Statutory Instruments
1997 No. 1437 (S. 114)
The Fire Services (Appointments and Promotion) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 1997
Laid before Parliament
9th June 1997
Coming into force
30th June 1997
The Secretary of State, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 18(1) of the Fire Services Act 1947(), and after consultation with the Scottish Central Fire Brigades Advisory Council, hereby makes the following Regulations:
Citation and commencement
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Fire Services (Appointments and Promotion) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 1997 and shall come into force on 30th June 1997.
2. In these Regulations "the 1978 Regulations" means the Fire Services (Appointments and Promotion) (Scotland) Regulations 1978().
Amendment of the 1978 Regulations
3. In regulation 4 of the 1978 Regulations, in paragraph (c), the letters "(c)" and "(e)" shall be omitted.
4. In regulation 5 of the 1978 Regulations-“
(a)in paragraph (1), there shall be omitted-“
(i)in sub-paragraph (b) the words "and shall not have attained the age of 31 years"; and
(ii)sub-paragraphs (c) and (e);
(b)in paragraph (3), the letters "(c)" and "(e)" shall be omitted; and
(c)for paragraph (4), there shall be substituted the following:-“
"(4) Sub-paragraphs (a), (b), (d) and (ee) of paragraph (1) of this regulation shall apply also in relation to the qualifications for appointment of a person as a retained member of a brigade and, for this purpose, a retained member of a brigade means a person who is to serve therein as a part-time member thereof on terms under which he is or may be required to engage in firefighting in return for an annual retaining fee.".
Henry McLeish
Minister of State, Scottish Office
St Andrew's House,
5th June 1997
Explanatory Note
These Regulations amend the Fire Services (Appointments and Promotion) (Scotland) Regulations 1978 by removing from the requirements which must be satisfied before a person can be promoted to, or appointed in, the rank of firefighter, the requirements as to maximum age, minimum and maximum height measurements and eyesight. The Regulations also make a number of consequential amendments to the 1978 Regulations.