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Article 224 of the Treaty of Rome and the Repercussions of Case C-120/94
Constantin Stefanou, Advisor, Hellenic Atlantic Treaty Association, and
Helen Xanthaki, Lecturer in Law, The Queen's University of Belfast.
Lending on the Security of Co-Owned Homes, Suretyship and Undue Influence
L.M. Clements, Lecturer in Law, University of Hull.
The Marginalisation of Gypsies
Helen O'Nions LL.M., University of Leicester
Exclusion of Evidence under Section 78 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act: Practice and Principles
Professor Richard Stone, Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University
Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1994
Brian St.J Collins, Lecturer in Law, School of Public Policy, Economics and Law, University of Ulster at Magee College
B v Croydon Health Authority 1994, CA: Force-Feeding the Hunger-Striker under the Mental Health Act 1983.
Kirsty Keywood, Lecturer in Law, University of Liverpool
The Prerogative, Legislative Power, and the Democratic Deficit: The Fire Brigades Union Case
Ian Leigh, Reader in Public Law, Newcastle Law School, University of
Newcastle upon Tyne,
Current Issues
Reforming Termination of Pregnancy : Two Models within the British Islands.Peter W Edge, LLB, PhD (Cantab) Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Central Lancashire, Preston.
Implementing An EC Directive on Unfair Terms
Tim Kaye, Lecturer in Law, Faculty of Law, University of Birmingham.
Charity Investment in the UK: Some Contemporary Issues for the 1990s
Debra Morris, Lecturer in Law, University of Liverpool
Information Technology
Harmonised Global Interchange - UNCITRAL's Draft Model Law for Electronic Data Interchange
Gregor Heinrich - a member of the Legal Service of the Bank for International
Settlements, Basle, Switzerland.
Legal Education
Fiona Cownie, LLM Lecturer in Law, University of Leicester
Research Report One: The Association of Law Teachers Legal Education Project.
Research Report Two: Legal Skills and Clinical Legal
Richard Grimes, Sheffield Hallam University
Book Review
Goodwin-Gill, Professor G S and Cohn, Dr I, Child Soldiers, The Role of Children in Armed Conflicts Stuart Maslen, Research Officer, United Nations Study on the Impact of Armed Conflict on Children, c/o UNICEF Geneva