Statutory Instruments
10th December 1996
Laid before Parliament
11th December 1996
Coming into force
1st January 1997
Whereas in pursuance of tariffs approved under the Eurocontrol Convention(1) and under the Multilateral Agreement relating to Route Charges concluded at Brussels on 12th February 1981(1) (being international agreements to which the United Kingdom is a party), the Secretary of State for Transport has determined rates of charges, as specified in the following Regulations, payable to Eurocontrol in respect of navigation services provided for aircraft:
Now, therefore, the Secretary of State for Transport, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 73(1)(a), (1A)(a), (6) and (7) of the Civil Aviation Act 1982(2) and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, hereby makes the following Regulations:
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Civil Aviation (Route Charges for Navigation Services) (Second Amendment) Regulations 1996 and shall come into force on 1st January 1997.
2. The Civil Aviation (Route Charges for Navigation Services) Regulations 1995(3) shall be amended as follows:
(a)For regulation 5(3) there shall be substituted the following regulation-
"(3) If the amount of the charge payable under regulation 4(1) is not paid in cleared funds by the operator of the aircraft within 30 days of the date payment is demanded by Eurocontrol, interest calculated in accordance with paragraph (4) below on the unpaid amount shall be paid from that day until the date when cleared funds are received by Eurocontrol.".
(b)In regulation 5(4) for the figure "8.69%" there shall be substituted the figure "7.27%".
(c)For regulation 8 there shall be substituted the following regulation-
"8. For the purposes of regulations 6 and 7 the rate of exchange of the ECU to a national currency shall be the average monthly rate of exchange of the ECU to that national currency established by Eurocontrol for the month preceding the month during which the flight takes place.".
(d)After regulation 19 there shall be added the following regulation-
20.-(1) This regulation shall apply to any aerodrome to which section 88 of the Civil Aviation Act 1982(4) applies and to Belfast International Airport, Belfast City Airport and City of Derry Airport.
(2) The manager of any aerodrome to which this regulation applies shall keep a log (hereafter in this regulation referred to as "the aircraft movement log") in which the following particulars shall be recorded:
(a)the type and registration mark of each aircraft taking off from or landing at the aerodrome;
(b)the date and time of each such take off and landing;
(c)the origin or destination of each aircraft as the case may be.
(3) The aircraft movement log shall be preserved by the aerodrome manager for a period of two years after the date of the last entry therein.
(4) The aircraft movement log shall be maintained in a legible form or in a form which is capable of being reproduced in a legible form.
(5) The aerodrome manager shall, within seven days after being requested to do so by any officer of the CAA, produce to such officer the aircraft movement log in a legible form.".
(e)For Schedule 2 thereof there shall be substituted-
Regulations 3(1), 6(1) and 7
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) |
Country | Publication in which FIRS are described | Unit Rate in ECUs | Established at a Rate of exchange of |
Austria | AIP Austria | 59.72 | 1 ECU=13.4475 Sch |
Belgium & Luxembourg | AIP Belgique | 68.39 | 1 ECU=39.3520 BF |
Cyprus | AIP Cyprus | 22.90 | 1 ECU=0.588890 £Cy |
Czech Republic | AIP Czech Republic | 49.09 | 1 ECU=33.7305 CZK |
Denmark | AIP Denmark | 54.66 | 1 ECU=7.36091 DKr |
France | AIP France (France Metropolitaine) | 61.89 | 1 ECU=6.50787 FF |
Germany | AIP Germany | 72.89 | 1 ECU=1.91115 DM |
Greece | AIP Greece | 35.15 | 1 ECU=303.798 Dra |
Hungary | AIP Hungary | 24.01 | 1 ECU=198.814 Hf |
Ireland Republic of | AIP Ireland | 21.20 | 1 ECU=0.788059 £Ir |
Italy | AIP Italy | 65.21 | 1 ECU=1929.22 L |
Malta | AIP Malta | 43.66 | 1 ECU=0.457648 Lm |
Netherlands | AIP Netherlands | 55.76 | 1 ECU=2.14253 G |
Norway | AIP Norway | 50.96 | 1 ECU=8.19539 NKr |
Portugal | AIP Portugal | 36.19 Santa Maria FIRS-12.72 | 1 ECU=195.200 Esc |
Slovakia | AIP Slovakia | 68.67 | 1 ECU=38.9975 SKK |
Slovenia | AIP Slovenia | 76.33 | 1 ECU=170.483 SIT |
Spain | AIP Espana | Madrid & Barcelona FIRS-51.65 Canaries FIRS-48.50 | 1 ECU=161.095 Pts |
Sweden | AIP Sweden | 46.80 | 1 ECU=8.42542 SKr |
Switzerland | AIP Switzerland | 84.87 | 1 ECU=1.56306 SF |
Turkey | AIP Turkey | 48.57 | 1 ECU=112870.0 LT |
United Kingdom | United Kingdom Air Pilot* | 75.01 | 1 ECU=£0.813841 |
* Excluding Shanwick FIR"
(f)For Schedule 3 thereof there shall be substituted-
Regulation 7
(1) | (2) | (3) |
Aerodromes of departure (or of first destination) situated | Aerodromes of first destination (or of departure) | Amount of the charge in ECUs |
ZONE I | ||
-“between W01400 and W11000 and North of N5500 with the exception of Iceland | Copenhagen | 512.37 |
Frankfurt | 1157.26 | |
London | 734.66 | |
Paris | 985.12 | |
Prestwick | 384.80 | |
ZONE II | ||
-“between W04000 and W11000 and N2800 and N5500 | Abidjan | 164.72 |
Amman | 2054.58 | |
Amsterdam | 725.97 | |
Athens | 1817.34 | |
Bahrain | 1892.98 | |
Banjul | 159.64 | |
Barcelona | 775.04 | |
Basle | 862.61 | |
Belfast | 184.56 | |
Berlin | 1078.82 | |
Birmingham | 408.48 | |
Bordeaux | 500.95 | |
Bristol | 405.85 | |
Brussels | 718.25 | |
Bucharest | 1489.82 | |
Budapest | 1430.14 | |
Cairo | 2085.77 | |
Cardiff | 267.01 | |
Casablanca | 355.56 | |
Cologne-Bonn | 877.40 | |
Copenhagen | 634.08 | |
Dakar | 159.51 | |
Dublin | 118.31 | |
Duüsseldorf | 839.49 | |
East Midlands | 382.56 | |
Frankfurt | 954.97 | |
Geneva | 867.26 | |
Glasgow | 273.04 | |
Gothenburg | 830.28 | |
Hamburg | 910.46 | |
Helsinki | 688.78 | |
Istanbul | 1470.30 | |
Jeddah | 1971.28 | |
Johannesburg | 159.89 | |
Kiev | 1228.47 | |
Lagos | 160.40 | |
-“between W04000 and W11000 and N2800 and N5500 | Larnaca | 1977.65 |
Las Palmas (Canary Islands) | 499.01 | |
Leeds and Bradford | 401.57 | |
Lille | 625.48 | |
Lisbon | 389.22 | |
London | 477.82 | |
Luxembourg | 858.69 | |
Lyons | 746.46 | |
Maastricht | 767.41 | |
Madrid | 578.42 | |
Malaga | 620.98 | |
Manchester | 335.88 | |
Manston | 539.59 | |
Marseilles | 883.20 | |
Milan | 1037.38 | |
Monrovia | 159.64 | |
Moscow | 862.89 | |
Munich | 1159.71 | |
Nantes | 435.74 | |
Naples | 1408.31 | |
Newcastle | 386.44 | |
Nice | 923.11 | |
Oporto | 283.13 | |
Oslo | 297.61 | |
Ostend | 608.29 | |
Paris | 663.43 | |
Ponta Delgada (Azores) | 165.61 | |
Prague | 1189.72 | |
Prestwick | 248.46 | |
Riyadh | 1959.05 | |
Rome | 1269.42 | |
Sal Island (Cape Verde) | 159.51 | |
Santa Maria (Azores) | 177.19 | |
Santiago | 271.61 | |
Shannon | 80.56 | |
Sofia | 1416.97 | |
Stockholm | 507.63 | |
Stuttgart | 980.26 | |
Tel-Aviv | 2088.61 | |
Tenerife | 460.01 | |
Toulouse-Blagnac | 658.71 | |
Turin | 999.31 | |
Venice | 1288.78 | |
Vienna | 1345.57 | |
Warsaw | 980.30 | |
Zurich | 985.40 | |
-“West of W11000 and between N2800 and N5500 | Amsterdam | 809.67 |
Copenhagen | 581.05 | |
Cologne-Bonn | 924.03 | |
Duüsseldorf | 930.09 | |
-“West of W11000 and between N2800 and N5500 | Frankfurt | 1035.24 |
Geneva | 1122.94 | |
Glasgow | 343.55 | |
Helsinki | 617.62 | |
London | 704.95 | |
Luxembourg | 985.47 | |
Madrid | 455.81 | |
Manchester | 545.27 | |
Milan | 1297.55 | |
Moscow | 570.24 | |
Muünich | 1366.84 | |
Paris | 903.88 | |
Prestwick | 343.55 | |
Rome | 1311.10 | |
Shannon | 76.74 | |
Warsaw | 650.68 | |
Zuürich | 1172.59 | |
ZONE IV | ||
-“West of W04000 and between N2000 and N2800 (including Mexico) | Amsterdam | 747.28 |
Barcelona | 917.79 | |
Berlin | 881.50 | |
Brussels | 719.76 | |
Cologne-Bonn | 864.18 | |
Duüsseldorf | 885.92 | |
Frankfurt | 947.87 | |
Hamburg | 904.62 | |
Helsinki | 727.79 | |
Las Palmas (Canary Islands) | 595.35 | |
Lisbon | 454.87 | |
London | 497.76 | |
Luxembourg | 908.67 | |
Madrid | 609.22 | |
Manchester | 344.73 | |
Milan | 1006.61 | |
Muünich | 1117.84 | |
Paris | 634.34 | |
Prague | 1164.63 | |
Rome | 1199.29 | |
Sal Island (Cape Verde) | 104.18 | |
Salzburg | 1146.85 | |
Santa Maria (Azores) | 178.21 | |
Santiago | 464.04 | |
Shannon | 169.60 | |
Vienna | 1301.83 | |
Zuürich | 932.90 | |
ZONE V | ||
-“West of W04000 and between the Equator and N2000 | Amsterdam | 903.14 |
Barcelona | 929.67 | |
Basle | 968.61 | |
Berlin | 1266.15 | |
Bordeaux | 823.55 | |
Brussels | 820.94 | |
Cologne-Bonn | 996.09 | |
Copenhagen | 1353.70 | |
Duüsseldorf | 1022.76 | |
Frankfurt | 1046.96 | |
Glasgow | 358.15 | |
-“West of W04000 and between the Equator and N2000 | Hamburg | 1075.36 |
Hannover | 1057.88 | |
Helsinki | 1194.20 | |
Las Palmas (Canary Islands) | 609.20 | |
Lille | 901.55 | |
Lisbon | 539.61 | |
London | 669.93 | |
Lyons | 972.76 | |
Madrid | 714.61 | |
Manchester | 406.23 | |
Marseilles | 1141.28 | |
Milan | 1117.82 | |
Munich | 1153.29 | |
Nantes | 792.62 | |
Oporto | 524.83 | |
Paris | 868.08 | |
Porto Santo (Madeira) | 346.67 | |
Prestwick | 358.15 | |
Rome | 1466.96 | |
Salzburg | 1170.90 | |
Santa Maria (Azores) | 233.16 | |
Santiago | 546.96 | |
Shannon | 277.55 | |
Stuttgart | 991.39 | |
Tenerife | 604.35 | |
Toulouse-Blagnac | 952.26 | |
Vienna | 1358.92 | |
Zuürich | 1092.10" |
Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Transport Goschen
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State,
Department of Transport
10th December 1996
(This note is not part of the Regulations)
These Regulations further amend the Civil Aviation (Route Charges for Navigation Services) Regulations 1995 ("the Principal Regulations") as follows:
Regulation 5(3) of the Principal Regulations is amended to provide that if the amount of the charge payable under regulation 4(1) of the Principal Regulations is not paid in cleared funds by the operator of the aircraft within 30 days of the date payment is demanded by Eurocontrol, interest shall be paid from that day until the date when cleared funds are received by Eurocontrol (regulation 2(a)).
In regulation 5(4) of the Principal Regulations the rate of interest is reduced from 8.69% to 7.27% (regulation 2(b)).
Regulation 8 of the Principal Regulations is amended to provide for the establishment of the average monthly rate of exchange of the ECU to a national currency by Eurocontrol (regulation 2(c)).
A new regulation is introduced requiring the manager of every aerodrome to which section 88 of the Civil Aviation Act 1982 applies together with Belfast International Airport, Belfast City Airport and City of Derry Airport to keep an aircraft movement log which records particulars of the type and registration mark of each aircraft taking off from or landing at the aerodrome, the date and time of each such take off and landing and the origin or destination of each aircraft. The log has to be preserved for a period of 2 years after the date of the last entry and has to be capable of being reproduced in a legible form (regulation 2(d)).
New unit rates and transatlantic charges are introduced, reflecting forecasts of costs and traffic for 1997 and taking into account the balance of over and under recoveries of revenue as compared with costs experienced by the countries participating in the Eurocontrol charging system in 1995. Italy, Slovakia and Sweden became participating States in the Eurocontrol charging system from 1st January 1997 (regulations 2(e) and (f)).
The unit rates in ECUs set out in Schedule 2 to the Principal Regulations and the amount of the charges in ECUs set out in Schedule 3 to the Principal Regulations (for transatlantic flights) are calculated by reference to the costs of provision of en-route navigation services in the participating countries in the Eurocontrol charges system, the amount of traffic using each country's airspace and the relationship of each country's currency to the ECU over a period agreed by Ministers of the participating countries. The interaction of these elements varies in each country. In calculating the revised charges the average of the exchange rates between the ECU and the currencies of the participating countries obtaining in the month of July 1996 have been used.
The unit rates for Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal and Switzerland have decreased on average by 6.1%. The unit rates for Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Malta, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey have increased on average by 32.2% and for Portugal (Santa Maria) and Spain (Canaries) by 37.9%. The unit rate for the United Kingdom has decreased by 0.1%.
Amman, Gothenburg, Salzburg, Copenhagen and Lille have been added to certain zones in Schedule 3.
The United Kingdom Air Pilot and the foreign Aeronautical Information Publications referred to in the Regulations can be purchased from the Civil Aviation Authority, Greville House, 37 Gratton Road, Cheltenham, Glos GL50 2BN and can be inspected at major aerodromes in the United Kingdom.
Cmnd. 8662.
1982 c. 16; section 73(1A) was added by section 1 of the Civil Aviation (Air Navigation Charges) Act 1989 (c. 9); "prescribed" is defined in section 105(1).
Section 88(10) was amended by section 83(5) and Part I of Schedule 6 to the Airports Act 1986 (c. 31) and section 180(2) of and Schedule 14 to the Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994 (c. 39).