Editorial | |
Stephen Mason | 1-2 |
The use of computer generated imagery in legal proceedings | |
Damian Schofield | 3-25 |
Electronic evidence and electronic discovery in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, People’s Republic of China | |
Ronald Yu | 26-43 |
Admissibility of e-evidence generated by Telnet technology in software copyright litigation in China | |
Jiong He | 44-48 |
Evidence of cybercrime and coercive measures in Finland | |
Juhana Riekkinen | 49-66 |
A case of the customer attempting to claim their debit card was cloned | |
Jerzy Kosiński | 67-75 |
Problems with cell phone evidence tendered to ‘prove’ the location of a person at a point in time | |
R. P. Coutts, H. Selby | 76-87 |
Online searches and online surveillance: the use of trojans and other types of malware as means of obtaining evidence in criminal proceedings | |
Giuseppe Vaciago, David Silva Ramalho | 88-96 |
Challenges of authentication and certification of e-awards in Dubai and before the Dubai International Financial Centre courts: the electronic signature | |
Omar Husain Qouteshat | 97-112 |
Criminal procedure and digital evidence in Estonia | |
Eneli Laurits | 113-120 |
The admissibility of electronic evidence in Tanzania: new rules and case law | |
Alex B. Makulilo | 121-132 |
The Post Office Horizon system and Seema Misra | |
Tim McCormack | 133-138 |
Technology assisted review approved for use in English High Court litigation | |
Clive Freedman | 139-142 |
Digital evidence and digital forensic education | |
Goran Oparnica | 143-147 |
The e-signature in Taiwan: consent, integrity and accessibility | |
Po-Hsiang Ou, Alex Tsai, Nathan Kaiser | 148-153 |
A note to China’s new law on electronic signatures | |
Chris Cao | 154-155 |
Case Translations
Case Translation: Belgium - Hof van Cassatie van België | |
Belgium Case Translation: | 156-158 |
Case Translation: France | |
France Case Translation: | 159-161 |
Translation of Legislation
Translation of legislation: Belgium - Act of 21 March 2007 governing the installation and the use of surveillance cameras | |
Belgium Translation of legislation: | 162-167 |
Translation of legislation: Belgium - Belgian cybercrime provisions | |
Belgium Translation of legislation: | 168-172 |
Translation of legislation: Belgium - Act of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy in relation to the processing of personal data | |
Belgium Translation of legislation: | 173-198 |
Translation of legislation: Belgium - Belgian Code of Economic Law – Book XII. The law of the electronic economy | |
Belgium Translation of legislation: | 199-207 |
Book Reports
Book Reports | |
Book Reports | 219-231 |
PhD Research | |
PhD Research | 232-241 |
Guidelines for authors
Guidelines for authors | |
Author Guidelines | 242-243 |
General Editor and Editorial Board | |
Volume 13 Credits | 244-246 |
Documents Supplement
Draft Convention on Electronic Evidence | |
s1-s11 |
ISSN 2054-8508 (Online) (c) 2019 Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review

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