Statutory Instruments
19th October 1992
Laid before Parliament
26th October 1992
Coming into force
16th November 1992
The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, the Secretary of State for Health and the Secretary of State for Wales, acting jointly, in relation to England and Wales, and the Secretary of State for Scotland in relation to Scotland, in exercise of the powers conferred on them by sections 4(1), 16(1), (2) and (3), 17(1), 26(1) and (3) and 48(1) of, and paragraphs 1 and 5 of Schedule 1 to, the Food Safety Act 1990(1) and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, after consultation in accordance with section 48(4) of that Act with such organisations as appear to them to be representative of interests likely to be substantially affected by the Regulations, hereby make the following Regulations:-
1.-(1) These Regulations may be cited as the Food Safety (Amendment) (Metrication) Regulations 1992 and shall come into force on 16th November 1992.
(2) The amendments specified in regulations 3 to 8 inclusive of these Regulations shall have effect from and including 1st January 1995.
2. The Skimmed Milk with Non-Milk Fat Regulations 1960(2) and the Skimmed Milk with Non-Milk Fat (Scotland) Regulations 1960(3) shall be amended-
(a)by substituting in Part II of the Second Schedule to each of those Regulations for the words "grammes", "milligrammes" and "microgrammes", wherever they occur therein, the words "grams", "milligrams" and "micrograms" respectively; and
(b)by adding after paragraph 8 in Part II of the Second Schedule to each of those Regulations the following paragraph-
"9.-(1) Provided that the supplementary indications comprised partly of imperial units of measurement referred to in this Part of this Schedule shall not be used for the purposes of determining the constituent contents of the specified foods to which they relate after 31st December 1994.
(2) In paragraph (1) above "supplementary indications" has the same meaning as in Council Directive 80/181/EEC, as amended by Council Directive 89/617/EEC, laying down common standards for units of measurement.".
3. The Soft Drinks Regulations 1964(4) shall be amended as specified in Schedule 1 to these Regulations.
4. The Soft Drinks (Scotland) Regulations 1964(5) shall be amended as specified in Schedule 2 to these Regulations.
5.-(1) The Food Hygiene (Markets, Stalls and Delivery Vehicles) Regulations 1966(6) shall be amended by substituting the words "45.5 centimetres" for the words "eighteen inches" in regulation 7(c) of those Regulations.
(2) The Food Hygiene (General) Regulations 1970(7) shall be amended by substituting the words "45.5 centimetres" for the words "eighteen inches" in regulation 9(c) of those Regulations.
6. The Mineral Hydrocarbons in Food Regulations 1966(8) and the Mineral Hydrocarbons in Food (Scotland) Regulations 1966(9) shall be amended by substituting in paragraph 3(1)(k) of Part II of the Schedule to each of those Regulations the words "0.34 bars" for the words "5 pounds per square inch gauge".
7. The Solvents in Food Regulations 1967(10) and the Solvents in Food (Scotland) Regulations 1968(11) shall be amended by substituting in paragraph 2 of Schedule 2 to each of those Regulations the words "3 millimetres" for the words "one-eighth of an inch".
8. The Margarine Regulations 1967(12) and the Margarine (Scotland) Regulations 1970(13) shall be amended by substituting-
(a)for the definition of "vitamin A" in regulation 2(1) of each of those Regulations the following definition-
""vitamin A" means vitamin A present as such or as its esters and includes beta-carotene on the basis that 6 micrograms of beta-carotene or 12 micrograms of other biologically active carotenoids equal 1 microgram of retinol equivalent.";
(b)for regulation 6(1) in each of those Regulations the following provision-
"(1) Any margarine sold by retail shall contain in every 100 grams of such margarine-
(a)not less than 800 micrograms and not more than 1000 micrograms of vitamin A (retinol equivalent), and
(b)not less than 7.05 micrograms and not more than 8.82 micrograms of vitamin D,
and a proportionate amount in any part of 100 grams.".
9. The Food Labelling Regulations 1984(14) and the Food Labelling (Scotland) Regulations 1984(15) shall be amended by inserting in Schedule 1 to each of those Regulations, after paragraph 1(2), the following sub-paragraph-
"(3) In the following Table in the provisions of column 2 corresponding to the entries in column 1 with the names "Prawn or shrimp" and "Shrimp", the supplementary indications "(180 per lb)" and "(600 per lb)" shall not be used after 31st December 1993.".
In witness whereof the Official Seal of the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food is hereunto affixed on
John Selwyn Gummer
Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
19th October 1992.
Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Health
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State,
Department of Health
19th October 1992
David Hunt
Secretary of State for Wales
14th October 1992
Hector Monro
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Scottish Office
16th October 1992
Regulation 3
1. In regulation 4(2), for the words "one gallon" there shall be substituted the words "five litres".
2. In regulation 5(2)(a), for the words "22 1/2 pounds of sugar per 10 gallons" there shall be substituted the words "225 grams of sugar per litre".
3. In regulation 5(5)-
(a)in sub-paragraph (a), for the words "7.5 calories per fluid ounce" there shall be substituted the words "264 kilocalories per litre and 1105 kilojoules per litre";
(b)in sub-paragraph (b), for the words "1.5 calories per fluid ounce" there shall be substituted the words "53 kilocalories per litre and 221 kilojoules per litre".
4. In regulation 10, the second paragraph shall be deleted.
5. For each of the imperial units of measurement referred to in Schedules 2 and 3 to the Regulations and specified in column 1 of the following Table, in each place where they respectively occur in those Schedules, there shall be substituted the corresponding metric unit of measurement in column 2 of the Table
Column 1 | Column 2 |
Imperial Unit of Measurement | Metric Unit of Measurement |
Pint | Litre |
10 gallons | litre |
½ grain | 57 mg |
5 grains | 570 mg |
28 grains | 40 mg |
56 grains | 80 mg |
80 grains | 114 mg |
140 grains | 200 mg |
280 grains | 400 mg |
1½ lb | 15 g |
2 lb | 20 g |
2¼ lb | 22.5 g |
3 lb | 30 g |
4½ lb | 45 g |
7 lb | 70 g |
10 lb | 100 g |
11¼ lb | 112.5 g |
15 lb | 150 g |
22½ lb | 225 g |
Regulation 4
1. In regulation 5(2), for the words "one gallon" there shall be substituted the words "five litres".
2. In regulation 6(2)(a), for the words "22½ pounds of sugar per 10 gallons" there shall be substituted the words "225 grams of sugar per litre".
3. In regulation 6(5)-
(a)in sub-paragraph (a), for the words "7.5 calories per fluid ounce" there shall be substituted the words "264 kilocalories per litre and 1105 kilojoules per litre";
(b)in sub-paragraph (b), for the words "1.5 calories per fluid ounce" there shall be substituted the words "53 kilocalories per litre and 221 kilojoules per litre".
4. In regulation 11, the second paragraph shall be deleted.
5. For each of the imperial units of measurement referred to in Schedules 2 and 3 to the Regulations and specified in column 1 of the following Table, in each place where they respectively occur in those Schedules, there shall be substituted the corresponding metric unit of measurement in column 2 of the Table-
Column 1 | Column 2 |
Imperial Unit of Measurement | Metric Unit of Measurement |
Pint | Litre |
10 gallons | litre |
½ grain | 57 mg |
5 grains | 570 mg |
28 grains | 40 mg |
56 grains | 80 mg |
80 grains | 114 mg |
140 grains | 200 mg |
280 grains | 400 mg |
1½ lb | 15 g |
2 lb | 20 g |
2¼ lb | 22.5 g |
3 lb | 30 g |
4½ lb | 45 g |
7 lb | 70 g |
10 lb | 100 g |
11¼ lb | 112.5 g |
15 lb | 150 g |
22½ lb | 225 g |
(This note is not part of the Regulations)
These Regulations amend references to imperial units of measurement in Regulations having effect in England, Wales and Scotland under the Food Safety Act 1990, to give effect to Council Directive (EEC) No. 80/181 (OJ No. L39, 15.02.80, p.40), as amended by Council Directives (EEC) No. 85/1 (OJ No. L2, 03.01.85, p.11) and No. 89/617 (OJ No. L357, 07.12.89, p.28), insofar as that Directive affects those Regulations.
References in the Regulations amended to units of measurement listed in Chapters III and IV of the Annex to that Directive as amended, are amended to the corresponding units of measurement listed in Chapter 1 of that Annex with effect from the dates permitted by the Directive. The amended Regulations will not contain imperial units of measurement after 31st December 1994, except where permitted under the Directive, those units being converted to the metric measurements specified in the amendments.
The continued use of the supplementary indications in Skimmed Milk with Non-Milk Fat and Food Labelling Regulations is authorised, in accordance with Article 3 of the Directive, until 31st December 1994 and 31st December 1993 respectively.
S.I. 1966/791, to which there are amendments not relevant to these Regulations.
S.I. 1970/1172, to which there are amendments not relevant to these Regulations.
S.I. 1966/1073, to which there are amendments not relevant to these Regulations.
S.I. 1966/1263, to which there are amendments not relevant to these Regulations.
S.I. 1967/1582, to which there are amendments not relevant to these Regulations.
S.I. 1968/263, to which there are amendments not relevant to these Regulations.
S.I. 1967/1867, to which there are amendments not relevant to these Regulations.
S.I. 1970/1286, to which there are amendments not relevant to these Regulations.
S.I. 1984/1305, to which there are amendments not relevant to these regulations.
S.I. 1984/1519, to which there are amendments not relevant to these regulations.