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visitor to [2001] 5 Web JCLI since 30 November 2001.
Research Postgraduate Conference - July 2001 |
Europe and Human Rights.
Colin Warbrick, Director, Durham University Human Rights Centre
Articles - Durham Conference |
The impact of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights on the EU system of
protection of rights: much ado about nothing?
Tania Kyriakou Ph.D. candidate, Law School, University of Edinburgh |
'Trafficking' and 'Smuggling' of Human Beings in Europe: Protection of
Individual Rights or States' Interests?
Tom Obokata, BA (Southern California), MA (Essex), LL.M (Sussex)
Research Student, School of Law, University of Nottingham |
The basis for departure of European standard under Article 9 of the European
Convention on Human Rights from equivalent universal standards.
Paul Taylor PhD candidate, School of Law, University of Nottingham |
Community law immigration rights, unmarried partnerships and the relationship
between European Court of Human Rights jurisprudence and community law in
the Court of Justice.
Helen Toner, DPhil candidate, Somerville College, and College Lecturer,
Queens College, Oxford. |
Book Review |
Richard Shannon, A Press Free and Responsible, London: John Murray, 2001
Reviewed by Colin Munro, Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Edinburgh.
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