Statutory Instruments
10th April 2000
Laid before Parliament
10th April 2000
Coming into force
1st May 2000
Whereas an application for the purpose of establishing an education action zone has been made to the Secretary of State with the consent of the governing bodies of every school listed in Schedule 2 to this Order.
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred on the Secretary of State by sections 10(1), 11 and 138(7) of, and paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 to, the School Standards and Framework Act 1998(1), the Secretary of State for Education and Employment hereby makes the following Order:
1. This Order may be cited as the Westminster Education Action Zone Order 2000 and shall come into force on 1st May 2000.
2. In this Order-
"partners" means those persons listed in Schedule 1 to this Order; and
"zone school" means a school listed in Schedule 2 to this Order.
3. The schools listed in Schedule 2 to this Order shall constitute collectively an education action zone under the name of the Westminster Education Action Zone ("the zone") for the purposes of Chapter III of Part I of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.
4. There shall be an Education Action Forum for the zone to be known as the Westminster Education Action Forum ("the Forum"), the membership of which shall include-
(a)one person appointed by the governing body of each zone school, unless any such governing body choose not to make such an appointment;
(b)either one or two persons appointed by the Secretary of State; and
(c)persons appointed by each partner, in the numbers specified in Schedule 1, unless any partner chooses not to make any such appointment.
5. The Forum may at any time appoint up to twenty additional members, chosen from any or all of the following groups-
(a)persons representing the interests of businesses who give support to the zone;
(b)parents of children who are registered pupils at the zone schools;
(c)persons representing the interests of community groups or of voluntary sector organisations or both in the area served by the zone schools;
(d)persons representing the interests of staff who are employed at zone schools;
(e)persons with expertise in the education field, who live or work in the area served by the zone schools;
(f)persons who appear to the Forum to be able to further the improvement of standards at zone schools.
6. Articles 7 to 9 shall have effect for the purpose of prescribing the circumstances and cases in which a person is to be disqualified for holding, or continuing to hold, office as a member of the Forum.
7.-(1) Subject to the provisions of this article, a person shall be disqualified for holding, or for continuing to hold, office as a member of the Forum if he has been adjudged bankrupt or has made a composition or arrangement with his creditors; and a member, on becoming so disqualified, shall give written notice of the fact to the secretary to the Forum.
(2) Where a person is disqualified by reason of his having been adjudged bankrupt, that disqualification shall cease-
(a)unless the bankrupt order made against that person is previously annulled, on his discharge from bankruptcy; and
(b)if the bankruptcy order is so annulled, on the date of the annulment.
(3) Where a person is disqualified by reason of his having made a composition or arrangement with his creditors and he pays his debts in full, the disqualification shall cease on the date on which the payment is completed and in any other case it shall cease on the expiration of three years from the date on which the terms of the deed of composition or arrangement are fulfilled.
8.-(1) Subject to paragraph (2) a person shall be disqualified for holding, or for continuing to hold, office as a member of the Forum if-
(a)within five years before his appointment would otherwise have taken effect or since his appointment, he has been convicted, whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere, of any offence and has had passed on him a sentence of imprisonment (whether suspended or not) for a period of not less than three months without the option of a fine;
(b)within twenty years before his appointment would otherwise have taken effect, he has been convicted as aforesaid and has had passed on him a sentence of imprisonment for a period of more than two and a half years; or
(c)he has at any time been convicted as aforesaid and has had passed on him a sentence of imprisonment of not less than five years.
(2) For the purposes of this article there shall be disregarded any conviction by or before a court outside the United Kingdom of an offence in respect of conduct which, if it had taken place in any part of the United Kingdom, would not have constituted an offence under the law in force in that part of the United Kingdom.
9. Any member of the Forum who, without the consent of the Forum, has failed to attend the meetings thereof for a continuous period of six months beginning with the date of a meeting shall, on the expiry of that period, be disqualified for continuing to be a member of the Forum without prejudice however, to his re-appointment.
10. A member of the Forum may be removed from office by the Forum in the following circumstances-
(a)in the case of a member who was a governor of a zone school at the time he was appointed to the Forum pursuant to article 4(a), if that person ceases to be a governor at that zone school;
(b)in the case of any member appointed pursuant to article 4(a), if the school whose governing body appointed the member closes or ceases to form part of the education action zone;
(c)in the case of a member appointed by a partner pursuant to article 4(c), if the partner which appointed the member ceases to be a partner;
(d)in the case of a member appointed pursuant to article 4(c) by a partner which is a company or a charity, if the company or charity which appointed the member is dissolved; or in the case of a member appointed by a partner which is any other body, if that body ceases to exist;
(e)in the case of a member appointed pursuant to article 5, if the Forum decides that the member in question no longer meets the description set out in the paragraph under which he was appointed.
11. The chairman of the Forum elected in accordance with paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 to the School Standards and Framework Act 1998, shall hold office for one year from the date of his election (unless he resigns his office earlier), without prejudice to his eligibility to be re-elected for a further such period.
Estelle Morris
Minister of State,
Department of Education and Employment
10th April 2000
Article 2
Name and address of partner | Number of members to be appointed by partner |
City of Westminster London Borough Council, City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QP | 2 |
The London Diocesan Board for Schools, 36 Causton Street, London SW1P 4AU | 1 |
The Westminster Diocese Education Service, Vaughan House, 46 Francis Street, London SW1P 1QN | 1 |
Paddington Development Trust, 324 Harrow Road, London W9 2HB | 1 |
Paddington Regeneration Partnership Ltd (company registration number 2636872), c/o Room B108, Macmillan House, Platform 1, Paddington Station, London W2 1FZ | 1 |
Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster Health Authority, 50 Eastbourne Terrace, London W2 6LX | 1 |
City of Westminster College, 25 Paddington Green, London W2 1NB | 1 |
Focus Central London Training & Enterprise Council, Centre Point, 103 New Oxford Street, London WC1A 1DR, only up until the date on which a local Learning and Skills Council for the area served by the zone is established | 1 |
As from the date on which it is established, the local Learning and Skills Council for the area served by the zone | 1 |
Westminster Racial Equality Council, (registered charity number 1031564), c/o 1st Floor, Piccadilly Mansions, 1-17 Shaftesbury Avenue, London W1V 7RL | 1 |
Articles 2 and 3
DfEE Number | School Name | School Address |
3653 | Christ Church Bentinck Primary School | Cosway Street, London NW1 5NS |
2189 | Edward Wilson Primary School | Senior Street, London W2 5TL |
2208 | Essendine Primary School | Essendine Road, London W9 2LR |
2244 | Gateway Primary School | Capland Street, London NW8 8LN |
2843 | Hallfield Infant School | Porchester Gardens, London W2 6JJ |
2799 | Hallfield Junior School | Porchester Gardens, London W2 6JJ |
3381 | Our Lady of Dolours RC Primary School | 19 Cirencester Street, London W2 5SR |
2087 | Paddington Green Primary School | Park Place Villas, London W2 1SP |
2844 | Queen's Park Primary School | Droop Street, London W10 4DQ |
3414 | St Augustine's CofE Primary School | Kilburn Park Road, London NW6 5XA |
3432 | St Edward's RC Primary School | Lisson Grove, London NW1 6LH |
3453 | St James's & St Michael's CofE Primary School | Craven Terrace, London W2 3QD |
3473 | St Joseph's RC Primary School | Lanark Road, London W9 1DF |
3498 | St Luke's CofE Primary School | Fernhead Road, London W9 3EJ |
3511 | St Mary Magdalene's CofE Primary School | Rowington Close, London W2 5TF |
3532 | St Mary of the Angels RC Primary School | Shrewsbury Road, London W2 5PR |
3580 | St Peter's CofE Primary School | Chippenham Mews, London W9 2AN |
3590 | St Saviour's CofE Primary School | Shirland Road, London W9 2JD |
3598 | St Stephen's CofE Primary School | Westbourne Park Road, London W2 5QH |
2639 | Wilberforce Primary School | Beethoven Street, London W10 4LB |
4306 | North Westminster Community School | Penfold Street, London NW1 6RX |
4723 | St Augustine's CofE School | Oxford Road, London NW6 5SN |
4809 | St George's (Maida Vale) RC School | Lanark Road, London W9 1RB |
7042 | College Park School | Garway Road, London W2 4PH |
7184 | Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee School | Kennet Road, London W9 3LG |
1046 | Dorothy Gardner Centre | 293 Shirland Road, London W9 3JY |
1052 | Mary Paterson Nursery School | 13 Riverton Close, London W9 3DS |
(This note is not part of the Order)
This Order establishes the Westminster Education Action Zone, which comprises the schools listed in Schedule 2. The Order also provides (in Articles 4 and 5) for the membership of the Education Action Forum for the zone.