Country | Action | Action Date | Effective Date |
BELGIUM | Signature | 07-Nov-1983 | |
BELGIUM | Ratification | 05-Dec-1985 | |
DENMARK | Signature | 07-Nov-1983 | |
DENMARK | Ratification | 18-Mar-1985 | |
FRANCE | Signature | 07-Nov-1983 | |
FRANCE | Ratification | 07-Jan-1986 | |
GERMANY FEDERAL REPUBLIC | Signature | 07-Nov-1983 | |
GERMANY FEDERAL REPUBLIC | Ratification | 11-Jun-1985 | |
IRELAND, REPUBLIC OF | Signature | 07-Nov-1983 | |
IRELAND, REPUBLIC OF | Ratification | 12-Jan-1985 | |
ITALY | Signature | 07-Nov-1983 | |
ITALY | Ratification | 27-Dec-1985 | |
NETHERLANDS THE | Signature | 07-Nov-1983 | |
NETHERLANDS THE | Ratification | 13-Sep-1984 | |
UNITED KINGDOM | Signature | 07-Nov-1983 | |
UNITED KINGDOM | Ratification | 29-Jul-1987 | |
UNITED KINGDOM | Approval | 29-Jul-1987 |