Statutory Instruments
4th June 1998
Coming into force
1st July 1998
The Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, in exercise of the power conferred on her by section 9(5) of the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976(1), hereby makes the following Order:
1.-(1) This order may be cited as the Restrictive Trade Practices (Standards) (Goods) Order 1998 and shall come into force on 1st July 1998.
(2) In this Order-
"the 1976 Act" means the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976;
"standards" means, in respect of the production, supply or acquisition of any goods or the application to goods of any process of manufacture, standards of dimension, design, quality or performance.
2. The standards specified in the Schedule to this Order, being standards adopted by Electricity Association Services Limited on 22nd May 1998, are hereby approved for the purposes of section 9(5) of the 1976 Act.
Nigel Griffiths,
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Competition and Consumer Affairs,
Department of Trade and Industry
4th June 1998
Article 2
09-19 | Synthetic aromatic hydrocarbon insulating fluid for use in fluid-filled pressure-assisted cables up to 400kV operating voltage Issue 2, 1996 |
09-22 | Protection of cable installations against the effects of fire Issue 1, 1997 |
12-4 | Terminating equipment for pilot cables subject to induced transient voltages exceeding 650V rms Amendment 1, 1996 to Issue 1, 1973 |
12-25 | Cable trays Issue 1, 1997 |
35-17 | Class X current transformers Issue 1, 1996 |
41-26 | Distribution switchgear for service up to 36kV (cable connected) Amendment 3, 1997 to Issue 1, 1991 |
41-27 | Outdoor distribution switchgear for service up to 36kV (overhead conductor connected) Amendment 3, 1997 to Issue 1, 1991 |
43-2 | Design of steel tower overhead transmission lines at 132kV and higher voltages Amendment 1, 1996 to Issue 1, 1972 |
43-3 | Design of lattice steel transmission towers for overhead lines at 132kV and higher voltages Amendment 1, 1996 to Issue 1, 1972 |
43-6 | Construction of overhead transmission lines on steel towers for 132kV and higher voltages Amendment 1, 1996 to Issue 2, 1986 |
43-8 | Overhead line clearances Amendment 2, 1996 to Issue 2, 1988 |
43-11 | 400kV steel tower transmission lines-specification L.12 (2 x 700 mm2 AAAC per phase) (1 x 425 mm2 AAAC earthwire) Amendment 1, 1996 to Issue 1, 1984 |
43-96 | Fasteners and washers for wood pole overhead lines Corrigendum, 1996 to Amendment 1, 1995 to Issue 2, 1986 |
43-97 | Steel supports for single circuit 132kV overhead lines Amendment 1, 1996 to Issue 1, 1990 |
43-99 | Limits and measurement of radio noise from cap and pin insulators Issue 1, 1997 |
43-100 | Conductor tensions and sags Issue 1, 1997 |
43-101 | Line and earth conductors Issue 1, 1997 |
43-102 | Insulators and fittings for 132kV lines Issue 1, 1997 |
43-104 | Spacers for twin and quad line conductors Issue 1, 1997 |
43-105 | Bi-metal connectors for line conductors Issue 1, 1997 |
43-106 | Tubular jumpers and earthing bars for twin line conductors Issue 1, 1997 |
43-107 | Selection of earthwire changeover towers for 400kV lines with 4 x 61/.125 in s.c.a. conductors per phase Issue 1, 1997 |
43-108 | Suspension clamps for conductors Issue 1, 1997 |
43-109 | Bonds for earth conductors Issue 1, 1997 |
43-110 | Tension joints (mid span joints) for conductors Issue 1, 1997 |
43-111 | Non-tension joints and tee connectors for conductors Issue 1, 1997 |
43-112 | Repair sleeves for conductors Issue 1, 1997 |
43-113 | Vibration dampers for conductors Issue 1, 1997 |
43-114 | Anchor clamps for conductors Issue 1, 1997 |
43-115 | Insulators and fittings for 275kV lines Issue 1, 1997 |
43-116 | Insulators and fittings for 400kV lines Issue 1, 1997 |
43-117 | Installation of aluminium current carrying overhead line conductor fittings Issue 1, 1997 |
43-118 | Overhead line erection and maintenance equipment (earthed working) Issue 1, 1997 |
43-119 | Design and use of temporary scaffold guards Issue 1, 1997 |
48-5 | Environmental test requirements for protection relays and systems Issue 1, 1996 |
50-9 | Equipment for work on cables under induced voltage conditions Issue 1, 1997 |
97-1 | Special backfill materials for cable installations Issue 1, 1997 |
98-1 | Surface preparation and coating systems for new plant and equipment Issue 2, 1997 |
C97 | Code of Practice on the marking of high-voltage cable routes 1997 |
G56/1 | Arrangements for access by EA Member Company staff to Railtrack Infrastucture 1996 |
G75 | Recommendations for the connection of embedded generating plant to Public Electricity Suppliers' distribution systems above 20kV or with outputs over 5MW 1996 |
G76 | Guide to the Audit and Certification of Suppliers' Quality Management Systems |
Part 1: Guide to the Organisation and Operation of Accredited Third Party Certification Bodies 1996 | |
Part 2 (a): Guide to the audit of the Quality Management Systems of Suppliers of High Voltage Switchgear 1996 | |
Part 2 (b): Guide to the Audit of the Quality Management Systems of Suppliers of Low Voltage and High Voltage Cable and Accessories 1996 | |
Part 2 (c): Guide to the Audit of the Quality Management Systems of Suppliers of High Voltage Transformers and Reactors 1997 | |
L43 | Design and use of skycradles at line crossings of motorways, other major roads and railways 1997 |
P25/1 | The short-circuit characterisitcs of Public Electricity Suppliers' low voltage distribution networks and the co-ordination of overcurrent protective devices on 230V single phase supplies up to 100A 1996 |
TELE.2 | Installation of optical cabling in hazardous areas: Overhead power lines 1997 |
EB/BT.2 | Conditions for BT and Public Electricity Suppliers' joint use of poles 1996 |
(This note is not part of the Order)
This Order approves standards of dimensions, design, quality or performance of goods and manufacturing processes which have been adopted by Electricity Association Services Limited. The effect of the Order is that, for the purpose of determining whether an agreement is one to which the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976 applies, no account is taken of any term in the agreement by which parties or any of them agree to comply with, or to apply, the standards so approved.
The standards may be inspected at the premises of Electricity Services Limited, 30 Millbank, London SWIP 4RD.