Editorial | |
Stephen Mason | 1-2 |
Are mobile device examinations practiced like ‘forensics’? | |
Gary C. Kessler | 3-9 |
Updates on Malaysian cyber case law: Allah, Facebook and Malaysian sex bloggers | |
Foong Cheng Leong | 10-12 |
Case Comment on Laushway v Messervey, 2014 NSCA 7: ‘Old evidence law dogs, new technology tricks’ | |
Patricia Mitchell, Jennifer Taylor | 13-16 |
The Processo Civile Telematico and the Italian legal framework: a perspective | |
Marco Mendola, Filippo Pappalardo | 17-21 |
Bank and credit cards in Turkey: an outline of the criminal law | |
Murat Volkan Dülger | 22-32 |
The Supreme Court of India re-defines admissibility of electronic evidence in India | |
Tejas Karia, Akhil Anand, Bahaar Dhawan | 33-37 |
Problems on the admissibility of electronic evidence in the Chinese context | |
Bo Liu | 38-44 |
Case Transcripts
Case Transcript: England & Wales - Regina v Seema Misra, T20090070 - Commentary and Index to the transcript by Stephen Mason | |
England & Wales Case Transcript: | 45-55 |
Case Translations
Case Translation: France - Groupe Philippe Bosc/MMT | |
France Case Translation: | 56-58 |
Case Translation: France - Arrêt n°211 du 26 février 2013 (12-14.771) | |
France Case Translation: | 59-60 |
Case Translation: France - Arrêt du 27 février 2013 | |
France Case Translation: | 61-66 |
Case Translation: France - 26 June 2014 – no. 13/19600 | |
France Case Translation: | 67-70 |
Case Translation: France - jugement du 19 décembre 2014 | |
France Case Translation: | 71-75 |
Case Translation: Greece - 46/2014 | |
Greece Case Translation: | 76-80 |
Case Translation: Slovakia - Decision of the District Court Trenčín dated 8 March 2012, file ref. no. 21C/143/2011 | |
Slovakia Case Translation: | 90-94 |
Case Translation: Slovakia - Decision of the County Court Trenčín dated 19 June 2013, file ref. no. 17Co/213/2012 | |
Slovakia Case Translation: | 95-100 |
Commentary: Slovak case law on the responsibility of a bank for unauthorised financial transactions | |
Slovakia Case Commentary: | 101-102 |
Case Translation: Sweden - Case No. 11534-13 | |
Sweden Case Translation: | 103-106 |
Book Reports
Book Reports | |
Book Reports | 107-113 |
PhD Research | |
PhD Research | 114-121 |
Guidelines for authors
Guidelines for authors | |
Author Guidelines | 122-123 |
General Editor and Editorial Board | |
Volume 12 Credits | 124-125 |
Documents Supplement
Case Transcript - Regina v Seema Misra, T20090070 Day 1 Monday 11 October 2010 | |
1-72 |
Case Transcript - Regina v Seema Misra, T20090070 Day 2 Tuesday 12 October 2010 | |
1-92 |
Case Transcript - Regina v Seema Misra, T20090070 Day 3 Wednesday 13 October 2010 | |
1-88 |
Case Transcript - Regina v Seema Misra, T20090070 Day 4 Thursday 14 October 2010 | |
1-139 |
Case Transcript - Regina v Seema Misra, T20090070 Day 5 Friday 15 October 2010 | |
1-114 |
Case Transcript - Regina v Seema Misra, T20090070 Day 6 Monday 18 October 2010 | |
1-172 |
Case Transcript - Regina v Seema Misra, T20090070 Day 7 Tuesday 19 October 2010 | |
1-92 |
Case Transcript - Regina v Seema Misra, T20090070 Day 8 Wednesday 20 October 2010 | |
1-3 |
Case Transcript - Regina v Seema Misra, T20090070 Day 9 Thursday 21 October 2010 | |
1-8 |
Case Transcript - Regina v Seema Misra, T20090070 Sentence Thursday 11 November 2010 | |
1-15 |
ISSN 2054-8508 (Online) (c) 2019 Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review

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