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Statutory Instruments
19th April 1993
Laid before Parliament
26th April 1993
Coming into force
17th May 1993
Whereas under section 17(1) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973((1)), the Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland on 5th April 1990 submitted to the Secretary of State a report on a review conducted under section 14(2) of that Act in which they made proposals for the transfer of certain areas between Clackmannan District in Central Region and Dunfermline District in Fife Region, and in which they also made proposals for changes in electoral arrangements consequential on those changes in local government areas;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 17(2) of the said Act, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Secretary of State hereby makes the following Order to give effect to the proposals of the Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland as submitted to him:
1. This Order may be cited as the Central and Fife Regions and Clackmannan and Dunfermline Districts (River Forth, Kilbagie Mill, Slack Cottage and River Black Devon) Boundaries Amendment Order 1993, and shall come into force on 17th May 1993.
2. In this Order-“
"the 1977 Regulations" means the Local Government Area Changes (Scotland) Regulations 1977((2));
"boundary map 1" means the map prepared by the Scottish Office marked "The Central and Fife Regions and Clackmannan and Dunfermline Districts (River Forth, Kilbagie Mill, Slack Cottage and River Black Devon) Boundaries Amendment Order 1993 Map 1" and deposited in accordance with regulation 3 of the 1977 Regulations;
"boundary map 2" means the map prepared by the Scottish Office marked "The Central and Fife Regions and Clackmannan and Dunfermline Districts (River Forth, Kilbagie Mill, Slack Cottage and River Black Devon) Boundaries Amendment Order 1993 Map 2" and deposited in accordance with regulation 3 of the 1977 Regulations;
and, in the Schedule to this Order, unless the context otherwise requires, any reference to a regional boundary is a reference to such a boundary as it exists immediately before the commencement of this Order.
3. Save insofar as they can have no application in relation to the area changes effected by this Order, the provisions of the 1977 Regulations shall apply in relation thereto for the purposes of, or in consequence of, this Order.
4.-(1) Those parts of Dunfermline District in Fife Region, being the areas described in Part I of the Schedule to this Order, namely:-“
(a)areas A, B and E, which areas are shown delineated, hatched and marked area "A", area "B" and area "E" respectively on boundary map 1; and
(b)area G, which area is shown delineated, hatched and marked area "G" on boundary map 2,
shall be transferred to Clackmannan District in Central Region.
(2) Those parts of Clackmannan District in Central Region, being the areas described in Part II of the Schedule to this Order, namely:-“
(a)areas C and D, which areas are shown delineated, hatched and marked area "C" and area "D" respectively on boundary map 1; and
(b)area F, which area is shown delineated, hatched and marked area "F" on boundary map 2,
shall be transferred to Dunfermline District in Fife Region.
(3) The regional boundary between Central Region and Fife Region between the Grid Reference points quoted in Part III of the Schedule to this Order shall be adjusted so that it is constituted by the centre line of the River Black Devon, as shown on boundary map 2, and consequently-“
(a)those areas within Clackmannan District in Central Region and on the southern or eastern bank of the said river or to the south or east of its centre line shall be transferred to Dunfermline District in Fife Region, and
(b)those areas within Dunfermline District in Fife Region and on the northern or western bank of the said river or to the north or west of its centre line shall be transferred to Clackmannan District in Central Region.
5.-(1) Each of the areas A, B, E and G described in Part I of the Schedule to this Order (being the areas A, B, E and G transferred by article 4(1)(a) and (b) of this Order)-“
(a)shall cease to form part of electoral division 29 (Kincardine/Valleyfield) of Fife Region((3)) and of ward 1 (Kincardine/Culross) of Dunfermline District((4)); and
(b)shall form part of electoral division 2 (Forthbank) of Central Region ((5)) and of ward 4 (Clackmannan) of Clackmannan District((6)).
(2) Each of the areas C, D and F described in Part II of the Schedule to this Order (being the areas C, D and F transferred by article 4(2)(a) and (b) of this Order)-“
(a)shall cease to form part of electoral division 2 (Forthbank) of Central Region and of ward 4 (Clackmannan) of Clackmannan District; and
(b)shall form part of electoral division 29 (Kincardine/Valleyfield) of Fife Region and of ward 1 (Kincardine/Culross) of Dunfermline District.
(3) Each of the areas within Clackmannan District in Central Region and on the southern or eastern bank of the River Black Devon between the Grid Reference points quoted in Part III of the Schedule to this Order (being the areas transferred by article 4(3)(a) of this Order)-“
(a)shall cease to form part of electoral division 2 (Forthbank) of Central Region and of ward 4 (Clackmannan) of Clackmannan District; and
(b)shall form part of electoral division 30 (Oakley/Saline) of Fife Region and of ward 4 (Oakley North/Saline) of Dunfermline District.
(4) Each of the areas within Dunfermline District in Fife Region and on the northern or western bank of the River Black Devon between the Grid Reference points quoted in Part III of the Schedule to this Order (being the areas transferred by article 4(3)(b) of this Order)-“
(a)shall cease to form part of electoral division 30 (Oakley/Saline) of Fife Region and of ward 4 (Oakley North/Saline) of Dunfermline District; and
(b)shall form part of electoral division 2 (Forthbank) of Central Region and of ward 4 (Clackmannan) of Clackmannan District.
Allan Stewart
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Scottish Office
St Andrew's House,
19th April 1993
Articles 2, 4 and 5
The area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the Central/Fife regional boundary (Grid Reference NS92018893) in the Canal Burn at the Normal Tidal Limit; then southeastwards in a straight line to the point, being the northwestern corner of the premises of the Electricity Power Station at Kincardine-on-Forth (Grid Reference NS92028890); then southwestwards along the west face of the fence bounding the western side of the said Station premises to a point at Grid Reference NS91838851; then southwestwards in a straight line to rejoin the said boundary at its easternmost point, being at the centre, at Low Water, of the channel of the River Forth (Grid Reference NS91478800); then generally northeastwards along the said boundary to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the Central/Fife regional boundary (Grid Reference NS92878984); then generally southeastwards and then southwestwards by the south or west face of a field fence to a point at Grid Reference NS92948970 being the southeastern limit of property known as Kilbagie Mill; then generally eastwards in a straight line across a disused railway line to a point at Grid Reference NS92998968; then northeastwards along the eastern boundary of that disused railway line to the point (Grid Reference NS93129007) at which it rejoins the said boundary; then southwestwards along that boundary to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the Central/Fife regional boundary (Grid Reference NS93219033); then generally northwards along the western side of the A977 (T) road to the point at which it rejoins the said boundary (Grid Reference NS93219089); then generally southwards along that boundary to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the Central/Fife regional boundary (Grid Reference NS95629119) on the south side of a disused railway line; then southeastwards along the south side of that line to the point at which it meets an unnamed burn lying immediately to the east side of woodland known as Easter Clashies (Grid Reference NS95949098); then northeastwards by the centre line of that unnamed burn, across the railway line by culvert, and continuing via the centre line of that burn to the point at which it flows into the Bluther Burn (Grid Reference NS95979102); then generally northwards along the centre line of the course of the Bluther Burn to the point at which it rejoins the said boundary (Grid Reference NS95939133); then generally southwestwards along the said boundary to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the Central/Fife regional boundary (Grid Reference NS93129007) northwards along the eastern side of a disused railway line to the point at which it meets the south side of the access road from the A977 (T) road to Kilbagie Mill (Grid Reference NS93129010); then eastwards along the south side of the said access road to the point at which it rejoins the said boundary on the western side of the A977 (T) road (Grid Reference NS93169010); then generally southwestwards along the said boundary to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the Central/Fife regional boundary (Grid Reference NS93169010); then northeastwards along the western side of the A977 (T) road to the point at which it rejoins the said regional boundary (Grid Reference NS93219033); then southwestwards along that boundary to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the Central/Fife regional boundary (Grid Reference NS95559119) northwards along the eastern side of the building named Slack Cottage to a point on that eastern side which is due west of the southwestern corner of the unnamed building lying between Slack Cottage and the unnumbered Class III road leading generally northeastwards from the A907 road and past Slack Cottage (Grid Reference NS95559121); then due east to that southwestern corner and continuing eastwards along the southern side of the unnamed building to the western side of the said Class III road; then northeastwards along the western side of that road to a point (Grid Reference NS95589122); then southeastwards across that road and along the south side of a disused railway line to the point at which it rejoins the said boundary (Grid Reference NS95629119); then westwards along that boundary to the point of commencement.
The Central/Fife regional boundary shall, between Grid Reference points NS96739358 and NS98339420, be the centre line of the River Black Devon.
(This note is not part of the Order)
This Order transfers on 17th May 1993 seven areas amounting in total to approximately 14.7 hectares between Clackmannan District in Central Region and Dunfermline District in Fife Region. It also provides that, between two quoted Grid Reference points, the boundary between the said Regions shall be the centre line of the River Black Devon, and therefore transfers several small areas by or in the said river from one Region to the other. It also makes consequential changes to electoral arrangements.
The maps annexed to and forming part of this note give a general guide to the areas affected by this Order.
Copies of the detailed boundary maps defined in article 2 of this Order may be inspected at the offices of any of the local authorities referred to in this Order, and may be inspected at or purchased from the Scottish Office Environment Department's Map Library, New St Andrew's House, Edinburgh, EH1 3TG.
S.I. 1977/8.
The electoral divisions of Fife Region were constituted by S.I. 1977/1983 and amended by S.I. 1981/1866 and 1984/382.
The wards of Dunfermline District were constituted by S.I. 1979/1345.
The electoral divisions of Central Region were constituted by S.I. 1977/1984 and amended by S.I. 1983/535. Seealso S.I. 1993/340.
The wards of Clackmannan District were constituted by S.I. 1979/821.