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[1995] 5 Web JCLI
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Public Policy, Security of Tenure and the Agricultural Holdings Acts
Ian Dawson, Lecturer, Newcastle Law School, University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
The Rights of Foreigners and Immigrants in
Europe: Recent Trends.
George Katrougalos, Ph.D. Researcher in Constitutional law; Visiting Professor in Roskilde University, Denmark (1994-1995).
Occupation for Life: Satisfying the Equity
Nicola Glover LLB, University of Manchester, and Paul Todd MA BCL, Cardiff Law School.
The death throes of the sick man: Webb v EMO
Air Cargo (UK) Ltd (No 2)
Anne Morris, Senior Lecturer in Law, Feminist Legal Research Unit, Faculty of Law, University of Liverpool.
Information Technology
Information Technology and the Legal Practice
Course.Robert M Abbey, Associate Head of School and Legal Practice Course Director, School of Law, University of Westminster.
Legal Education
The Comparative Dimension (or What do They
Know of England, that only England Know?)
John Hodgson, MA LLM (Cantab.) Solicitor, Principal Lecturer, Nottingham Law School
Legal Education in Flanders
Leo F.T. Torremans, Pedagogical Advisor Higher Education ARGO, Belgium and Paul L.C Torremans, Lecturer in Law, The University of Leicester
Book Reviews
Josephine Steiner, Enforcing EC Law
Reviewed by Nicolas Bernard, Lecturer in Law, University of Essex
Le Brun and Johnstone, The Quiet Revolution -
Improving Student Learning in Law
Reviewed by Francoise Jarvis, Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Leicester.