Statutory Instruments
9th April 1998
Laid before Parliament
15th April 1998
Coming into force
6th May 1998
The Secretary of State concerned with health in England, the Secretaries of State respectively concerned with health and with agriculture in Scotland and in Wales, the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, the Department of Health and Social Services for Northern Ireland and the Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland, acting jointly, in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 66(1), 67(6) and 129(1) of the Medicines Act 1968(1) and now vested in them(2), and the Secretary of State concerned with health in England and in Wales and the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, acting jointly in exercise of powers conferred by section 108(4) and (7) of that Act and now vested in them(3) and the Secretary of State concerned with health and with agriculture in Scotland in exercise of powers conferred by section 108(7) (as having effect in relation to Scotland by virtue of section 109(2) of that Act) and section 109(3) of that Act and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, after consulting such organisations as appear to them to be representative of interests likely to be substantially affected by the following Regulations in accordance with section 129(6) of that Act, hereby make the following Regulations:
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Medicines (Sale or Supply) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment Regulations 1998 and shall come into force on 6th May 1998.
2. The Medicines (Sale or Supply) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 1980(4) shall be amended in accordance with the following regulation.
3.-(1) In regulation 1(2)(a) (interpretation) for the definition of "the Veterinary Drugs Exemption Order" there shall be substituted the following definition:
""the Veterinary Drugs Exemption Order" means the Medicines (Exemptions for Merchants in Veterinary Drugs) Order 1998(5);",
(2) in regulation 2 (enforcement of sections 53, 54 and 66) for the words "specified in Articles 3 and 4 of the Veterinary Drugs Exemption Order" in each place where they appear there shall be substituted the words "to which the Veterinary Drugs Exemption Order applies",
(3) regulation 3 (safekeeping of certain veterinary drugs) shall be revoked, and
(4) in regulation 9 (offences) for "regulations 3, 4 or 6" there shall be substituted "regulation 4 or 6".
Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Health
Minister of State,
Department of Health
1st April 1998
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Scottish Office
1st April 1998
Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Wales
Win Griffiths
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Welsh Office
3rd April 1998
Minister of State, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Jeff Rooker
9th April 1998
Sealed with the Official Seal of the Department of Health and Social Services for Northern Ireland this
D C Gowdy
Permanent Secretary
9th day of April 1998
Sealed with the Official Seal of the Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland this
P J Small
Permanent Secretary
9th day of April 1998
(This note is not part of the Regulations)
These Regulations further amend the Medicines (Sale or Supply) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 1980 as a consequence of the Medicines (Exemptions for Merchants in Veterinary Drugs) Order 1998 by revoking regulation 3 (safekeeping of certain veterinary drugs) and making consequential amendments.
1968 c. 67; "the appropriate Ministers" referred to in section 66 is defined in section 1 (see also the following footnote).
In the case of the Secretaries of State concerned with health in England and in Wales by virtue of S.I. 1969/338, in the case of the Secretary of State concerned with agriculture in Wales by virtue of S.I. 1978/272 and in the case of the Northern Ireland Departments by virtue of the Northern Ireland Constitution Act 1973 (c. 36), section 40 and Schedule 5, and the Northern Ireland Act 1974 (c. 28), section 1(3) and Schedule 1, paragraph 2(1)(b).
In the case of the Secretary of State concerned with health in England and in Wales by virtue of S.I. 1968/1699.
S.I. 1998/1044.