Country | Action | Action Date | Effective Date |
BELGIUM | Signature | 08-Sep-1970 | |
BELGIUM | Ratification | 29-Oct-1971 | |
BELGIUM | Reservation | 29-Oct-1971 | |
BELGIUM | Declaration | 29-Oct-1971 | |
BELGIUM | Withdrawal Res. | 24-May-1972 | |
FRANCE | Signature | 08-Sep-1970 | |
FRANCE | Approval | 27-Oct-1971 | |
GERMANY FEDERAL REPUBLIC | Signature | 08-Sep-1970 | |
GERMANY FEDERAL REPUBLIC | Ratification | 29-Oct-1971 | |
IRELAND | Signature | 08-Sep-1970 | |
IRELAND | Ratification | 29-Oct-1971 | |
LUXEMBOURG | Signature | 08-Sep-1970 | |
LUXEMBOURG | Ratification | 17-Nov-1971 | |
NETHERLANDS THE | Signature | 08-Sep-1970 | |
NETHERLANDS THE | Ratification | 15-Dec-1971 | |
UNITED KINGDOM | Signature | 08-Sep-1970 | |
UNITED KINGDOM | Ratification | 27-Oct-1971 |