Statutory Instruments
17th April 2000
Coming into force
26th May 2000
1. The M1-“A1 Link (Belle Isle to Bramham Crossroads Section and Connecting Roads) Scheme 1994(3) as varied by the M1-“A1 Link (Belle Isle to Bramham Crossorads Section and Connecting Roads) Scheme 1994 (Variation) Scheme 1995(4) is hereby varied as follows:
(a)for Schedule 3 to that Scheme is substituted the Schedule to this Scheme which is numbered 3; and
(b)for article 2(c)(iii) of that Scheme (definition of "plan") substitute-
(iii)"plan" means plan numbered 3 in the plan folio numbered H/A 16/YHPD 16 and marked, "The M1-“A1 Link (Belle Isle to Bramham Crossroads Section and Connecting Roads) Scheme 1994 (Variation) Scheme 1995" or numbered 1 and 2 in the plan folio numbered HA 16/PS/16 and marked "The M1-“A1 Link Belle Isle to Bramham Crossroads Section and Connecting Roads) Scheme 1994 (Variation No. 2) Scheme 2000", each signed by authority of the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions, and deposited at the Highways Agency, Room 12/27, St. Christopher House, Southwark Street, London SE1 0ET;
2 This Scheme may be cited as the M1-“A1 Link (Belle Isle to Bramham Crossroads Section and Connecting Roads) Scheme 1994 (Variation) (No. 2) Scheme 2000 and shall come into force on 26th May 2000.
Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions
Kevin Lasbury
Divisional Director Highways Agency
17th April 2000
The routes of the connecting roads are in the city of Leeds and the District of Selby in the Counties of West Yorkshire and North Yorkshire.
(1) Four routes to connect the Motorway with Pontefract Road (A639) as proposed to be improved (the special roads along these routes being respectively given the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 on plan 1).
(2) Three routes to connect the Motorway with Selby Road (A63) as proposed to be improved (the special roads along these routes being respectively given the numbers 5, 6 and 16 on plan 1).
(3) Four routes to connect the Motorway with Aberford Road (A642) as proposed to be improved (the special roads along these routes being respectively given the numbers 9, 10, 11 and 12, on plan 2).
(4) Two routes to connect the Motorway with Leeds Road (A64) as proposed to be improved (the special roads along these routes being respectively given the numbers 13, and 14, on plan 3).
(5) One route to connect the Motorway with A1 Trunk Road Southbound carriageway (the special road along the route being given the number 15, on plan 3).