Statutory Instruments
22nd May 1995
1. The Wolverhampton Borough Council (Wednesfield Way) (Bridge over the Wyrley and Essington Canal) Scheme 1994 is hereby confirmed with modifications.
2. The said Scheme as confirmed (hereinafter referred to as "the Scheme") is set out in the Schedule hereto and copies of the Scheme with its accompanying plan are deposited at the office of the Department of Transport, Romney House, 43 Marsham Street, London SW1P 3PY, and at the offices of the Director of Law, Environmental Protection and Central Services, Wolverhampton Borough Council, Second Floor, Civic Centre, St Peter's Square, Wolverhampton.
3. The Scheme will become operative on the date on which notice that it has been confirmed is first published in accordance with paragraph 1 of Schedule 2 to the Highways Act 1980.
4. This Instrument may be cited as The Wolverhampton Borough Council (Wednesfield Way) (Bridge over the Wyrley and Essington Canal) Scheme 1994 Confirmation Instrumenmt 1995.
Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Transport
Pamela Denham
Regional Director
Government Office for the North East
22nd May 1995
The Council of the Borough of Wolverhampton (hereinafter referred to as "the Council") make this scheme in exercise of their powers under sections 106(3) and 108(4) of the Highways Act 1980 and of all other enabling powers:-
1. The Council are authorised to construct over the navigable waters of the Wyrley and Essington Canal the bridge specified in the Schedule to this Scheme as part of the highway which they are proposing to construct between Wolverhampton Road and Lakefield Road at Wednesfield in the district of Wolverhampton
2. The Council are also authorised in connection with the construction of the said bridge to divert the part of the navigable watercourse specified in the said Schedule and the towing path adjacent to that part in the manner shown in that Schedule
3. This Scheme may be cited as the Wolverhampton Borough Council (Wednesfield Way) (Bridge over the Wyrley and Essington Canal) Scheme 1994
Points of Commencement and Termination.
To a point on the south east bank of the Wyrley and Essington Canal 145 metres from centre line of Deans Road canal bridge
A span of 15 metres minimum measured square to the canal
Not less than 3.5 metres above existing canal water level
A Minimum clear navigable watgerway of 8 metres
Approximately 24 metres wide overall measured square to the proposed road
The Wyrley and Essington canal between a point 101 metres north east of the centre line of Deans Road canal bridge for a distance of 93 metres in a north easterly direction
A length between the two points described above. The minimum width of the new length shall be 8 metres and its minimum depth shall be 1.6 metres throughout its entire length
THE COMMON SEAL of the Council of the Borough of Wolverhampton was hereunto affixed in the presence of:-
C.S. 244/94
(sgd) R. H. Roberts
Director of Law, Environmental Protection and Central Services
Dated 12 April 1994
S.I. 1981/238