property, services or facilities is or are provided free of charge), or
(b) the difference between that commercial rate and the amount of the expenses actually incurred by or on behalf of that person in respect of the use of the property or the provision of the services or facilities (where the property, services or facilities is or are provided at a discount),
as is reasonably attributable to the use made of the property, services or facilities as mentioned in paragraph (1)(b).
(4) Where the services of an employee are made available by the employee´s employer for the use or benefit of a person, the amount which is to be taken as constituting the commercial rate for the provision of those services is the amount of the remuneration or allowances payable to the employee by the employee´s employer in respect of the period for which the employee´s services are made available (but that amount is not to include any amount in respect of contributions or other payments for which the employer is liable in respect of the employee).
(5) No amount of referendum expenses is to be regarded as incurred by virtue of paragraph (2) in respect of the provision by any individual of the individual´s own services which the individual provides voluntarily in the individual´s own time and free of charge.
8.–(1) A referendum is to be conducted in accordance with the Local Government Act Referendums Rules (as contained in Schedule 3 to these Regulations).
(2) The provisions mentioned in the first column of Tables 1 to 5 of Schedule 4 to these Regulations have effect in relation to referendums, subject to the modifications specified in that Schedule and to any contrary provision of these Regulations.
9.–(1) Functions conferred by these Regulations on the counting officer are to be exercised in each voting area by the person who is for the time being the returning officer at elections of councillors for that area under section 35(1A)(a) (returning officers: local elections) of the 1983 Act(21).
(2) It is the counting officer´s general duty at the referendum to do all such acts and things as may be necessary for effectually conducting the referendum in the manner provided by these Regulations.
(3) The counting officer must also appoint and pay such persons as may be necessary for the purpose of the counting of the votes.
10.–(1) This regulation is subject to regulations 12 and 13.
(2) If the majority of the votes cast in a referendum other than a further referendum are "yes" votes, the result of the referendum is–
(a) for the purposes of section 27(7), to approve the local authority´s proposals under section 25;
(b) for the purposes of regulation 23 (action where referendum proposals approved) of the Petitions and Directions Regulations or, as the case may be, the comparable provisions of any other regulations or order made under any provision of Part II of the 2000 Act, to approve the proposals that were the subject of the referendum.
(3) If the majority of the votes cast in a referendum other than a further referendum are "no" votes, the result of the referendum is–
(a) for the purposes of section 27(8), to reject the local authority´s proposals under section 25;
(b) for the purposes of regulation 24 (action where referendum proposals rejected) of the Petitions and Directions Regulations or, as the case may be, the comparable provisions of any other regulations or order made under any provision of Part II of the 2000 Act, to reject the proposals that were the subject of the referendum.
(4) If the majority of the votes cast in a further referendum are "yes" votes, the result of the referendum is to approve the continuation of the local authority´s existing executive arrangements or their existing alternative arrangements (as the case may be).
(5) If the majority of the votes cast in a further referendum are "no" votes, the result of the referendum is to reject the continuation of the local authority´s existing executive arrangements or their existing alternative arrangements (as the case may be).
(6) In a case to which paragraph (5) applies, section 27(8) to (12) is then to apply as if the result of the further referendum was the rejection of the local authority´s proposals under section 25, but subject–
(a) in section 27(8)(b), to the insertion after "outline fall-back proposals" of "that were proposed at the time of the referendum",
(b) in section 27(9), to the omission of "outline fall-back proposals or", and
(c) in section 27(10), to the substitution for "Outline fall-back proposals and detailed" of "Detailed".
11.–(1) A referendum under these Regulations may be questioned by petition ("a referendum petition")–
(a) on the ground that the result of the referendum was not in accordance with the votes cast,
(b) on the ground that the referendum was avoided by such corrupt or illegal practices, within the meaning of the 1983 Act, as are relevant to referendums by virtue of regulation 8 or paragraph (8),
(c) on the grounds provided by section 164 (avoidance of election for general corruption etc.) of the 1983 Act, as applied for the purposes of these Regulations by paragraph (8), or
(d) subject to paragraph (3), on the ground that a payment of money or other reward has been made or promised since the referendum in pursuance of a corrupt or illegal practice relevant to the referendum by virtue of regulation 8 or paragraph (8).
(2) A referendum petition on any of the grounds specified in paragraph (1)(a) to (c) must be presented not later than 21 days after the day on which the referendum was held.
(3) A referendum petition on the ground mentioned in paragraph (1)(d) may be presented only with the leave of the High Court.
(4) An application for leave must be made, not later than 28 days after the date of the alleged payment or promise, by application notice to the court at such time and place as the court may appoint.
(5) Not less that seven days before the day so appointed the applicant must–
(a) serve the application notice on the respondent and the Director of Public Prosecutions and lodge a copy in the election petitions office, and
(b) publish notice of the intended application in at least one newspaper circulating in the voting area for the referendum to which the application relates.
(6) The application notice must state the grounds on which the application is made.
(7) A referendum petition is to be tried by an election court, that is to say, a court constituted under section 130 (election court for local election in England and Wales, and place of trial) of the 1983 Act for the trial of an election petition, as applied by paragraph (8).
(8) Schedule 5 to these Regulations contains provisions which have effect in relation to the questioning of a referendum as they have effect in relation to the questioning of an election under the Local Government Act 1972, subject to the modifications specified in that Schedule and to any contrary provision of these Regulations.
(9) The Election Petition Rules 1960(22) have effect in relation to a referendum petition as they have effect in relation to a local election petition within the meaning of those Rules, subject to the modifications specified in Schedule 6 to these Regulations and to any contrary provision of these Regulations.
12.–(1) This regulation, apart from paragraph (8), applies where–
(a) a referendum petition is presented on any of the grounds mentioned in regulation 11(1)(a) to (c), or
(b) leave is granted to the presentation of a referendum petition brought under the ground mentioned in regulation 11(1)(d).
(2) Where this regulation applies–
(a) in relation to a referendum–
(i) at which the statement and the question asked were in the form set out in paragraph 3 of Schedule 1, and
(ii) in which the majority of the votes cast are "yes" votes; and
(b) before the local authority have passed a resolution under section 29,
the local authority must take no further steps in consequence of the referendum until the election court has certified its determination in the matter of the referendum petition.
(3) Where this regulation applies–
(a) in relation to a referendum–
(i) at which the statement and the question asked were in the form set out in paragraph 3 of Schedule 1, and
(ii) in which the majority of the votes cast are "yes" votes, and
(b) after the local authority have passed a resolution under section 29,
the local authority must continue to operate the executive arrangements that are the subject of that resolution.
(4) Where this regulation applies–
(a) in relation to a referendum–
(i) at which the statement and the question asked were in the form set out in paragraph 1 or 2 of Schedule 1, and
(ii) in which the majority of the votes cast are "yes" votes; and
(b) without an election for the return of an elected mayor having taken place in consequence of the referendum,
the local authority must take no further steps in consequence of the referendum until the election court has certified its determination in the matter of the referendum petition.
(5) Where this regulation applies–
(a) in relation to a referendum in which the majority of the votes cast are "no" votes; and
(b) the local authority´s outline fall-back proposals are based on the executive or alternative arrangements which they were operating at the date of the referendum, they must continue to operate those arrangements.
(6) Where this regulation applies but paragraph (5) does not apply–
(a) in relation to a referendum in which the majority of the votes cast are "no" votes, and
(b) before the local authority have passed a resolution under section 29 (operation of, and publicity for, executive arrangements) or section 33 (operation of alternative arrangements),
the local authority must take no further steps in consequence of the referendum until the election court has certified its determination in the matter of the referendum petition.
(7) Where this regulation applies–
(a) in relation to a referendum in which the majority of the votes cast are "no" votes, and
(b) after the local authority have passed a resolution under section 29 or 33,
the local authority must continue to operate the executive arrangements or the alternative arrangements (as the case may be) that are the subject of that resolution.
(8) Where leave is granted to the presentation of a referendum petition brought under the ground mentioned in regulation 11(1)(d)–
(a) in relation to a referendum–
(i) at which the statement and the question asked were in the form set out in paragraph 1 or 2 of Schedule 1, and
(ii) in which the majority of the votes cast are "yes" votes; and
(b) after an election for the return of an elected mayor has taken place in consequence of the referendum,
the elected mayor is to continue in office.
13.–(1) Where an election court certifies, as its determination of a referendum petition, that the result of the referendum declared under regulation 10 is or is not in accordance with the votes cast (as the case may be), any reference (in whatever terms) in the timetable–
(a) included in the local authority´s proposals under section 25;
(b) included in their proposals under regulation 17(3)(a) or 19(1)(c) of the Petitions and Directions Regulations;
(c) prepared in pursuance of section 27(4) or regulation 17(7)(a)(ii) or 20(3)(a)(iii) of those Regulations; or
(d) prepared in pursuance of any other regulations or an order made under any provision of Part II (arrangements with respect to executives etc.) of the 2000 Act,
to the date of the result of the referendum is to be construed as a reference to the date on which the election court certifies its determination.
(2) Where an election court certifies, as its determination of a referendum petition specifying any of the grounds mentioned in regulation 11(1), that the referendum was avoided, the local authority concerned must, not earlier than two months and not later than three months after the date on which the election court has certified that determination, hold another referendum.
(3) Where the circumstances are as mentioned in regulation 12(8)(a) and (b), the court must–
(a) dismiss the petition, or
(b) allow the petition,
and, where the court allows the petition, it must declare the referendum to be tainted, and order that a further referendum be held.
(4) Where the election court makes the order mentioned in paragraph (3), the local authority must hold the further referendum as soon as practicable after the expiration of the period of five years beginning with the date on which the tainted referendum was held.
(5) If the majority of the votes cast in a further referendum are "yes" votes–
(a) where the local authority are operating executive arrangements, they must continue to operate those arrangements unless and until they are authorised or required to operate different executive arrangements or authorised to operate alternative arrangements in place of their existing executive arrangements, and
(b) where the local authority are operating alternative arrangements, they must continue to operate those arrangements unless and until they are authorised to operate different alternative arrangements or authorised or required to operate executive arrangements in place of their existing alternative arrangements.
(6) If the majority of votes cast in the further referendum are "no" votes, the local authority–
(a) must implement the proposals that were their outline fall-back proposals at the time of the tainted referendum, and
(b) subject to paragraphs (7) and (8), section 27(13) (referendum in case of proposals involving elected mayor) applies to the implementation of detailed fall-back proposals as if those outline fall-back proposals were outline fall-back proposals in the event that proposals under section 25 (proposals) are rejected in a referendum under section 27.
(7) Where the authority´s outline fall-back proposals are the executive or alternative arrangements which they were operating at the date of the tainted referendum, section 27(13) applies (as mentioned in paragraph (6)) as if, for "in accordance with the timetable mentioned in subsection (4)", there were substituted "as soon as practicable".
(8) Where the authority´s outline fall-back proposals are executive arrangements which involve a form of executive for which a referendum is not required–
(a) section 29(1) (operation of, and publicity for, executive arrangements) applies for the purpose of enabling the authority to operate the executive arrangements set out in their detailed fall-back proposals as it applies for the purpose of enabling an authority to operate executive arrangements in other circumstances, and
(b) section 29(2) applies as if in paragraph (b) for sub-paragraph (i) there were substituted–
"(i) states that, in consequence of the rejection in a further referendum of the authority´s existing executive arrangements, the authority have resolved to operate the different executive arrangements that were described in their outline fall-back proposals at the time of the referendum,".
(9) Where the local authority´s outline fall-back proposals are alternative arrangements –
(a) section 33(2) (operation of alternative arrangements) applies for the purpose of enabling the local authority to operate the alternative arrangements set out in their detailed fall-back proposals as it applies for the purpose of enabling a local authority to operate alternative arrangements in other circumstances; and
(b) section 29(2) applies as if, in paragraph (b), for sub-paragraph (i) there were substituted; "(i) states that, in consequence of the rejection in a further referendum of the local authority´s existing executive arrangements the local authority have resolved to operate the alternative arrangements that were described in their outline fall-back proposals at the time of the referendum.".
(10) These Regulations, except where the context otherwise requires, apply (so far as relevant) to the conduct of the further referendum as they apply to the conduct of any other referendum subject to–
(a) in regulation 4–
(i) the omission of paragraph (1)(a),
(ii) in paragraph (1)(b), the substitution for "the proposals" of "the local authority´s existing executive or alternative arrangements",
(iii) in paragraph (1)(c)(vi), the substitution for "a copy of the proposals" of "a document in which are set out the main features of the authority´s existing executive or alternative arrangements",
(iv) in paragraph (1)(c)(vii), the substitution for "the proposals and" of "that document and those",
(v) after paragraph (1)(c)(vii), the insertion of–
"(viii) if it be the case, that the referendum is being held in consequence of the determination of an election court that the referendum last held in the authority´s area was void or, as the case may be, declared to be tainted by reason of a payment of money or other reward made or promised since the referendum in pursuance of a corrupt or illegal practice.",
(vi) in paragraph (4), the substitution for "a copy of their proposals" of "a document in which are set out the main features of the authority´s current executive or alternative arrangements",
(vii) in paragraph (5), the substitution, for "the proposals", of "the main features of the local authority´s current executive or alternative arrangements", and
(b) the substitution of paragraph 1 of Schedule 1 and the first form to appear in the Appendix to the Local Government Act Referendums Rules, by –
Regulation 8
1.–(1) The provisions set out in the first column of Tables 1 to 5 have effect subject to–
(a) any modification mentioned in the second column of those Tables, and
(b) unless the context otherwise requires, the modifications mentioned in sub-paragraph (2).
(2) The modifications mentioned in this paragraph are–
(a) a reference to an election must be construed as a reference to the referendum;
(b) a reference to a returning officer must be construed as a reference to the counting officer;
(c) a reference to a constituency or an electoral division must be construed as a reference to a voting area;
(d) a reference to voting for, or a vote for, a candidate must be construed as a reference to voting for, or a vote for, an answer;
(e) a reference to promoting or procuring the election of a candidate, or furthering a person´s candidature, must be construed as a reference to promoting or procuring a particular result in the referendum;
(f) references to nomination papers and, except as mentioned in sub-paragraphs (d) and (e), references to candidates, must be ignored;
(g) a reference to the return of a person must be construed as a reference to a particular result in the referendum;
(h) a reference to a person voting as an elector must be construed as a person voting on that person´s own behalf;
(i) a reference to a person´s entitlement as an elector to an absent vote must be construed as a reference to a person´s entitlement to vote by post on that person´s own behalf or to vote by proxy;
(j) where anything is required to be done in the presence of election, polling, counting or other agents, the reference to the presence of agents must be ignored;
(k) a reference to anything having been prescribed must be construed as a reference to its being provided for by a provision of subordinate legislation applied by these Regulations;
(l) a form which is required to be used may be used with such variations as the circumstances require;
(m) a reference to the registration officer, in relation to a local authority, is a reference to the relevant registration officer appointed under section 8 of the 1983 Act(32); and for the purpose of the exercise of a registration officer´s functions in relation to the referendum, section 52(1) to (4)(33) (discharge of registration duties) and section 54(1), (3) and (4)(34) (payment of expenses of registration) of that Act have effect;
(n) a reference to an election petition must be construed as a reference to a referendum petition;
(o) any reference to an enactment or instrument made under an enactment must be construed as a reference to that enactment or instrument as applied by these Regulations;
(p) so much of any provision as applies only in Scotland, England or Northern Ireland is to be ignored.
(1) Provision | (2) Modification |
Section 13B (alteration of registers: pending elections)(36) | After "election", in each place, insert "or referendum". After subsection (4) insert– "(4A) This section also applies to referendums." |
Section 31 (polling districts and stations at local government elections)(37) | In subsection (1A) for "elections of county councillors" substitute "referendums by or in respect of a county or county borough". In subsection (3) for "local government elections" substitute "referendums". |
Section 35(4) (appointments by returning officers) | |
Section 36(4) and (6) (returning officer´s expenditure at local elections)(38) | In subsection (4) for the words from "by a returning officer" to "London borough)" substitute "by a counting officer for a voting area in relation to the holding of a referendum". In subsection (6) for the words from the beginning to "councillor, the council" substitute "Before a poll is taken at such a referendum as is referred to in subsection (4), the authority". Paragraph 1(2)(b) of this Schedule does not have effect in relation to the first reference in subsection (6) to the returning officer. |
Section 47 (loan of equipment for local elections)(39) | In subsection (1) for "the returning officer at a local government election" substitute "the counting officer at a referendum". In subsection (2)– (a)
omit the words from ", or" at the end of paragraph (a) to "as the case may be"; (b)
for "an election held under those Acts" substitute "a referendum". |
Section 49(4) and (5) (effect of registers)(40) | In subsection (5) omit "prevent the rejection of the vote on a scrutiny or". |
Section 60 (personation) | In subsection (2) omit "parliamentary or". |
Section 61 (other voting offences)(41) | In subsection (1) after "local government election" and "local government elections", in each place, insert "or referendum" or "or referendums" respectively. For subsections (2) to (4) substitute– "(2) A person shall be guilty of an offence if– (a) that person votes on their own behalf otherwise than by proxy– (i) more than once in the same voting area, (ii) in more than one voting area, or (iii) in any voting area where there is in force an appointment of a person to vote as that person´s proxy in the referendum in another voting area, or (b) that person votes on their own behalf in person and is entitled to vote by post, or (c) that person votes on their own behalf in person knowing that a person appointed to vote as their proxy has already voted in person or is entitled to vote by post, or (d) that person applies for a person to be appointed as their proxy to vote for them without applying for the cancellation of a previous appointment of a third party then in force or without withdrawing a pending application for such an appointment. (3) A person shall be guilty of an offence if– (a) that person votes as proxy for the same person either– (i) more than once in the same voting area, or (ii) in more than one voting area, or (b) that person votes in person as proxy for a person and is entitled to vote by post as proxy for that person, or (c) that person votes in person as proxy for someone whom that person knows already to have voted in person. (4) A person shall also be guilty of an offence if that person votes as proxy in any voting area for more than two persons of whom that person is not the spouse, civil partner, parent, grandparent, brother, sister, child or grandchild." For subsection (6A) substitute– "(6A) A person is not guilty of an offence under subsection (2)(b) only by reason of that person having marked a tendered ballot paper in pursuance of rule 29 of the Local Government Act Referendums Rules within the meaning of the Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Wales) Regulations 2008." |
Section 62A (offences relating to applications for postal and proxy votes)(42) | In subsection (1)(a) after "election" insert "or referendum". |
Section 63 (breach of official duty)(43) | In subsection (3) after "local government election" in both places insert "or referendum". In subsection (4)(a) after "election" insert "or referendum". |
Section 65 (tampering with ballot papers, etc.)(44) | In subsection (1)– (a)
after "election", in the first place it occurs, insert "or referendum", and (b)
omit paragraph (a). In subsection (3) for "clerk" substitute "person". |
Section 66 (requirement of secrecy)(45) | For subsection (1)(b) substitute– "(b) every polling observer, so attending,". |
Section 66A (prohibition of publication of exit polls)(46) | In subsection (2) omit the "and" preceding paragraph (b) and after that paragraph insert– "; and (c) any referendum". |
Section 92 (broadcasting from outside the United Kingdom)(47) | In subsection (1) after "local government election" insert "or referendum". |
Section 94 (imitation poll cards)(48) | In subsection (2)– (a)
after "section 36" insert "above, or regulations made under section 45 of the Local Government Act 2000", and (b)
after "the rules", insert "or, as the case may be, the regulations". |
Section 96 (schools and rooms for local election meetings)(49) | For subsection (1) substitute– "(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, any person is entitled, for the purpose of holding a public meeting to promote a particular result in the referendum, to use free of charge at reasonable times during the campaign period any meeting room to which this section applies. (1A) In subsection (1), "the campaign period" means the period of 25 days ending with the day before the date of the referendum." Omit subsection (2). In subsection (3)– (a)
for the words from "electoral area for which" to "that electoral area" substitute "voting area", and (b)
omit paragraph (b). In subsection (4)– (a)
omit the words "and paragraph 1(1) of Schedule 5 to this Act", (b)
after the words "that section" insert "subject to the substitution in subsection (5) of that section, for the word "candidate" of the word "person", and (c)
omit the words from "and any person" to the end. After subsection (4) insert– "(5) The lists maintained by a county or county borough council of meeting rooms which candidates at a parliamentary election in any constituency are entitled to use shall have effect for the purposes of the referendum; and any person shall, before the referendum, be entitled at all reasonable hours to inspect those lists or a copy of them." |
Section 97 (disturbances at election meetings)(50) | For subsection (2) substitute– "(2) This section applies to a meeting in connection with a referendum held during the campaign period. (2A) In subsection (2) "the campaign period" means the period of 25 days ending with the day before the date of the referendum." |
Section 100(1) and (2) (illegal canvassing by police officers)(51) | In subsection (1) for the words from "from giving his vote" to the end substitute "from giving his vote in the referendum in a voting area wholly or partly within the police area". |
Section 109 (payments for the exhibition of election notices) | |
Section 110 (details to appear on election publications)(52) | |
Section 111 (prohibition of paid canvassers) | |
Section 112 (providing money for illegal purposes) | |
Section 113 (bribery)(53) | |
Section 114 (treating) | |
Section 115 (undue influence)(54) | |
Section 116 (rights of creditors) | Omit paragraphs (b) and (c). |
Section 118 (interpretation of Part 2)(55) | |
Section 119 (computation of time for purposes of Part 2)(56) | In subsection (1)(b) after "disregarded" insert– "; and (c) in computing any period referred to in section 96(1A) or 97(2A), as applied for the purposes of a referendum, any of the days so mentioned shall be disregarded." |
Section 167 (application for relief)(57) | |
Section 168 (prosecutions for corrupt practices)(58) | |
Section 169 (prosecutions for illegal practices)(59) | |
Section 170 (conviction of illegal practice on charge of corrupt practice etc) | |
Section 173(1)(a)(i), (2) and (3) (incapacities on conviction of corrupt or illegal practice(60) | In subsection (1)(a)(i) after "Great Britain" insert "or at any referendum". |
Section 174 (mitigation and remission etc.)(61) | |
Section 175 (illegal payments etc.)(62) | Omit subsection (2). |
Section 176 (time limit for prosecutions) | |
Section 177 (summary trial) | For "the local government Act" substitute "the Local Authority (Conduct of Referendums) (Wales) Regulations 2008". In subsection (1)(a) for the words from "in the county" to "adjoins", substitute "for the voting area in which the offence is alleged to have been committed". |
Section 178 (prosecution of offences committed outside the United Kingdom)(63) | |
Section 179 (offences by associations) | |
Section 181(1) (Director of Public Prosecutions)(64) | |
Section 185 (interpretation of Part 3)(65) | |
Section 199B (translations of certain documents)(66) | In subsections (1), (5) and (7) after "local government election" insert "or referendum". Omit subsection (4)(a). |
Section 200(1A) and (2) (public notices, and declarations)(67) | |
Section 202 (interpretation)(68) |
(1) Provision | (2) Modification |
Section 10 (pilot schemes for local elections in England and Wales)(70) | In subsection (2)– (a)
after "Representation of the People Acts", insert "or the Local Government Act 2000", and (b)
in paragraph (c) for "candidates" substitute "any campaign organiser within the meaning of regulation 6 of the Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Wales) Regulations 2008". In subsection (3)– (a)
in paragraph (b) for "candidates" substitute "campaign organisers", and (b)
for "section 75(1) of the 1983 Act (restriction on third party election expenditure)" substitute "regulation 6 of the Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Wales) Regulations 2008". Omit subsection (4). At the end of subsection (7)(a) insert "or the Local Government Act 2000". In subsection (11) for the words after "means", substitute "a county or county borough council." |
Section 12 (changes relating to absent voting at elections in Great Britain) | In subsection (1) at the end insert "; and as regards referendums". |
Schedule 4 (absent voting in Great Britain)(71) | In paragraph 1(1), in the definition of "the appropriate rules" at the end of paragraph (b), insert– ", and (c) in the case of a referendum, the Local Government Act Referendums Rules within the meaning of the Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Wales) Regulations 2008". In paragraphs 2 to 7, 7C and 7D, except in paragraphs 3(1), 3(2), 3(4)(a)(i), 6(7), 7(4)(a) and 7(6)(a)(i), after "local government election", "local government elections", "elections" and "election", insert, as the context requires, "or a referendum", "or referendums", or "or the referendum". In paragraphs 3(1) and 3(2) for "or at both" substitute "or at referendums". In paragraphs 3(4)(a)(i) and 7(6)(a)(i) for "or both" substitute "or referendums". In paragraphs 6(7) and 7(4)(a) for "or at both" substitute "or at referendums". |
(1) Provision | (2) Modification |
Section 6A (attendance of representatives of Commission at elections etc.) | After subsection (1)(b) insert– "; (c) proceedings relating to a referendum under the Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Wales) Regulations 2008 which are the responsibility of the counting officer." |
Section 6B (observation of working practices by representatives of Commission) | After subsection (2) insert– "(2A) A representative of the Commission may also observe the working practices of a counting officer at a referendum under the Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Wales) Regulations 2008, and any person acting under the counting officer´s direction." |
Section 6C (accredited observers: individuals) Referendums) | In subsection (1) after "applies" insert "or which is held under the Local Authorities (Conduct of (Wales) Regulations 2008". |
Section 6D (accredited observers: organisations) Referendums) | In subsection (1) after "applies" insert "or which is held under the Local Authorities (Conduct of (Wales) Regulations 2008". |
Section 6E (attendance and conduct of observers) | For subsection (4)(c) substitute– "(c) in the case of any other proceedings at a referendum to which Part 7 applies, the relevant counting officer (within the meaning of section 6A); (ca) in the case of any other proceedings at a referendum under the Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Wales) Regulations 2008, the counting officer;" In subsection (4) for "or (c)" substitute ", (c) or (ca)". |
(1) Provision | (2) Modification |
Section 42 (access to other election documents) | |
Section 43 (access to other election documents: contravention of regulations) | In subsection (1)(a) after "section 42" insert "as applied by the Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Wales) Regulations 2008". |
Section 44 (access to other election documents: supplementary) | In subsection (5) for the words from "election documents" to "Northern Ireland)" substitute "referendum documents are such documents relating to a referendum". After subsection (7)(e) insert– "; (f) in relation to a referendum, a voting area within the meaning of the Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Wales) Regulations 2008." |
Section 46 (returning officers: correction of procedural errors) | After subsection (3)(b) insert– "; (c) a referendum." Omit subsection (6). |
Section 69 (encouraging electoral participation) | After subsection (8)(b) insert– "; (c) a counting officer at a referendum." |
(1) Provision | (2) Modification |
Regulation 3 (interpretation)(75) | At the end of paragraph (2)(b) insert– ", or (c) in the case of a referendum, the corresponding rule in the Local Government Act Referendums Rules within the meaning of the Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Wales) Regulations 2008." |
Regulation 4(1)(b) (forms) and, to the extent of Form E in Schedule 3, (2) | |
Regulation 5 (communication of applications, notices, etc)(76) | |
Regulation 6 (electronic signatures and related certificates)(77) | |
Regulation 7 (copies of documents)(78) | |
Regulation 8 (time)(79) | |
Regulation 11 (interference with notices) | |
Regulation 50 (interpretation of Part 4)(80) | |
Regulation 51 (general requirements for an absent vote)(81) | For paragraph (4)(b) substitute– "(b) whether it is made for all or any of parliamentary elections, local government elections or referendums." In paragraph (5)– (a)
after "election", in each place, insert "or referendum", and (b)
omit "elections". |
Regulation 51A (additional provision concerning the requirement that an application for an absent vote must be signed by the applicant)(82) | |
Regulation 51AA (additional requirement for applications for ballot papers to be sent to different address from that stated in application)(83) | |
Regulation 51B (additional requirements for applications for ballot papers to be sent to different address from that shown in the record kept under paragraph 3(4) or 7(6) of Schedule 4)(84) | |
Regulation 52 (additional requirements for applications for the appointment of a proxy) | |
Regulation 55 (additional requirements for applications for a proxy vote in respect of a particular election)(85)) | |
Regulation 56 (closing dates for applications)(86) | In paragraphs (1) to (5) and (7)(b) after "election", in each place, insert "or referendum". |
Regulation 57 (grant or refusal of applications)(87) | In paragraph (5) after "election" insert "or referendum". |
Regulation 58 (notice of appeal) | |
Regulation 59 (cancellation of proxy appointment) | |
Regulation 61B (personal identifiers record) (88) | In paragraph (3)(a) for "any candidate or agent" substitute "those". |
Regulation 62 (marked register for polling stations)(89) | |
Regulation 64 (interpretation of Part 5)(90) | Omit the definition of "agent". |
Regulation 66 (form of postal voting statement) | Omit paragraph (a). |
Regulation 67 (persons entitled to be present at proceedings on issue of postal ballot papers)(91) | |
Regulation 68 (persons entitled to be present at proceedings on the receipt of postal ballot papers)(92) | Where the issue and receipt of postal votes are not taken together at more than one poll in accordance with regulation 65 of the Representation of the People Regulations as applied by these Regulations: For paragraphs (a) to (d) substitute: "(a) the counting officer and his clerks, (b) persons who by virtue of rule 35(2)(a) to (e) of the Local Government Referendums Rules within the meaning of the Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendum) (Wales) Regulations 2008 are entitled to attend at the counting of the votes." |
Regulation 69 (agents of candidates who may attend proceedings on receipt of postal ballot papers) | In paragraph (8) for "candidates or their agents" substitute "persons entitled to be present by virtue of regulation 68". Where the issue and receipt of postal votes are not taken together at more than one poll in accordance with regulation 65 of the Representation of the People Regulations as applied by these Regulations: Omit paragraphs (1) to (7). |
Regulation 70 (notification of requirement of secrecy) | |
Regulation 71 (time when postal ballot papers are to be issued) | |
Regulation 72 (procedure on issue of postal ballot paper)(93) | |
Regulation 73 (refusal to issue postal ballot paper)(94) | |
Regulation 74 (envelopes)(95) | |
Regulation 75 (sealing up of completed corresponding number lists and security of special lists)(96) | |
Regulation 76 (delivery of postal ballot papers) | |
Regulation 77 (spoilt postal ballot papers)(97) | |
Regulation 78 (lost postal ballot papers)(98) | |
Regulation 79(3) to (5) (alternative means of returning postal ballot paper or postal voting statement)(99) | In paragraph (5) for "polling agents" substitute "polling observers (if any)". |
Regulation 80 (notice of opening of postal ballot paper envelopes) | Where the issue and receipt of postal votes are not taken together at more than one poll in accordance with regulation 65 of the Representation of the People Regulations as applied by these Regulations: In paragraph (1) for "each candidate" substitute "those persons who by virtue of rule 35(2)(a) to (e) of the Local Government Act Referendums Rules within the meaning of the Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Wales) Regulations 2008 are entitled to attend at the counting of the votes". Omit paragraph (2)(b). |
Regulation 81 (postal ballot boxes and receptacles)(100) | In paragraphs (3) and (4) for "the agents" substitute "those". |
Regulation 82 (receipt of covering envelopes) | |
Regulation 83 (opening of postal voters' ballot box) | In paragraph (1) for "the agents" substitute "such of those who are entitled to attend as are present". |
Regulation 84 (opening of covering envelopes)(101) | |
Regulation 84A (confirming receipt of postal voting statements)(102)) | |
Regulation 85 (procedure in relation to postal voting statements)(103)) | In paragraph (3) for "agents" substitute "counting observers or agents or both (as the case may be)". |
Regulation 85A (procedure in relation to postal voting statements: personal identifier verification)(104) | In paragraph (4) for "agents" substitute "counting observers or agents or both (as the case may be)". |
Regulation 85B (Postal Voting Statements: additional personal identifier verification)(105) | In paragraphs (3)(a) and (c) and (4) for "agents" substitute "counting observers or agents or both (as the case may be)". |
Regulation 86 (opening of ballot paper envelopes) | |
Regulation 86A (retrieval of cancelled postal ballot papers)(106) | In paragraph (2)(b) and (f) for "agents" substitute "counting observers or agents or both (as the case may be)". |
Regulation 87 (lists of rejected postal ballot papers) | |
Regulation 88 (checking of lists kept under regulation 87) | |
Regulation 89 (sealing of receptacles)(107) | |
Regulation 91 (forwarding of documents)(108) | After paragraph (2) insert– "(2A) In the case of a referendum, the documents to be forwarded under paragraph (1) are to be forwarded to the registration officer of the local authority by or in respect of which the referendum is held." |
Regulation 116 (interpretation of Part 7)(109) | |
Regulation 118 (inspection of documents open to public inspection)(110) | |
Regulation 119 (conditions on the use, supply and disclosure of documents open to public inspection)(111) | |
In Schedule 3, Form E(112) | For "REPRESENTATION OF THE PEOPLE ACTS" substitute "*[[insert name of council] REFERENDUM]". Omit "Constituency" and "Polling District". For "European Parliamentary electoral region" substitute "Referendum voting area ... ... ... ...". For the words from "*[who qualifies" to "electoral region]]", substitute "to vote for that person at the referendum on (insert date)". Omit "*[This proxy appointment is not valid until ... ... ... ...]" and "*[This proxy appointment remains valid until ... ... ... ...]". For paragraph 2 of the note substitute – "2. Your appointment as proxy will be for the referendum only. You have the right to vote as proxy only at the referendum specified in the proxy paper." |
Regulation 11
(1) Provision | (2) Further modifications |
Section 128 (presentation of petition questioning local election)(113) | In subsection (1)– (a)
for "under the local government Act" substitute "under the Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Wales) Regulations 2008", and (b)
omit "either" and the words from ", or by a person" to the end. In subsection (2), for the words from the beginning to "any" substitute "Any". |
Section 129 (time for presentation or amendment of petition questioning local election) | In subsection (1) for "under the local government Act" substitute "under the Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Wales) Regulations 2008". In subsection (2)(b) for "a candidate elected at the election" substitute "any person". In subsection (3)(b) for "the candidate elected at the election, or by an agent of the candidate or with the privity of the candidate or his election agent" substitute "any person". Omit subsections (4) and (5).For subsection (7) substitute– "(7) Subsections (3) and (6) apply notwithstanding that the act constituting the alleged illegal practice amounted to a corrupt practice." Omit subsection (9). |
Section 130 (election court for local election in England and Wales, and place of trial)(114) | In subsection (1) for "in England and Wales under the local government Act" substitute "in Wales under the Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Wales) Regulations 2008". In subsection (3)(a) for "in England and Wales under the local government Act" substitute "in Wales under the Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Wales) Regulations 2008". |
Section 131 (accommodation of and attendance on court) | |
Section 132 (remuneration and allowances) | |
Section 133 (repayments under section 131 and 132) | |
Section 136 (security for costs)(115) | In subsection (2)(b) for "petition questioning an election under the local government Act" substitute "referendum petition within the meaning of regulation 11 of the Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Wales) Regulations 2008". |
Section 137 (petition at issue)(116) | |
Section 138 (list of petitions)(117) | In subsection (1)(a) for "all election petitions" substitute "all referendum petitions within the meaning of regulation 11 of the Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Wales) Regulations 2008. In subsection (3) for the words from the beginning to "candidates" substitute "Two or more persons". In subsection (4)– (a)
for "the same election or to elections under the local government Act" substitute "the same referendum or referendums under the Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Wales) Regulations 2008", and (b)
for "the election list", in both places, substitute "the list made out under subsection (1)". |
Section 139 (trial of petition) | In subsection (1) omit ", in the case of a parliamentary election petition, 14 days and in any other case,". Omit subsection (3). For subsection (5) substitute– "(5) On the trial of a petition, the respondent may give evidence in the same manner as if he had presented a petition against the referendum." For subsection (6) substitute– "(6) Where the petition relates to a referendum as regards which, by reason of an equality of votes found at the count, the result was determined by lot, that determination is to be effective also for the purposes of the petition unless subsection (6A) applies. (6A) This subsection applies where the court disallows any vote cast in the referendum; and in any such case– (a) the determination referred to in subsection (6) is to have no effect, and (b) the court is to declare the result of the referendum. (6B) Where– (a) the petition relates to a referendum at which no equality of votes was found at the count, and (b) the court– (i) disallows any vote cast in the referendum, and (ii) determines that an equality of votes was cast in the referendum,the result of the referendum is to be determined by the court by lot." |
Section 140 (witnesses)(118) | |
Section 141 (duty to answer relevant questions)(119) | |
Section 143 (expenses of witnesses) | |
Section 145 (conclusion of trial of local election petition)(120) | For subsection (1) substitute– "(1) At the conclusion of the trial of a petition questioning a referendum under the Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Wales) Regulations 2008 the election court is to determine– (a) in the case of a petition presented on the ground mentioned in regulation 11(1)(a) of those Regulations, whether the result of the referendum was or was not in accordance with the votes cast in the referendum, (b) in the case of a petition presented on the ground mentioned in regulation 11(1)(b) or (c) of those Regulations, whether the referendum was void. (1A) Following a determination under subsection (1)(a), the election court must, as the circumstances require, confirm or reverse the result of the referendum." In subsection (3)– (a)
for "sections 158 and" substitute "section", and (b)
for the words from "for which" to the end substitute "by which or in respect of which the referendum was held". In subsection (6) for "for which the election was held" substitute "by which or in respect of which the referendum was held". |
Section 146 (special case for determination of High Court) | Omit subsection (2). In subsection (3) for the words from the beginning to "local government Act" substitute– "(3) In the case of a referendum petition under the Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Wales) Regulations 2008,". |
Section 147 (withdrawal of petition) | |
Section 154 (costs of petition) | |
Section 155 (neglect or refusal to pay costs) | |
Section 156 (further provision as to costs)(121) | |
Section 157 (appeals and jurisdiction)(122) | Omit subsection (4). |
Section 160(1) and (3) (persons reported personally guilty of corrupt practices)(123) | Omit subsection (1)(b). |
Section 161 (Justices of the Peace)(124) | |
Section 162 (member of legal and certain other professions)(125) | |
Section 163 (holder of licence or certificate under Licensing Acts)(126) | |
Section 164(1) and (2) (avoidance of election for general corruption etc.) | In subsection (1)– (a)
for "election", in the first two places where that word appears, substitute "referendum", (b)
for "the election of any person at that election" substitute "a particular outcome in relation to the question asked in the referendum", and (c)
for paragraphs (a) and (b) substitute ", the referendum, if that outcome was achieved, is void". In subsection (2) for "An election" substitute "A referendum". |
Section 167 (application for relief)(127) | |
Section 180 (evidence by certificate of holding of election) | Omit sub-paragraph (ii) and the word immediately preceding it. |
Section 183 (costs)(128) | |
Section 184 (service of notices)(129) | |
Section 185 (interpretation of Part 3)(130) |
Regulation 11
(1) Provision modified | (2) Modification |
Rule 2(2)(131) | After the definition of "the Act" insert– ""the 2008 Regulations" means the Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Wales) Regulations 2008;". After the definition of "local election petition" insert– ""referendum petition" means a petition under the 2008 Regulations;". In the definition of "petition" insert at the end "or a referendum petition". For the definition of "constituency" substitute– ""constituency" in relation to– (a)
a local election petition, means the local government area to which the petition relates; (b)
a referendum petition, means the local government area in which the referendum is held;". After the definition of "returning officer" insert "and, in relation to a referendum petition, any reference to a provision of the Act must be construed as a reference to that provision as applied by the 2008 Regulations." |
Rule 2(3)(132) | After "local government Act" insert "and referendums under the 2008 Regulations". |
Rule 4(1)(133) | Omit sub-paragraph (a). For sub-paragraph (b) substitute– "(b) the date and result of the referendum to which the petition relates;". In sub-paragraph (c) for the words from "petition" to "the Act" substitute "referendum petition". |
Rule 10(134) | Omit. |
Rule 12(3)(135) | For "the election" substitute "the referendum". |
Rule 14(2)(136) | For "the election may" substitute "the referendum may". |
Rule 16(3)(137) | For "the election may" substitute "the referendum may". |
Rule 18(138) | After "local election petition" insert "or a referendum petition". |
The Schedule(139) | For "a Parliamentary (or Local Government) Election for (state place) ... ... ... ..." substitute "a referendum in (state area)". In paragraph 1– (a)
for "election", in the first place where that word occurs, substitute "referendum", (b)
omit "(or was a candidate at the above election) (or in the case of a parliamentary election claims to have had a right to be elected or returned at the above election)". For paragraph 2 substitute– "2. That referendum was held on the [insert day] day of [insert month] [insert year]". In paragraph 4 omit "in the case of a petition mentioned in section 122(2) or (3) or". For paragraph (1) of the Prayer substitute– "(1) That it may be determined [that the result of the referendum was not in accordance with the votes cast]* [that the referendum is avoided]* [that the referendum is tainted as mentioned in regulation 13(3) of the 2008 Regulations]*.
(This note is not part of the Regulations)
These Regulations re-enact Regulations of the same name made in 2004 (S.I. 2004/870 (W.85)) ("the 2004 Regulations"), with necessary amendments, to make provision for the conduct of referendums to be held under section 27 of the Local Government Act 2000 (c. 22) ("the 2000 Act"), or by virtue of regulations or an order made under any provision of Part II of the 2000 Act. These Regulations apply in relation to Wales. The referendums will relate to the question of whether a county or county borough council should adopt executive arrangements that include a mayor and cabinet executive, a mayor and council manager executive or a leader and cabinet executive. The Regulations also prescribe certain forms for use at a referendum under the Welsh Language Act 1993.
The principal changes that are made to the 2004 Regulations are, first, to make the changes necessary to implement the changes made by the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (c. 22) ("the 2006 Act") in this context, and second, to set out the rules for the conduct of referendums in full.
Regulation 3 and Schedule 1 prescribe the form of words of the statement and the question to be asked in the referendum.
Regulation 4 requires public notice to be given of the local authority´s proposals under section 25 of the 2000 Act or, as the case may be, under regulation 17 or 19 of the Local Authorities (Referendums) (Petitions and Directions) (Wales) Regulations 2001 ("the Petitions and Directions Regulations"), under regulations under section 30 or 33 of the 2000 Act, or an order under section 36 of that Act. The notice must specify the date of the referendum, various matters relating to the conduct of the referendum, and the availability for public inspection of the local authority´s proposals. This regulation also allows local authorities to provide factual information about their proposals, outline fall-back proposals and the referendum, so long as the information is presented fairly.
Regulation 5 imposes restrictions on the material that may be published, displayed or distributed by and on behalf of the authority during the period of 28 days before the date of the referendum.
Regulation 6 imposes a "referendum expenses limit" on the amount that may be incurred by way of "referendum expenses" (both terms are defined in regulation 6(1), to which Schedule 2 is relevant). The amount of referendum expenses is uprated to reflect inflation between the making of the 2004 Regulations and these Regulations. Under regulation 6(3) there is an offence for expenditure in excess of the referendum expenses limit.
Regulation 7 provides for amounts relevant to the use of certain property, services and facilities to be treated as incurred by way of referendum expenses for the purposes of regulation 6.
Regulation 8 provides for the conduct of a referendum. The 2004 Regulations applied for this purpose the Local Elections (Principal Areas) Rules 1986 (S.I. 1986/2214) with modifications. These Regulations set out the rules for the conduct of a referendum in full (the Local Government Act Referendums Rules), in Schedule 3. The changes which reflect the 2006 Act are summarised at the end of this note. Other electoral legislation is applied, with modifications, to facilitate the conduct of referendums (as set out in Tables 1 to 5 of Schedule 4).
Regulation 9 specifies who is to be the counting officer at the referendum.
Regulation 10 deals with the result of the referendum, subject to the provisions which allow the result of the referendum to be challenged.
Regulation 11 specifies the grounds of challenge and the period within which a referendum petition must be made. It also sets out the procedures applicable to referendum petitions, and applies with modifications, through Schedules 5 and 6, provisions of the Representation of the People Act 1983 and the Election Petitions Rules 1960. Regulation 12 addresses the immediate consequences of the bringing of a referendum petition (as to whether the authority may implement or continue to operate new executive arrangements in pursuance of the referendum). Regulation 13 makes provision for the situation after an election court has determined a referendum petition.
Regulation 14 provides for certain days to be ignored in computing certain periods of time for the purposes of these Regulations.
Regulation 15 exempts advertisements relating specifically to the referendum from regulations under the Town and County Planning Act 1990 (c. 8) controlling the display of advertisements.
Regulation 16 provides that premises used in relation to the referendum for public meetings or the taking of the poll are to be treated as unoccupied for rating purposes.
Schedule 1 prescribes the statement and the form of the question to be asked in the referendum.
Schedule 2 makes provision about the matters relevant to referendum expenses.
Schedule 3 contains the Local Government Act Referendums Rules.
Schedule 4 applies electoral legislation with modifications to facilitate the conduct of referendums. Provisions from the following enactments and subordinate legislation are applied: the Representation of the People Acts 1983 (c. 2), 1985 (c. 50) and 2000 (c. 2), the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (c. 41), the 2006 Act and the Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 (S.I. 2001/341).
Schedule 5 applies with modifications provisions of the Representation of the People Act 1983 for the purposes of the bringing of a referendum petition to challenge the result in a referendum.
Schedule 6 makes modifications to the Election Petition Rules 1960, when applied to referendums by regulation 11(9).
The provisions of the Local Government Act Referendums Rules ("the Rules") which reflect changes made by the 2006 Act include the following.
The Rules reflect new security measures introduced by the 2006 Act. Security markings on ballot papers are provided for; so too are unique identifying marks. Counterfoils on ballot papers are replaced by corresponding number lists. Requirements are imposed requiring postal voters and postal proxies to provide both their signature and date of birth when returning postal ballot papers.
The Rules reflect alterations as to the circumstances in which a person may give a tendered vote. New requirements are introduced as to the information and accessibility of information to be provided by counting officers to voters.
The Rules reflect changes made as to the persons who may be admitted to a polling station and the count to observe referendums.
Amendments are made to provide for transmission of information to a presiding officer of alterations to the electoral register taking effect on the day of the poll. Amendments consequential upon the introduction of a scheme for the anonymous registration of certain electors are made.
The Rules reflect changes made regarding the retention and inspection of referendum documents after the poll.
The new forms which are appended to the Rules reflect the changes made by the 2006 Act.
A regulatory impact assessment has been carried out in connection with these Regulations and is available from the Local Government Policy Division of the Welsh Assembly Government, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NQ.
2000 c. 22; sections 45(8A) to (8D) were inserted by, and section 45(9) was amended by, paragraph 18 of Schedule 21 to the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (c. 41); section 105(6) was amended by, and section 105(6A) was inserted by, paragraph 14 of Schedule 3 to the Local Government Act 2003 (c. 26). Back [2]
The functions of the National Assembly for Wales were transferred to the Welsh Ministers by virtue of paragraph 30 of Schedule 11 to the Government of Wales Act 2006 (c. 32). Back [3]
S.I. 2004/870 (W.85), amended by S.I. 2005/3302 (W.256). Back [4]
1983 c. 2. Back [5]
1985 c. 50. Back [6]
1985 c. 50; the definitions were amended by section 3 of the European Communities (Amendment) Act 1986 (c. 58) in consequence of the European Assembly being renamed the European Parliament. Back [9]
S.I. 2007/1024. Back [10]
S.I. 2001/2292 (W.180) as amended by S.I.2003/398 (W.55). Back [11]
The definition of "petition organiser" is to be found in regulation 3 of the Petitions and Directions Regulations. As to the validity of petitions, see regulation 9(1) of those Regulations. As to amalgamated, constituent and post-announcement petitions, relevant definitions are to be found in regulation 3 of those Regulations. Back [12]
1972 c. 70. Back [13]
See the Local Authorities (Changing Executive Arrangements and Alternative Arrangements (Wales) Regulations 2004 (S.I. 2004/3158 (W.275)). Back [14]
S.I. 2001/341; amended by S.I. 2001/1700, 2002/1871, 2004/226, 2006/752 and 2006/2910. Back [15]
1990 c. 42. Section 201, containing the definition of programme service, was amended by section 360 of and Schedule 19 to the Communications Act 2003 (c. 21). Back [17]
1983 c. 2; section 13 was substituted for section 13 as originally enacted by paragraph 6 of Schedule 1 to the Representation of the People Act 2000 (c. 2). Back [18]
Section 10 was substituted together with section 10A for section 10 as originally enacted by paragraph 4 of Schedule 1 to the Representation of the People Act 2000 (c. 2) and amended by paragraphs 5 and 105 of Schedule 1 to the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (c. 22). Back [19]
1983 c. 2; subsection (1A) was inserted by the Local Government (Wales) Act 1994, section 66(6), Schedule 16, paragraph 68(7). Back [21]
S.I. 1960/543; amended by S.I. 1985/1278, 1999/1352 and 2003/972. Back [22]
1971 c. 80. Back [23]
S.I. 1992/666. as amended by paragraph 233 of Schedule 22 to the Environment Act 1995 (c. 25) and S.I. 1994/2351, 1996/525, 1997/2971, 1999/1810, 2001/1149, 2001/4050, 2003/2155 and 2005/3050. Back [24]
See the Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 S.I. 2001/341 (amended by S.I. 2001/1700, 2002/1871, 2004/226, 2006/752 and 2006/2910). Back [26]
Section 13B of the 1983 Act was inserted by paragraph 6 of Schedule 1 to the Representation of the People Act 2000 (c. 2) and amended by section 11(3) of the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (c. 22). Subsections (3B) and (3D) of section 13B were inserted by section 11(4) of the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (c. 22). Back [27]
Subsections (1), (2) and (3) of section 66 of the 1983 Act were amended by paragraphs 69, 82, 86(a) and (b) and 96 of Schedule 1 to the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (c. 22); subsection (6) was amended by paragraph 3 of Schedule 3 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50). Back [28]
See regulation 84A of the Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 S.I. 2001/341 as amended by S.I. 2006/2901. Back [29]
Sections 6A to 6F of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (c. 41) were inserted by section 29 of the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (c. 22). Back [30]
See regulations 85 and 85A of the Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 (S.I. 2001/341), which were inserted by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [31]
1983 c. 2. Back [32]
As amended by paragraph 12 of Schedule 4 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50), paragraph 68 of Schedule 16, and Schedule 18 to, the Local Government (Wales) Act 1994 (c. 19) and paragraph 6 of Schedule 21 to the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (c. 41). Back [33]
As amended by paragraph 14 of Schedule 4 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50). Back [34]
1983 c. 2. Back [35]
Section 13B was substituted (together with sections 13 and 13A) for section 13 as originally enacted by paragraph 6 of Schedule 1 to the Representation of the People Act 2000 (c. 2); section 13B was amended by the section 11 of the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (c. 22). Back [36]
Section 31 was amended by Schedule 17 to the Local Government Act 1985 (c. 50), section 66(6) of and paragraph 68 of Schedule 16 to the Local Government (Wales) Act 1994, section 237 of and Part I of Schedule 13 to the Education Reform Act 1988 (c. 40), paragraph 2 of Schedule 3 to the Greater London Authority Act 1999 (c. 29) and paragraph 108 of Schedule 1 to the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (c. 22). Back [37]
Subsection (4) was amended by Schedule 17 to the Local Government Act 1985 (c. 51) and by section 66 of and paragraph 68(9) of Schedule 16 to the Local Government (Wales) Act 1994.. Back [38]
Section 47 was amended by S.I. 1991/1728 and paragraph 6 of Schedule 21 to the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (c. 41). Back [39]
Subsection (4A) was inserted by paragraph 7 of Schedule 1 to the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (c. 22); subsection (5) was substituted by S.I. 1995/1948 and amended by paragraph 12 of Schedule 1 to the Representation of the People Act 2000 (c. 2). Back [40]
Section 61 was amended by paragraph 2 of Schedule 2, and Schedule 5, to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50), paragraph 10 of Schedule 3 to the Greater London Authority Act 1999 (c. 29), paragraph 83 of Schedule 27 to the Civil Partnership Act 2004 (c. 33) and section 38(3) of the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (c. 22). Back [41]
Section 62A was inserted by section 40 of the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (c. 22). Back [42]
Section 63 was substituted by paragraph 19 of Schedule 4 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50) and amended by S.I. 2001/1149 and sections 7, 41(8) and 46(6) of the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (c. 22). Back [43]
Section 65 was amended by paragraph 2 of Schedule 3 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50) and paragraphs 72 and 96 of Schedule 1 to the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (c. 22). Back [44]
Section 66 was amended by paragraph 3 of Schedule 3 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50), paragraph 11 of Schedule 3 to the Greater London Authority Act 1999 (c. 29) and paragraphs 82, 86 and 96 of Schedule 1 to the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (c. 22). Back [45]
Section 66A was inserted by paragraphs 3 and 6 of Schedule 6 to the Representation of the People Act 2000 (c. 2). Back [46]
Section 92 was amended by paragraph 35 of Schedule 20 to the Broadcasting Act 1990 (c. 42) and paragraph 61 of Schedule 17 to the Communications Act 2003 (c. 21). Back [47]
Section 94 was amended by paragraph 36 of Schedule 4 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50). Back [48]
Section 96 was substituted for section 96 as originally enacted by paragraph 38 of Schedule 4 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50) and amended by paragraph 11 of Schedule 30 to the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 (c. 31) and paragraph 29 of Schedule 3 to the Greater London Authority Act 1999 (c. 29). Back [49]
Section 97 was amended by paragraph 39 of Schedule 4 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50) and Part 1 of Schedule 7 to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (c. 60). Back [50]
Subsection (2) was amended by paragraph 5 of Schedule 3 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50). Back [51]
Section 110 was substituted for section 110 as originally enacted by paragraph 14 of Schedule 18 to the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (c. 41). Back [52]
Section 113 was amended by paragraph 30 of Schedule 3 to the Greater London Authority Act 1999 (c. 29). Back [53]
Section 115 was amended by section 39(1) of the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (c. 22). Back [54]
Section 118 was amended by paragraph 43 of Schedule 4 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50), section 135 of and paragraph 15 of Schedule 18 to the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (c. 41) and paragraphs 119 and 133 of Schedule 1 to the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (c. 22). Back [55]
Section 119 was amended by section 19(4) of the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50) and paragraphs 49 and 51(1) of Schedule 1 to the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (c. 22). Back [56]
Section 167 was amended by paragraph 56 of Schedule 4 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50) and paragraph 18 of Schedule 18 to the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (c. 41). Back [57]
Section 168 was amended by paragraph 8 of Schedule 3 and paragraph 57 of Schedule 4 and Schedule 5 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50) and paragraph 121 of Schedule 1 to the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (c. 22). Back [58]
Section 169 was amended by paragraph 9 of Schedule 3 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50). Back [59]
Section 173 was substituted for section 173 as originally enacted by section 136 of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (c. 41) and amended by paragraph 122 of Schedule 1 to the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (c. 22). Back [60]
Section 174 was amended by paragraph 18 of Schedule 18 to the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (c. 41). Back [61]
Section 175 was amended by paragraph 10 of Schedule 3 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50) and paragraph 6 of Schedule 21 to the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (c. 41). Back [62]
Section 178 was substituted for section 178 as originally enacted by paragraph 62 of Schedule 4 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50). Back [63]
Subsection (1) was amended by paragraph 63 of Schedule 4 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50). Back [64]
Section 185 was amended by paragraph 10 of Schedule 17 to the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (c. 41) and paragraphs 86 and 87 of Schedule 6 to the Licensing Act 2003 (c. 17). Back [65]
Section 199B was inserted by section 36 of the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (c. 22). Back [66]
Subsection (1A), together with the existing subsection (1), were substituted for subsection (1) as originally enacted by paragraph 68 of Schedule 4 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50). Back [67]
Section 202 was amended by Part 1 of Schedule 2 and paragraph 70 of Schedule 4 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50), the Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1993 (c. 50), S.I. 1995/1948, the Schedule to the Law Officers Act 1997 (c. 60), paragraph 38 of Schedule 3 to the Greater London Authority Act 1999 (c. 29), paragraph 22 of Schedule 1 and paragraphs 3 and 9 of Schedule 6 to the Representation of the People Act 2000 (c. 2), paragraph 19 of Schedule 18 and paragraph 6 of Schedule 21 to the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (c. 41), S.I. 2001/1149 and section 73 and paragraphs 13, 76 and 128 of Schedule 1 to the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (c. 22). Back [68]
Section 10 was amended by paragraph 16 of Schedule 21 to the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (c. 41). Back [70]
Schedule 4 was amended by paragraph 164 of Schedule 27 to the Civil Partnerships Act 2004 (c. 33), and sections 5, 14, 35 and 38 of, and paragraphs 19, 20 and 137 of Schedule 1 to, the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (c. 22). Back [71]
2000 c. 41. All the provisions mentioned in this Table were inserted by section 29 of the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (c. 22). Back [72]
S.I. 2001/341; as amended by S.I. 2001/1700, 2002/1871, 2004/226, 2005/2114, 2006/752 and 2006/2910. Back [74]
As amended by S.I. 2001/1700, 2002/1871 and 2006/2910. Back [75]
As amended by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [76]
As amended by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [77]
As amended by S.I. 2002/1871 and 2006/2910. Back [78]
As amended by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [79]
As amended by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [80]
As amended by S.I. 2006/752 and 2006/2910. Back [81]
Inserted by S.I. 2006/752 and amended by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [82]
Inserted by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [83]
Inserted by S.I. 2006/752 and amended by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [84]
(10) Substituted by S.I. 2006/752 and amended by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [85]
Amended by S.I. 2006/752 and 2006/2910. Back [86]
Amended by S.I. 2006/752 and 2006/2910. Back [87]
Inserted by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [88]
Amended by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [89]
Amended by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [90]
Amended by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [91]
Amended by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [92]
Amended by S.I. 2002/1871, 2006/752 and 2006/2910. Back [93]
Amended by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [94]
Amended by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [95]
Amended by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [96]
Amended by S.I. 2006/752 and 2006/2910. Back [97]
Amended by S.I. 2006/752 and 2006/2910. Back [98]
Amended by S.I. 2006/752 and 2006/2910. Back [99]
Amended by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [100]
Amended by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [101]
Inserted by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [102]
Amended by S.I. 2002/1871 and 2006/2910. Back [103]
Inserted by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [104]
Inserted by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [105]
Inserted by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [106]
Inserted by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [107]
Amended by S.I. 2006/752 and 2006/2910. Back [108]
Inserted by S.I. 2006/2910 and amended by S.I. 2007/1025. Back [109]
Inserted by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [110]
Inserted by S.I. 2006/2910. Back [111]
Amended by S.I. 2005/2114. Back [112]
1983 c. 2; section 128 was amended by paragraph 12 of Schedule 1 to the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (c. 22). Back [113]
Section 130 was amended by paragraph 50 of Schedule 10 to the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 (c. 41) and paragraph 2 of Schedule 17 to the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (c. 41). Back [114]
Section 136 was amended by paragraph 48 of Schedule 4 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50) and paragraph 19 of Schedule 18 to the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (c. 41). Back [115]
Section 137 was substituted for section 137 as originally enacted by paragraph 3 of Schedule 17 to the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (c. 41). Back [116]
Section 138 was amended by paragraph 4 of Schedule 17 to the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (c. 41). Back [117]
Section 140 was amended by paragraph 49 of Schedule 4 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50). Back [118]
Section 141 was amended by paragraph 50 of Schedule 4 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50) and paragraph 84 of Schedule 27 to the Civil Partnership Act 2004 (c. 33). Back [119]
Section 145 was amended by paragraph 33 of Schedule 3 to the Greater London Authority Act 1999 (c. 29). Back [120]
Section 156 was amended by paragraph 51 of Schedule 4 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50). Back [121]
Section 157 was amended by paragraph 6 of Schedule 17 to the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (c. 41) and paragraph 28 of Schedule 11 to the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 (c. 4). Back [122]
Subsection (1) was amended by paragraph 52 of Schedule 4 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50), and subsection (3) was substituted for subsection (3) as originally enacted by that paragraph. Back [123]
Section 161 was amended by paragraph 53 of Schedule 4, and Schedule 5, to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50) and paragraph 149 of Schedule 4 to the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 (c. 4). Back [124]
Section 162 was amended by paragraph 54 of Schedule 4 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50). Back [125]
Section 163 was amended by paragraph 55 of Schedule 4 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50). Back [126]
Section 167 was amended by paragraph 56 of Schedule 4 to the Representation of the People Act 1985 (c. 50) and paragraph 18 of Schedule 18 to the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (c. 41). Back [127]
Section 183 was amended by paragraph 28 of Schedule 11 to the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 (c. 4). Back [128]
Section 184 was amended by paragraph 19 of Schedule 18 of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (c. 41) and S.I. 2001/1149. Back [129]
Section 185 was amended by paragraph 10 of Schedule 17 to the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (c. 41) and paragraphs 86 and 87 of Schedule 6 to the Licensing Act 2003 (c. 17). Back [130]
Amended by S.I. 1985/1278. Back [131]
Amended by S.I. 1985/1278. Back [132]
Amended by S.I. 1985/1278. Back [133]
Amended by S.I. 1999/1352. Back [134]
Amended by S.I. 1999/1352. Back [135]
Amended by S.I. 1999/1352. Back [136]
Amended by S.I. 1985/1278. Back [137]
Amended by S.I. 1985/1278. Back [138]
Amended by S.I. 1985/1278. Back [139]