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Statutory Instruments
15th July 1992
Laid before Parliament
23rd July 1992
Coming into force
14th August 1992
At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 15th day of July 1992
The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council
Her Majesty, in pursuance of section 1(2) of the Education (Schools) Act 1992(1) is pleased, by and with the advice of the Privy Council, to order and it is hereby ordered, as follows:
1. This Order may be cited as the Education (Inspectors of Schools in England) Order 1992, and shall come into force on the 14th August 1992.
2. The persons named in the Schedule to this Order are hereby appointed Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools in England with effect from 1st September 1992.
Christine Ann Agambar
Wilfred Agnew
Jennifer Christine Andreae
Paul Lawrence Armitage
William George Bakehouse
Carole Ann Baker
Eileen Mary Baker
Marion Olive Baldock
Maureen Teresa Banbury
Christopher Banks
Dorothy May Lucy Barlow
Jacqueline Mary Barnes
Iona Mary Burns Beckett
James Bennetts
Norman Blackett
Stefanie Barbara Blatton
Anthony John Boddington
Christine Mary Bond
Edna Joan Boucher
Marie Therese Boyd-Clarke
Martin Harry Bradley
Patricia Anne Brain
Richard John Brake
Timothy Edward Brand
Hilary Spencer Bridge
Jean Margaret Brookes
Margaret Elizabeth Brooks
Margaret Anne Buckingham
Michael John Buckley
Phillip Nigel Bufton
Kathleen Bull
Gillian Mary Burke
David Richard Butler
Margaret Elizabeth Caistor
Peter Candlish
Jannette Anne Cheong
Diane Helen Chorley
Mairi Stalker Christie
Christopher Robin Clark
Gordon Clay
Richard Simon Wotton Clements
Derek Anthony Coe
Julius Edward Michael Cohn
Brian Colbeck
Margaret Elizabeth Coleman
Michael Jospeh Collier
Michael John Convey
Marilyn Ann Cooke
Jane Cooper
Peter Cradock
Geraldine Kay Crawford
Martyn Cribb
Kathleen Cross
Olwyn Cupid
Brenda Joyce Cusdin
Clive Martin Davies
Philip Albert Davies
Robert Vincent Davis
Alan Dobson
Carol Ruth Donoughue
James Anthony Stuart Dossett
Peter William Dougill
Marion Ann Dowling
Robert Graham Dyke
Kenneth Herbert Dyson
Maureen Elsie Eade
Peter Daniel Edwards
Constance Elliott
Donald Laurence Elliott
Leonard John Ellis
Valerie Eileen Emmett
Jean Elizabeth Ensing
Gilda Everson
Beryl Elizabeth Fawcett
Frances Dianne Findlay
Brian Patrick Fitzgerald
Joseph Fitzpatrick
Peter Sydney Friend
Brian Frost
Clive Cecil Frost
David John Frost
Roger Frost
Peter Gannon
David Gardiner
Pamela Gibbon
Jane Elizabeth Anne Gifford
Keith Gilbert
Joan Maureen Giles
George Allison Gill
Gabriel Goldstein
Clive Goodhead
Clifford Douglas Gould
Colin Goulding
David Ian Grant
John David Green
Nicholas Maurice John Green
Victor Green
Neville Grenyer
Peter Griffiths
Stephen Grounds
Florence Hadley
David James Halligan
Neville John Hallmark
John Alan Hamer
Paul Graham Hancock
Susan Caroline Hands
John Stephen Hardwick
Scott Michael Harrison
Roger Hartley
Linda Mary Hencher
Jane Herbert
John Alfred Hertrich
John MacDonald Hibbs
Eileen Mary Hill
Ian Anthony Ernest Hill
David Hinchliffe
Derek Graham Holford
Terry Holland
Margaret Helen Hollingsworth
James Roger Holmes
Mary Jean Horn
John Edmund Hosegood
Bruce Anthony Fortescue Hubbard
Vincent Christopher Hughes
Dorothy Margaret Hunt
Merillie Allison Huxley
Peter Francis Jospeh Irvine
Arthur Robert Ivatts
Michael John Ive
Roger Kenneth James
Robert Leslie Johns
Paul William Reed Johnson
Harold Beverley Joicey
Barry Jones
Mary Elizabeth Jones
Meurig Graham Jones
Peter Richard Jones
Gulzar Nizarali Kanji
Ramesh Kapadia
Anne Christine Keelan-Towner
Michael Kerrigan
Timothy John Key
Mohammad Akram Khan
Barry Lawrence King
David Paul King
Keith King
David Knighton
James Barras Knox
Anthony Jack Lacey
Guido Nello Eric Lageard
Enid Jill May Layson
Barbara Joan Lewis
Derek Fahey Lewis OBE
Andrew Wynne Littlewood
Wilfred Keith George Lloyd
Roy Long
Polly Ann Lowe
Trevor Leslie Lusty
Susan Lyons
Hilary Margaret MacDonald
Pamela Ruby MacLay
Michael Edward Madden
Jennifer Patricia Maddick
Christopher Paul Marshall
Margaret Mary Martin
William Peter Massam
Elizabeth Marjorie Matthews
John Elliott Mattick
Eileen Mary McAndrew
Brian McCafferty
Colin McCall
David Cameron McIntosh
Janet Dorothea McKenley
Mark McLaughlin
Teresa McLaughlin
Joan McLean
George William McLeman
Ivan Alyn McNally
Helena Patricia McVeigh
Graham Merlane
Bryan Edward Merton
Anthea Christine Millett
Janet Ione Mills
Hazel Anne Moffat
Janet Lilian Mokades
David Moon
David Leonard Moore
Kenneth John Morgan
Stephen Henry Morris
Angela Mary Mukhopadhyay
Anne Amy Helen Murrell
Peter Muschamp
Cuthbert Needham
Gillian Irene Oldham
Patrick Ian Orr
Penelope Susan O'Sullivan
Richard Leslie Page-Jones
Edith Irene Pagliacci
Anthony Colin Parfitt
Desmond James Parks
John Michael Parsons
Elizabeth Louise Passmore
Judith Mary Phillips
Peter Piddock
Edward Arthur Pollard
Robert Dennis Ponchaud
Michael Richard Potter
Colin Potts
Christopher Patrick Power
Mary Patricia Pryce
Christopher John Redman
Joan Frances Cynthia Reeves
Andrew William Reid
John Duncan Reid
Colin Michael Richards
John Charles Richardson
Bryan Roberts
Alexander Stewart Robertson
Ian Alfred Rodger
Sinclair James Albert Rogers
Arthur James Rose
Miriam Catherine Rosen
Clive Rowe
William Herbert Salaman
Joan Sartain
Brian Sayer
Mollie Sayer
John Christopher William Schenk
David John Scott
Sandra Margaret Scott
George Wotherspoon Searle
Paula Judith Sellwood
Richard Victor Laurence Shannon
David Ian Shelton
Roger Shippam
Kenneth Alan Shooter
Diane Elizabeth Simmonds
Pashawar Singh
David Singleton
Geoffrey Sleightholme
Peter Roberts Smith
David Errol Soulsby
John David Stannard
Oona Mary Stannard
John Bradley Stevenson
Michael Malcolm Stone
Roy Storrs
Maureen Elizabeth Stride
David Peter Swain
Alan Sykes
Andrea Marilyn Tapsfield
David William Taylor
Frederick Taylor
John Arthur Taylor
Richard Stuart Taylor
Michael David Thirkell
Margaret Eileen Thomas
Douglas Lennox Thorburn
Joseph Tierney
David Sidney Tobin
Peter Nigel Toft
Eileen Tombs
Barry David Tomkins
Michael John Tomlinson
John Victor Townshend
David Roland Trainor
Joseph Edge Trickey
Lesley Jeryl Tumman
Gordon Charles Turner
Terrance Turner
David Errol Walker
Michael Wardlow
Ann Patricia Warren
Nigel Garth Warwick
Julian Matthew Watson
Michael Robert Webb
Jill Marcia Webberley
Ronald Reginald Weir
David Leonard West
Keith James Wheeldon
Richard Whitburn
Jeffery White
Frank Whiteman
Anne Jane Whitlam
Silvaine Margaret Wiles
John Roger Williams
Keith Gillin Williams
Margaret Hilary Williamson
Graham Robert Wilson
John Douglas Woodhouse
Roger Dennis Woods
James Ian Wragg
Thomas Wylie
David Wynne
Anne Patricia Yeomans
G I de Deney
Clerk of the Privy Council
(This note is not part of the Order)
This Order appoints the persons named in the Schedule as Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools in England.Reprinted 1992