The Student Fees (Amounts) (England) Regulations 2004 © Crown Copyright 2004 Statutory Instruments printed from this website are printed under the superintendence and authority of the Controller of HMSO being the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament. The legislation contained on this web site is subject to Crown Copyright protection. It may be reproduced free of charge provided that it is reproduced accurately and that the source and copyright status of the material is made evident to users. It should be noted that the right to reproduce the text of Statutory Instruments does not extend to the Queen's Printer imprints which should be removed from any copies of the Statutory Instrument which are issued or made available to the public. This includes reproduction of the Statutory Instrument on the Internet and on intranet sites. The Royal Arms may be reproduced only where they are an integral part of the original document. The text of this Internet version of the Statutory Instrument which is published by the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament has been prepared to reflect the text as it was Made. A print version is also available and is published by The Stationery Office Limited as the The Student Fees (Amounts) (England) Regulations 2004, ISBN 011049590X. The print version may be purchased by clicking here. Braille copies of this Statutory Instrument can also be purchased at the same price as the print edition by contacting TSO Customer Services on 0870 600 5522 or e-mail: Further information about the publication of legislation on this website can be found by referring to the Frequently Asked Questions. To ensure fast access over slow connections, large documents have been segmented into "chunks". Where you see a "continue" button at the bottom of the page of text, this indicates that there is another chunk of text available.
Whereas- (1) these are the first regulations to be made under subsection (6) of section 24 of the Higher Education Act 2004[1] prescribing the basic amount and the higher amount for the purposes of that section; (2) a draft of these Regulations has been laid before and approved by a resolution of each House of Parliament in accordance with section 26 of that Act; now therefore the Secretary of State for Education and Skills, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by sections 24(6) and 47 of the Higher Education Act 2004 hereby makes the following Regulations: - Citation, Commencement and Application 1. These Regulations may be cited as the Student Fees (Amounts) (England) Regulations 2004 and shall come into force on the day after the day on which they are made. 2. These Regulations apply in England. Interpretation 3. In these Regulations -
Prescribed basic and higher amounts
(b) in respect of a sandwich course, an academic year
(ii) if in respect of that academic year and any previous academic years of the course the aggregate of any one or more periods of attendance which are not periods of full time study at the institution (disregarding intervening vacations) exceeds 30 weeks;
(c) in respect of a course of initial training of teachers (including such a course leading to a first degree) an academic year during which any periods of full time study are in aggregate less than 10 weeks;
(ii) if in respect of that academic year and any previous academic years of the course the aggregate of any one of more periods of attendance which are not periods of full time study at the institution in the United Kingdom (disregarding intervening vacations) exceeds 30 weeks.
(This note is not part of the Regulations) Section 24 of the Higher Education Act 2004 enables the Secretary of State to impose a condition on grants to the Higher Education Funding Council for England and the Teacher Training Agency requiring them to impose a condition on financial support given to the governing body of a relevant institution. This condition would require the governing body to secure that the fees payable for a qualifying course by a qualifying student do not exceed either the basic amount specified in these Regulations, or, where an institution has an approved plan in force, the amount specified in that plan which is not to exceed the higher amount specified in these Regulations. These Regulations prescribe the basic and higher amounts. Regulation 4 sets out the amount which will ordinarily apply. For an academic year of certain courses specified in regulation 5, lower basic and higher fee amounts apply. The regulatory impact assessment applicable to these regulations is the assessment which was published in respect of the White Paper "The Future of Higher Education" (Cm 5735, January 2003) and the Higher Education Bill 2004 and is obtainable from the website of the Department of Education and Skills at: Notes: [1] 2004, c. 8back [2] S.I. 2002/3200, amended by S.I. 2003/1065 and S.I. 2004/161back
ISBN 0 11 049590 X