Country | Action | Action Date | Effective Date |
AFGHANISTAN | Ratification | 02-Mar-1948 | |
ALGERIA | Ratification | 29-Nov-1965 | |
ANDORRA | Adherence | 25-Feb-2001 | 25-Feb-2001 |
ANGOLA | Ratification | 10-Apr-1977 | |
ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA | Ratification | 17-Oct-1988 | |
ARGENTINA | Ratification | 19-Nov-1963 | |
AUSTRIA | Ratification | 25-Apr-1983 | |
BAHAMAS | Ratification | 25-Jul-1975 | |
BAHRAIN | Ratification | 01-Nov-1971 | |
BANGLADESH | Ratification | 26-Mar-1996 | |
BELARUS | Ratification | 24-Jul-1996 | |
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA | Succession | 07-Mar-1995 | |
BRAZIL | Ratification | 14-Oct-1949 | |
BULGARIA | Ratification | 16-Dec-1969 | |
BURMA | Ratification | 25-Oct-1951 | |
CANADA | Ratification | 22-Aug-1947 | |
CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC | Ratification | 22-May-1962 | |
CEYLON | Ratification | 09-Dec-1948 | |
CHAD | Ratification | 28-Aug-1964 | |
CHILE | Ratification | 18-Mar-1968 | |
CHINA | Ratification | 24-Mar-1948 | |
CONGO BRAZZAVILLE | Ratification | 26-May-1962 | |
COSTA RICA | Ratification | 05-Jul-1960 | |
CROATIA | Ratification | 05-Oct-1993 | |
CUBA | Ratification | 30-Sep-1963 | |
CYPRUS | Ratification | 05-Jul-1989 | |
CZECH REPUBLIC | Ratification | 15-Apr-1993 | |
CZECHOSLOVAKIA | Ratification | 21-Apr-1948 | |
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Ratification | 10-Nov-1947 | |
ECUADOR | Ratification | 11-Jan-1965 | |
EGYPT | Ratification | 24-Nov-1949 | |
EL SALVADOR | Ratification | 22-Jan-1963 | |
ERITREA | Ratification | 06-Jun-1995 | |
FIJI | Ratification | 04-Apr-1973 | |
GAMBIA THE | Ratification | 25-Jan-1978 | |
GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC | Ratification | 29-Jun-1990 | |
GHANA | Ratification | 15-Jul-1997 | |
GUINEA | Ratification | 26-Jun-1959 | |
GUYANA | Ratification | 14-Dec-1988 | |
HONG KONG SAR | Application | 05-Jun-1997 | 01-Jul-1997 |
HUNGARY | Ratification | 30-Oct-1970 | |
INDIA | Ratification | 15-Dec-1947 | |
INDONESIA | Ratification | 17-Jul-1961 | |
IRAN | Ratification | 27-Apr-1950 | |
IRAQ | Ratification | 09-Dec-1950 | |
ITALY | Ratification | 08-Oct-1952 | |
IVORY COAST | Ratification | 20-Mar-1961 | |
JAMAICA | Ratification | 18-Oct-1963 | |
KENYA | Ratification | 31-May-1964 | |
LEBANON | Ratification | 20-Aug-1973 | |
LESOTHO | Ratification | 11-Sep-1975 | |
LUXEMBOURG | Ratification | 11-Jul-1972 | |
MACEDONIA THE FYR OF | Ratification | 03-Sep-1997 | |
MALAGASY REPUBLIC | Ratification | 07-Dec-1962 | |
MALAWI | Ratification | 30-Nov-1964 | |
MALAYA | Ratification | 01-Oct-1962 | |
MALI | Ratification | 10-Jan-1961 | |
MALTA | Ratification | 25-May-1965 | |
MAURITANIA | Ratification | 02-Apr-1962 | |
MAURITIUS | Ratification | 01-Sep-1970 | |
MEXICO | Ratification | 12-Sep-1949 | |
MOLDOVA REPUBLIC OF | Ratification | 22-Dec-1994 | |
MOROCCO | Ratification | 21-Jun-1957 | |
NETHERLANDS THE | Ratification | 24-Feb-1955 | |
NEW ZEALAND | Ratification | 22-Sep-1947 | |
NICARAGUA | Ratification | 09-Jul-1962 | |
NIGER | Ratification | 08-Apr-1988 | |
NIGERIA | Ratification | 10-May-2002 | |
NORWAY | Ratification | 18-Jul-1962 | |
PAKISTAN | Ratification | 19-Jul-1948 | |
PANAMA | Ratification | 24-Sep-1963 | |
PAPUA NEW GUINEA | Ratification | 05-Oct-1992 | |
PARAGUAY | Ratification | 09-Dec-2003 | 01-Jan-1900 |
PHILIPPINES | Ratification | 17-Nov-1952 | |
POLAND | Ratification | 21-Feb-1969 | |
ROMANIA | Ratification | 31-May-1966 | |
RWANDA | Ratification | 15-Nov-1965 | |
SAN MARINO | Ratification | 03-Feb-1995 | |
SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE | Ratification | 18-Sep-1980 | |
SAUDI ARABIA | Ratification | 25-Feb-1966 | |
SENEGAL | Ratification | 28-Feb-1961 | |
SEYCHELLES | Ratification | 22-Jan-1981 | |
SINGAPORE | Ratification | 04-Jan-1967 | |
SOMALIA | Ratification | 30-Sep-1964 | |
SOUTH AFRICA | Ratification | 21-Sep-1998 | |
ST KITTS AND NEVIS | Adherence | 20-Feb-2002 | 20-Feb-2002 |
SUDAN | Ratification | 08-Apr-1960 | |
SURINAME | Ratification | 27-Mar-2003 | 01-Jan-1900 |
SWAZILAND | Ratification | 31-Jan-1974 | |
SYRIA | Ratification | 23-Jan-1953 | |
TANGANYIKA | Ratification | 10-Apr-1963 | |
THAILAND | Ratification | 03-Dec-1957 | |
TONGA | Ratification | 05-Feb-2002 | |
TUNISIA | Ratification | 23-May-1961 | |
TURKEY | Ratification | 28-Sep-1965 | |
TURKMENISTAN | Ratification | 14-Apr-1993 | |
UGANDA | Ratification | 16-Sep-1976 | |
UKRAINE | Ratification | 21-Jan-2003 | 01-Jan-1900 |
UNITED KINGDOM | Ratification | 19-Jan-1948 | |
UNITED KINGDOM | Notification | 19-Jun-1997 | 01-Jul-1997 |
UPPER VOLTA | Ratification | 01-Feb-1971 | |
URUGUAY | Ratification | 20-Mar-1979 | |
UZBEKISTAN | Ratification | 24-Feb-1994 | |
VANUATU | Ratification | 31-Jan-1989 | |
VENEZUELA | Ratification | 03-Feb-1978 | |
VIETNAM | Ratification | 30-Dec-1957 | |
VIETNAM | Ratification | 03-Feb-1999 | |
YUGOSLAVIA | Ratification | 13-Apr-1960 | |
YUGOSLAVIA, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF | Adherence | 13-Jan-2001 | 13-Jan-2001 |
ZAMBIA | Ratification | 12-Oct-1965 |