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Made | 6.00 p.m. on 19th November 2007 | ||
Laid before Parliament | 21st November 2007 | ||
Coming into force | 6.30 p.m. on 19th November 2007 |
(2) Regulations 5 to 9 and 11 to 14 cease to have effect on 15th December 2007.
In these Regulations—
(4) The prohibition in paragraph (1) does not apply to the direct transit on main roads or railway lines of live animals through the areas specified in Schedule 1 or Schedule 2 without stops, other than stops required by traffic conditions, under a licence issued in accordance with regulation 18.
Export of live animals
—(1) No person may export any live animal of the bovine, ovine, caprine or porcine species or any other biungulate from Great Britain.
(2) By way of derogation from paragraph (1), a person may export animals originating outside Great Britain if—
(3) No person may export any biungulate to another member State from England without the prior authorisation of the Secretary of State unless—
Export of fresh meat, minced meat, mechanically separated meat and meat preparations
—(1) No person may export meat from animals of the bovine, ovine, caprine or porcine species or other biungulates coming from, or obtained from animals originating in, an area specified in Schedule 1.
(2) In this regulation, "meat" includes fresh meat, minced meat, mechanically separated meat and meat preparations as defined in points 1.10, 1.13, 1.14 or 1.15 of Annex 1 to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin[10].
(3) The prohibition in paragraph (1) does not apply in relation to—
(d) meat from farmed game of a species susceptible to foot-and-mouth disease that complies with the conditions in Schedule 4, and is derived from animals—
(e) fresh meat obtained from bovine, ovine, caprine or porcine species or any other biungulates reared outside the areas specified in Schedule 1 and transported, under a licence issued pursuant to regulation 18, directly and under the control of the Secretary of State to an approved slaughterhouse provided that—
(f) fresh meat obtained from an approved cutting plant situated in any area specified in Schedule 1 if—
(4) Any person consigning an animal to a slaughterhouse to produce meat intended for export in accordance with sub-paragraph (c) or (d) of paragraph (3) must provide a written declaration that it complies with each of the conditions contained in that sub-paragraph and ensure that such declaration accompanies the animal consigned.
(5) Meat specified in paragraph (3) intended for export must bear a health mark in accordance with Chapter III of Section I of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 854/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down specific rules for the organisation of official controls on products of animal origin intended for human consumption[11].
(6) Meat exported to another member State from England must be accompanied by an official certificate which bears the following words—
Marking meat not eligible for export
Meat not eligible for export to another member State must be marked in accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 4(1) of Council Directive 2002/99/EC laying down the animal health rules governing the production, processing, distribution and introduction of products of animal origin for human consumption[12], or in accordance with Commission Decision 2001/304/EC on the marking and use of certain animal products[13].
Export of meat products
—(1) No person may export meat products, including treated stomachs, bladders and intestines, of animals of the bovine, ovine, caprine or porcine species or other biungulates coming from, or prepared using meat obtained from such animals originating in, the areas specified in Schedule 1.
(2) The prohibition in paragraph (1) does not apply to meat products that have been transported and stored since the date of production separately from other meat products that are not eligible for export, provided that the meat products—
(3) Meat products exported to another member State from England must be accompanied by an official certificate which bears the following words—
(4) Paragraph (3) does not apply to meat products that comply with paragraph (2) and have been processed in an establishment operating HACCP and an auditable standard operating procedure that ensures that standards for treatment are met and recorded, if compliance with paragraph (2)(c)(ii) is stated in the commercial document accompanying the consignment, endorsed in accordance with regulation 14.
(5) Paragraph (3) does not apply to meat products heat treated in accordance with paragraph (2)(c)(ii) stored in hermetically sealed containers so as to ensure that they are shelf stable, if the heat treatment applied is stated in the commercial document accompanying the consignment.
Export of milk
—(1) No person may export milk produced or prepared in the areas specified in Schedule 1.
(2) The prohibition in paragraph (1) does not apply to milk produced from animals kept in the areas specified in Schedule 1 that has been subjected to at least a treatment in accordance with—
(3) The prohibition in paragraph (1) does not apply to milk prepared in an approved establishment situated in an area specified in Schedule 1 under the following conditions—
(b) the establishment must be operated under strict veterinary control;
(c) the milk is clearly identified and transported and stored separately from milk and dairy products not eligible for export; and
(d) transport of raw milk from premises situated outside the areas specified in Schedule 1 to the establishments in the areas specified in Schedule 1 is carried out in vehicles that were cleansed and disinfected prior to operation and had no subsequent contact with premises in the areas specified in Schedule 1 keeping animals of species susceptible to foot-and-mouth disease.
(4) Milk exported to another member State from England must be accompanied by an official certificate which bears the following words—
(5) Paragraph (4) does not apply to milk that complies with the requirements of paragraph (2)(a) or (b) if such compliance is stated in the commercial document accompanying the consignment, endorsed in accordance with regulation 14, and has been processed in an establishment operating HACCP and an auditable standard operating procedure which ensures that standards for treatment are met and recorded.
(6) Paragraph (4) does not apply to milk that conforms with the requirements of paragraph (2)(a) or (b) and that has been heat treated in hermetically sealed containers so as to ensure that it is shelf stable provided that the commercial document accompanying the consignment states the heat treatment applied.
Export of dairy products
—(1) No person may export dairy products produced or prepared in the areas specified in Schedule 1.
(2) The prohibition in paragraph (1) does not apply to dairy products—
(3) The prohibition in paragraph (1) does not apply to dairy products intended for human consumption—
(4) The prohibition in paragraph (1) does not apply to—
(b) dairy products prepared outside the areas specified in Schedule 1 using milk obtained before 15th July 2007 from Great Britain provided that the milk products are clearly identified and transported and stored separately from dairy products that are not eligible for export.
(5) Dairy products exported to another member State from England must be accompanied by an official certificate which bears the following words—
(6) Paragraph (5) does not apply to milk products that comply with the requirements of paragraph (2)(a) or (b), (3) or (4) if such compliance is stated in the commercial document accompanying the consignment, endorsed in accordance with regulation 14, and the dairy products have been processed in an establishment operating HACCP and an auditable standard operating procedure which ensures that standards for treatment are met and recorded.
(7) Paragraph (5) does not apply to dairy products that conform to the requirements of paragraph (2)(a) or (b), (3) or (4), which have been treated in hermetically sealed containers so as to ensure that they are shelf stable if the heat treatment applied is stated in the commercial document accompanying the consignment.
Export of semen, ova and embryos
—(1) No person may export semen, ova or embryos of animals of the bovine, ovine, caprine or porcine species or other biungulates produced in or brought into Great Britain.
(2) The prohibition in paragraph (1) does not apply in relation to—
(3) The health certificate accompanying frozen bovine semen exported to another member State from England must bear the following words—
(4) The health certificate accompanying bovine embryos exported to another member State from England must bear the following words—
(5) The health certificate accompanying ovine or caprine semen exported to another member State from England must bear the following words—
(6) The health certificate accompanying ovine or caprine embryos exported to another member State from England must bear the following words—
(7) The health certificate accompanying porcine semen exported to another member State from England must bear the following words—
Export of hides and skins
—(1) No person may export hides or skins of animals of the bovine, ovine, caprine or porcine species or other biungulates produced in or brought into the areas specified in Schedule 1.
(2) The prohibition in paragraph (1) does not apply in relation to hides or skins that—
provided that treated hides or skins are separated from untreated hides and skins.
(3) Hides or skins exported to another member State from England must be accompanied by an official certificate which bears the following words:—
(4) Paragraph (3) does not apply to hides or skins which conform to the requirements of either—
if compliance with those conditions is stated in the commercial document accompanying the consignment, endorsed (in the case of sub-paragraph (b)) in accordance with regulation 14.
Export of animal products
—(1) No person may export animal products of the bovine, ovine, caprine or porcine species or other biungulates not otherwise mentioned in these Regulations—
(2) No person may export dung or manure from animals of the bovine, ovine, caprine or porcine species or other biungulates from the areas specified in Schedule 1.
(3) The prohibition in paragraph (1) does not apply in relation to—
(b) blood or blood products—
(c) lard or rendered fats which have been subjected to the heat treatment prescribed in point 2(d)(iv) of Part B of Chapter IV of Annex VII to Regulation (EC) No. 1774/2002;
(d) animal casings that comply with the conditions in Part A of Chapter 2 of Annex 1 to Directive 92/118/EC laying down animal health and public requirements governing trade in and imports into the Community of certain products[20], which have been cleaned, scraped and then either salted, bleached or dried, and where subsequently effective steps were taken to prevent the recontamination of the casings;
(e) sheep wool, ruminant hair or pigs' bristles, any of which has undergone factory washing or has been obtained from tanning;
(f) sheep wool, ruminant hair or pigs' bristles, any of which has been securely enclosed in packaging and is dry;
(g) petfood conforming to the requirements of points 2 to 4 of Part B of Chapter II of Annex VIII to Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002;
(h) composite products which are not subjected to further treatment containing products of animal origin on the understanding that the treatment was not necessary for finished products the ingredients of which comply with the respective animal health conditions laid down in these Regulations;
(i) game trophies in accordance with points 1, 3 or 4 of Part A of Chapter VII of Annex VIII to Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002;
(j) packed animal products intended for use as in-vitro diagnostic or laboratory reagents; or
(k) medicinal products as defined in Directive 2001/83/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 November 2001 on the Community Code relating to medicinal products for human use[21], non-viable medical devices as defined in Article 1(5)(g) of Council Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning medical devices[22], veterinary medicinal products as defined in Directive 2001/82/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 November 2001 on the Community Code relating to veterinary medicinal products[23] and investigational medicinal products as defined in Directive 2001/20/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 April 2001 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the conduct of clinical trials on medicinal products for human use[24].
(4) The animal products referred to in paragraph (3) for export to other member States from England must be accompanied by an official certificate which bears the following words—
(5) Paragraph (4) does not apply to products specified in paragraph (3)(a) to (d) or (g) that are accompanied by a commercial document stating that the products comply with the relevant requirements of paragraph 3(a) to (d) or (g) which is endorsed in accordance with regulation 14.
(6) Paragraph (4) does not apply to products specified in paragraph (3)(e) or (f) that are accompanied by a commercial document stating—
(7) Paragraph (4) does not apply to products specified in paragraph (3)(h) which have been produced in an establishment operating HACCP and an auditable standard operating procedure which ensures that pre-processed ingredients comply with the requirements of these Regulations and they have a commercial document endorsed in accordance with regulation 14.
(8) Paragraph (4) does not apply to products specified in paragraph (3)(j) or (k) if they are accompanied by a commercial document stating that the products are for use as in-vitro diagnostic or laboratory reagents or medical products or medical devices, provided that the products are clearly labelled "for in-vitro diagnostic use only" or "for laboratory use only" or as "medicinal products" or as "medical devices".
(9) Paragraph (4) does not apply to composite products that fulfil the conditions set out in Article 6(1) of Commission Decision 2007/275/EC concerning lists of animals and products to be subject to controls at border inspection posts[25] if they are accompanied by a commercial document which bears the following words:
The prohibitions in regulations 7, 8, 9 and 12 do not apply in relation to—
Endorsement of commercial documents
—(1) Where reference is made to a commercial document being endorsed in accordance with this regulation, the document must have attached to it an official certificate stating that—
(b) provisions are in place to avoid possible recontamination with the foot-and-mouth disease virus after treatment.
(2) The certificate must bear a reference to the Decision, is valid for 30 days, must state the expiry date and is renewable after inspection of the establishment.
(3) In the case of products for retail sale to the final consumer, a consolidated consignment of animal products, each of which is eligible for export in accordance with these Regulations, may be exported from an approved establishment accompanied by a commercial document endorsed by the attachment of a copy of an official veterinary certificate that—
Duties of slaughterhouses and other establishments
—(1) If foot-and-mouth disease is suspected in:
which handles meat controlled under these Regulations, the occupier must comply with paragraph (2).
(2) The occupier must, under the supervision of the Secretary of State, ensure that:
(3) If an animal susceptible to foot-and-mouth disease and from premises situated in any area specified in Schedule 1 is slaughtered in any of the establishments referred to in paragraph (1), the occupier must ensure that:
Offers to dispatch or export
No person may offer to dispatch or export, or accept orders for the dispatch or export of, anything prohibited from being dispatched or exported by these Regulations, whether on the internet or otherwise.
(2) The licence—
(3) A person moving any animal under a specific licence granted under these Regulations must—
(4) A person moving any animal under a general licence granted under these Regulations must—
(b) on demand by an inspector or veterinary inspector—
(5) Licences granted in Scotland or Wales for activities that can be licensed in England under these Regulations shall have effect in England as if they were licences granted under these Regulations, but an inspector acting under the direction of the Secretary of State may serve a notice on any person moving any animal under such a licence, directing him to move it to or keep it on premises specified in the notice or move it out of England.
—(1) A veterinary inspector, or inspector, may serve any notice issued under the Regulations on—
(2) The notice must:
Powers of inspectors
—(1) An inspector may, at all reasonable hours enter any place, land, installation, vehicle (including any container, trailer, semi-trailer, caravan or other thing which is designed or adapted to be towed by another vehicle), train, ship, vessel, boat, craft, hovercraft or aircraft.
(2) Where an inspector enters any of the places specified in paragraph (1), that inspector must produce a duly authenticated document showing the inspector's authority, if required to do so.
(3) An inspector may by notice, or as a condition of a licence, require the cleansing and disinfection of premises, vehicles, equipment, or any other thing that may spread foot-and-mouth disease.
(4) An inspector may—
(5) A veterinary inspector may inspect, or take samples from, any animal, carcase or thing.
(6) An inspector may carry out all checks and examinations necessary for the enforcement of these Regulations, and in particular may—
(7) If any person fails to comply with a requirement in these Regulations, or a notice, approval or licence issued or granted under these Regulations, an inspector may take such steps as they consider necessary to ensure the requirement is met at the expense of that person, including the power to require, by notice, any person to take or refrain from a specified action in respect of any place, animal, vehicle or other thing.
Powers of officers of Revenue and Customs
An Officer of Revenue and Customs may detain any vehicle, vessel, container or anything which the officer reasonably suspects to contain animals or products controlled by these Regulations for as long as is reasonably necessary to enable an inspector to exercise a power under these Regulations.
Illegal consignments of products
—(1) This regulation has effect when an inspector, on reasonable grounds, suspects that anything other than live animals is intended to be exported in contravention of these Regulations.
(2) The inspector may seize it and remove it in order to have it dealt with by a justice of the peace.
(3) If anything other than live animals is seized under this regulation, the inspector must inform the person appearing to the inspector to be in charge of the consignment of the inspector's intention to have it dealt with by a justice of the peace, and—
(4) If it appears to a justice of the peace that there was an intention to export the consignment in contravention of these Regulations the justice of the peace must, unless satisfied that the consignment can be returned to the owner without risk of a further attempt to export it in contravention of these Regulations, order that the consignment be destroyed or otherwise disposed of so as to prevent it from being despatched.
(5) When under the preceding paragraph a justice of the peace is satisfied that there was an intention to export a consignment in breach of these Regulations, the owner, the consignor and the consignee are jointly and severally liable for the costs reasonably incurred in its removal to storage, its storage and its destruction or disposal.
No person shall—
Offences by bodies corporate
—(1) Where a body corporate is guilty of an offence under these Regulations, and that offence is proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance of, or to have been attributable to any neglect on the part of—
that person as well as the body corporate, is guilty of the offence and is liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.
(2) For the purposes of this regulation, "director" in relation to a body corporate whose affairs are managed by its members, means a member of the body corporate.
—(1) A person contravening any provision of these Regulations, or any conditions of an approval or licence granted, or a notice served, under these Regulations, is guilty of an offence and liable—
Authorisations, certificates, etc. issued in another part of the United Kingdom
—(1) Where these Regulations require any authorisation, certificate or approval to be issued or granted by the Secretary of State, a veterinary inspector or inspector, an equivalent document issued in another part of the United Kingdom by the relevant competent authority is valid.
(2) Where these Regulations require anything to be done in approved establishments or cutting plants in England, anything done in premises approved for those purposes in another part of the United Kingdom shall be treated as if it had been processed in approved premises in England.
Sharing information
—(1) The Secretary of State, the Commissioners and any local authority may exchange information for the purposes of these Regulations, and may divulge information to the enforcement authorities in another part of the British Islands.
(2) Paragraph (1) is without prejudice to any other power of the Secretary of State, the Commissioners or any local authority to disclose information.
(3) No person, including a servant of the Crown, may disclose any information received from the Commissioners under paragraph (1) if—
(b) the disclosure is for a purpose other than the purposes of these Regulations; and
(c) the Commissioners have not given their prior consent to the disclosure.
(4) In this regulation, "the Commissioners" means the Commissioners for Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs.
These Regulations shall be enforced by the Secretary of State or the local authority.
The Import and Export Restrictions (Foot-And-Mouth Disease) (No.6) Regulations 2007[27] are revoked.
Jeff Rooker
Minister of State Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
6.00 p.m. on 19th November 2007
GROUP | ADNS(¹) | Administrative Unit |
England | 41 | Bracknell Forest |
42 | Brighton and Hove | |
49 | City of Southampton | |
56 | Luton | |
57 | Medway | |
59 | Milton Keynes | |
63 | Reading | |
66 | Slough | |
67 | Southend-on-Sea | |
70 | Swindon | |
72 | Thurrock | |
75 | West Berkshire | |
76 | Windsor and Maidenhead | |
77 | Wokingham | |
137 | Bedfordshire County | |
138 | Buckinghamshire County | |
139 | Cambridgeshire County | |
145 | East Sussex County | |
146 | Essex County | |
147 | Gloucestershire County | |
148 | Hampshire County | |
149 | Hertfordshire County | |
150 | Kent | |
155 | Northamptonshire County | |
158 | Oxfordshire County | |
163 | Surrey | |
164 | Warwickshire County | |
165 | West Sussex County | |
166 | Wiltshire County | |
168 | London |
GROUP | ADNS | Administrative Unit |
Scottish Islands: | ||
131 | Shetland Islands | |
123 | Orkney Islands | |
124 | NA H-Eileanan An Iar | |
Scotland: | ||
121 | Highland | |
122 | Moray | |
126 | Aberdeenshire | |
128 | Aberdeen City | |
79 | Angus | |
81 | Dundee City | |
80 | Clackmannanshire | |
90 | Perth & Kinross | |
127 | Fife | |
85 | Falkirk | |
88 | Midlothian | |
96 | West Lothian | |
129 | City of Edinburgh | |
130 | East Lothian | |
92 | Scottish Borders | |
94 | Stirling | |
125 | Argyll and Bute | |
83 | East Dunbartonshire | |
84 | East Renfrewshire | |
86 | City of Glasgow | |
87 | Inverclyde | |
89 | North Lanarkshire | |
91 | Renfrewshire | |
93 | South Lanarkshire | |
95 | West Dunbartonshire | |
82 | East Ayrshire | |
132 | North Ayrshire | |
133 | South Ayrshire | |
134 | Dumfries & Galloway | |
England: | ||
141 | Cumbria | |
169 | Northumberland | |
10 | Gateshead | |
16 | Newcastle-upon-Tyne | |
17 | North Tyneside | |
26 | South Tyneside | |
29 | Sunderland | |
144 | Durham | |
52 | Darlington | |
55 | Hartlepool | |
58 | Middlesbrough | |
64 | Redcar and Cleveland | |
69 | Stockton-on-Tees | |
151 | Lancashire | |
38 | Blackburn with Darwen | |
39 | Blackpool | |
176 | North Yorkshire excluding Selby | |
177 | Selby District | |
78 | York | |
53 | East Riding of Yorkshire | |
45 | City of Kingston upon Hull | |
60 | North East Lincolnshire | |
61 | North Lincolnshire | |
West Yorkshire consisting of: | ||
32 | Wakefield District | |
11 | Kirklees District | |
6 | Calderdale District | |
4 | Bradford | |
13 | Leeds | |
South Yorkshire consisting of | ||
1 | Barnsley District | |
8 | Doncaster District | |
20 | Rotherham District | |
24 | Sheffield District | |
Greater Manchester consisting of: | ||
30 | Tameside District | |
18 | Oldham District | |
19 | Rochdale District | |
5 | Bury District | |
3 | Bolton District | |
21 | Salford District | |
31 | Trafford District | |
15 | Manchester District | |
27 | Stockport District | |
34 | Wigan District | |
Merseyside consisting of: | ||
12 | Knowsley District | |
14 | Liverpool District | |
23 | Sefton District | |
28 | St. Helens District | |
74 | Warrington | |
140 | Cheshire County | |
54 | Halton | |
35 | Wirral District | |
142 | Derbyshire County | |
44 | City of Derby | |
157 | Nottinghamshire County | |
47 | City of Nottingham | |
153 | Lincolnshire | |
159 | Shropshire | |
71 | Telford and Wrekin | |
161 | Staffordshire County | |
50 | City of Stoke-on-Trent | |
170 | Devon County | |
73 | Torbay | |
136 | Plymouth | |
171 | Cornwall County | |
143 | Dorset County | |
62 | Poole | |
40 | Bournemouth | |
135 | City of Portsmouth | |
160 | Somerset County | |
120 | North Somerset | |
37 | Bath and North East Somerset | |
43 | City of Bristol | |
68 | South Gloucestershire | |
51 | Herefordshire County | |
167 | Worcestershire | |
9 | Dudley District | |
2 | Birmingham District | |
22 | Sandwell District | |
36 | Wolverhampton District | |
33 | Walsall District | |
25 | Solihull District | |
7 | Coventry District | |
152 | Leicestershire County | |
46 | City of Leicester | |
65 | Rutland | |
48 | City of Peterborough | |
154 | Norfolk County | |
162 | Suffolk County | |
172 | Isles of Scilly | |
114 | Isle of Wight | |
Wales: | ||
115 | Sir Ynys Mon-Isle of Anglesey | |
116 | Gwynedd | |
103 | Conwy | |
108 | Sir Ddinbych-Denbigshir | |
111 | Sir Y Fflint-Flintshire | |
113 | Wrecsam-Wrexham | |
173 | North Powys | |
174 | South Powys | |
118 | Sir Ceredigion-Ceredigion | |
110 | Sir Gaerfyrddin –Carmarthen | |
119 | Sir Benfro-Pembrokeshire | |
97 | Abertawe-Swansea | |
102 | Castell-Nedd Port Talbot-Neath Port Talbot | |
105 | Pen-y-Bont Ar Ogwr – Bridgend | |
107 | Rhondda/Cynon/Taf | |
99 | Bro Morgannwg-The Valee of Glamorgan | |
98 | Bleanau Gwent | |
112 | Tor-Faen – Tor Faen | |
101 | Casnewydd - Newport | |
104 | Merthyr Tudful-Merthyr Tydfil | |
100 | Caerffili – Caerphilly | |
117 | Caerdydd - Cardiff | |
109 | Sir Fynwy - Monmouthshire |
GROUP | ADNS | Administrative Unit | B(¹) | S/G(²) | P(³) | FG(4) | WG(5) |
England | 42 | Brighton and Hove | + | + | + | + | |
57 | Medway | + | + | + | + | ||
59 | Milton Keynes | + | + | + | + | ||
72 | Thurrock | + | + | + | + | ||
75 | West Berkshire | + | + | + | + | ||
137 | Bedfordshire | + | + | + | + | ||
145 | East Sussex County | + | + | + | + | ||
146 | Essex County | + | + | + | + | ||
149 | Hertfordshire County | + | + | + | + | ||
150 | Kent | + | + | + | + | ||
158 | Oxfordshire | + | + | + | + | ||
166 | Wiltshire County | + | + | + | + | ||
147 | Gloucestershire | + | + | + | + | ||
139 | Cambridgeshire County | + | + | + | + | ||
155 | Northamptonshire County | + | + | + | + | ||
164 | Warwickshire County | + | + | + | + | ||
70 | Swindon | + | + | + | + |
with no clinical signs or evidence of foot-and-mouth disease identified.
The meat must remain in the slaughterhouse, premises or game-handling establishment for at least 24 hours after the post-mortem inspection described in paragraph 3.
(b) a test for antibodies against the foot-and-mouth disease virus was carried out on a blood sample taken from the animal at least 10 days prior to the date of transport to the premises and produced a negative result; or
(c) the animal comes from a premises on which a serological survey pursuant to a sampling protocol suitable to detect 5% prevalence of foot-and-mouth disease with at least 95% level of confidence was conducted and produced negative results.
They create an offence of offering to export anything which it is prohibited to export under the Regulations (regulation 16).
They provide powers for enforcement, and powers for officers of Revenue and Customs (regulations 20 to 22) and create an offence of obstruction (regulation 23).
Breach of the Regulations is an offence, punishable with up to two years' imprisonment.
The Regulations are enforced by the Secretary of State or the local authority (regulation 28).
An impact assessment has not been prepared for these Regulations.
[3] OJ No. L210, 10.8.2007, p. 36 as last amended by Commission Decision of 19 November 2007 amending Decision 2007/554/EC concerning certain protection measures against foot-and-mouth disease in the United Kingdom (not yet published in the Official Journal).back
[9] OJ No. L139, 30.4.2004, p.206. The revised text of Regulation (EC) No. 854/2004 is now set out in a Corrigendum (OJ No. L226, 25.6.2004, p.83) and that Regulation was last amended by Council Regulation (EC) No. 1791/2006.back
[10] OJ No. L139, 30.4.2004, p. 55.back
[11] OJ No. L139, 30.4.2004, p. 206 as last amended by Regulation (EC) No. 1791/2006 (OJ No.L363, 20.12.2006, p.1)back
[12] OJ No. L18, 23.1.2003, p 11.back
[13] OJ No.L104, 13.4.2001, p 6.back
[14] OJ No. L306, 22.11.2003, p. 1 as last amended by Directive 2006/104/EC.back
[15] OJ No. L194, 22.7.1988, p. 10 as last amended by the Act of Accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden.back
[16] OJ No. L302, 19.10.1989, p.11 as last amended by Act of Accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden.back
[17] OJ No. L224, 18.08.1990, p. 62 as last amended by Council Decision 2001/36/EC.back
[18] OJ No. L268, 14.09.1992, p.54 as last amended by Council Decision 2007/265/EC.back
[19] OJ No. L273, 10.10.2002, p. 1 as last amended by Regulation (EC) No. 829/2007.back
[20] OJ No. L62, 15.3.1993, p.49.back
[21] OJ No. L311, 28.11.2001, p.67.back
[22] OJ No. L169, 12.7.1993, p.1.back
[23] OJ No. L311, 28.11.2001, p.1.back
[24] OJ No. L121, 1.5.2001, p.34.back
[25] OJ No. L 116, 4.5.2007, p. 9back
[28] OJ No.L59, 5.3.2005, p. 40.back
[31] OJ No. L224, 18.8.1999, p. 62 as last amended by Council Regulation (EC) No 806/2003 (OJ No. L122, 16.5.2003, p. 1)back