Country | Action | Action Date | Effective Date |
BELGIUM | Signature | 28-Aug-1991 | |
BELGIUM | Declaration | 28-Aug-1991 | |
BULGARIA | Signature | 20-Aug-1991 | |
BULGARIA | Declaration | 20-Aug-1991 | |
CANADA | Signature | 20-Aug-1991 | |
CZECH AND SLOVAK FEDERAL REPUBLIC | Signature | 20-Aug-1991 | |
CZECH AND SLOVAK FEDERAL REPUBLIC | Declaration | 20-Aug-1991 | |
CZECH REPUBLIC | Notification | 30-Aug-2004 | 01-Jan-1993 |
GERMANY FEDERAL REPUBLIC | Signature | 20-Aug-1991 | |
ITALY | Signature | 20-Aug-1991 | |
NETHERLANDS THE | Signature | 28-Aug-1991 | |
NETHERLANDS THE | Declaration | 28-Aug-1991 | |
POLAND | Signature | 20-Aug-1991 | |
SOVIET UNION | Signature | 28-Aug-1991 | |
UNITED KINGDOM | Signature | 28-Aug-1991 | |
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | Signature | 20-Aug-1991 |