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[2010] 4 Web JCLI Published 24 September 2010.
Articles |
'Police access to NHS
confidential medical records – a question of public interest.'
Lisa Dickson, Lecturer in Law,
Kent Law School,
University of Kent
'Culture as a Factor in the Translation of International Human Rights Law into Local Justice: Evidence from Corporal Punishment of Children in Pakistan'
Mazhar Siraj, Education Advisor,
Save the Children UK (Pakistan Programme),
Islamabad, Pakistan
Case Note |
Has the Statute of Frauds been rendered nugatory?
Jonathan Barrett, Senior Lecturer,
School of Business,
Open Polytechnic,
New Zealand
 | Book Reviews |
Robert Kolb and Richard Hyde, An Introduction to the International Law of Armed Conflicts
Reviewed by Konstantinos Mastorodimos, LL.B (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece), M.A. in International Studies (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece), MAS (LL.M) in International Humanitarian Law, University Centre of International Humanitarian Law, Geneva (now Academy of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law), Ph.D candidate in International Law, Queen Mary College, University of London
Peter Cane, Administrative Tribunals and Adjudication
Reviewed by Tom Royston, Leeds Citizens Advice Bureau
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