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Made | 5th March 2006 |
Richard Caborn
Minister of State Department for Culture, Media and Sport
5th March 2006
Provision | Date of Commencement | S.I. No. |
Sections 1 to 6 | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Section 7(1) to (4) | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Sections 8 and 9 | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Section 10(1) and (2) | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Sections 11 to 14 and Schedules 1 and 2 | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Section 15(1) to (4) | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Section 15(5) (partially) | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Sections 16 to 19 | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Section 20 and Schedule 4 | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Section 21 and Schedule 5 | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Sections 22 and 23 | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Section 24(1) to (8), (10) and (11) | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Sections 25 and 26 | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Section 30 and Schedule 6 | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Sections 31 and 32 | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Section 65(2) | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Section 75(1) and (2) | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Section 76(1) to (3) | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Section 79 (partially) | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Section 80 (partially) | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Section 127 | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Section 128 (partially) | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Section 258(5) (partially) | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Section 352 | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Section 354 | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Section 355 | 28 August 2005 | 2005/2425 |
Section 356(1) and (2) (partially) | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Section 356(1) and (2) (partially) | 24 November 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Section 356(1) and (2) (partially) | 25 November 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Section 356(4) and (5) (partially) | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Section 357 | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
In Schedule 3, paragraph 2 | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
In Schedule 11— paragraphs 1 to 8, 10 to 12, 20, 30 and 31 (partially) |
1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
In Schedule 16— paragraphs 3(1), 3(3) to (6), 5 to 7, 9, 13, 14, 16, 19 and 21 |
1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |
Schedule 17 (partially) | 1 October 2005 | 2005/2455 |