Country | Action | Action Date | Effective Date |
BELGIUM | Signature | 28-Mar-1995 | |
BELGIUM | Ratification | 07-Sep-2000 | 07-Oct-2000 |
BELGIUM | Denunciation | 30-Jun-2010 | 30-Jun-2011 |
FRANCE | Signature | 28-Mar-1995 | |
GERMANY FEDERAL REPUBLIC | Signature | 28-Mar-1995 | |
GERMANY FEDERAL REPUBLIC | Ratification | 05-Dec-1997 | 04-Jan-1998 |
GREECE | Signature | 28-Mar-1995 | |
GREECE | Ratification | 18-Aug-1998 | 18-Sep-1998 |
GREECE | Denunciation | 30-Jun-2010 | 30-Jun-2011 |
ITALY | Signature | 28-Mar-1995 | |
ITALY | Ratification | 26-Sep-1997 | 26-Oct-1997 |
ITALY | Denunciation | 30-Jun-2010 | 30-Jun-2011 |
LUXEMBOURG | Signature | 28-Mar-1995 | |
NETHERLANDS THE | Signature | 28-Mar-1995 | |
NETHERLANDS THE | Declaration | 28-Mar-1995 | |
NETHERLANDS THE | Acceptance | 29-Oct-1996 | |
PORTUGAL | Signature | 28-Mar-1995 | |
PORTUGAL | Denunciation | 22-Jul-2010 | 22-Jul-2011 |
SPAIN | Signature | 28-Mar-1995 | |
SPAIN | Ratification | 19-Feb-1996 | |
UNITED KINGDOM | Signature | 28-Mar-1995 | |
UNITED KINGDOM | Ratification | 21-Jan-1999 | 20-Feb-1999 |
UNITED KINGDOM | Withdrawal | 01-Jun-2010 | 30-Jun-2011 |